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FC2.0 F15 Campaign Mission #2 Having issues (Spoilers)

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Ok, I've done this a couple of times now, meet up with the C17, escort it home, it lands, says "We can handle the taxi on our own.", then what the heck am I supposed to do?


If I fly back to the base I took off from, I get "mission failed" because I strayed to far from the escort. If I land at the base the C17 lands at, I don't get any mission complete signal either.


I'm probably doing something stupid, but I don't feel like failing it a third time trying to figure out what the problem is...




p.s. Is there any way to skip it altogether? I'd rather not do it a third time.

Edited by davyt
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There is a fail flag that gets triggered if you stray away from the C-17 after the rendezvous. Make sure you stay within a few of miles until he lands.


All of the missions can be opened individually in the mission editor if you want fly it that way.

- EB


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The Parable of Jane's A-10

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I got this done in first try. Not sure what you're doing differently but this is what I did. Got to the waypoints on time and at correct altitude as stated on briefing. Meet up with the C17 and I flew very close to it. Between 0.5~1.5 mile range. Also make sure to stay with him this close through the clouds. Not sure if you have to stay this close but I was doing it for fun. After he said he can handle it, I stayed around a little longer. By mistake, I thought I had to land on the same airbase. Just before landing, I realized the mistake so I redirected to home base. And got the mission complete.

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Thanks Ven, I pulled it up in the editor to have a look, and it seems like the "mission fail for being too far away" flag shouldn't be able to be triggered after you get the "i can handle it" flag, so I'm not sure what happened there, maybe I got close to being out of range, the timer started then he said "I can handle it"...


Regardless, third time was a charm.

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I'm having issues with this mission too.


I escort closely all the way to the final approach, and then I circle the airport. I wait, and wait, and get no message that he's ready to taxi, and I'm clear to leave, nor do I get a message saying I'm too far away.


Then I fail it, while still circling the airport. Twice in a row now, which wouldn't be that big of a deal, if it wasn't such a boring mission.


Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong?


Am I supposed to radio in something, or could my circling be too far out (I'm pretty much going up and down the runway overhead, at under 2k feet).


/edit: Just to clarify, I do have a hard time maintaining low speeds while he's on the approach, and I can't seem to get a visual of him landing, but the C17 is clearly about to touchdown before I start to circle. Should I touch down on the runway as well, and not call in the request to land, and then wait?

Edited by bladebarrier
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To be successfull, you first have to arrive at the rendezvous point on time. If you fail to do this, you should recieve a fail notice before even meeting the C-17. Perhaps this is what happened in your case and you missed the notice, because you had sped up the game? After you meet the transport, you have to stay within about 5 miles of him unil touch down, at which point he will release you to RTB.

- EB


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The Parable of Jane's A-10

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To be successfull, you first have to arrive at the rendezvous point on time. If you fail to do this, you should recieve a fail notice before even meeting the C-17. Perhaps this is what happened in your case and you missed the notice, because you had sped up the game? After you meet the transport, you have to stay within about 5 miles of him unil touch down, at which point he will release you to RTB.


Thanks for the reply.


I've met up with the C17 just fine, and never used the option to increase game time. I've kept him in visual range the whole way, and can stay pretty much right on his butt, all the way until he goes to land. I can keep within 100meters or even sit right on him, for pretty much the whole trip. Sometimes I lose him in the clouds for a second or two, but then I get right back to him.


I don't get the fail message until after he's on final approach, and I'm circling the airport closely. He sends all the other messages just fine, including "final approach", but then nothing after, and it's only after a couple minutes that I get the fail for not being in range (without a warning prior).

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  • 2 years later...

I am having the same problem, I arrive ON TIME at the rendezvous. I stay off his wing .4nm or less until he touches down and i get the "we can handle it from here..." At that point i tightly circle the airfield until the transport parks and shuts down its lights. I even sped up time on the sim to see and drained my tank to bingo and nothing... I had on a previous install breezed through the mission thou i couldn't manage to stay that close to the c17 i passed the mission.


-Mabe its a mod??

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