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x52 + Saitek kbd/mouse

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I know Saitek isn't well loved among some people due to their buggy drivers.. but I have to say that I'm pleased with them. I've had the same keyboard and mouse for years. I recently purchased the Saitek Cyborg and also their GM3200 mouse. I got the keyboard for around $50 on newegg. I purchased the ModernWarfare2 sniper mouse, which is just the GM3200 in camouflage, but at half the price. I don't mind a little camouflage to save 50%... Both the kbd and mouse are programmable just like the x52. The kbd has 6 switches along each side, and awesome macro ability. The mouse has adjustable DPI from 800 to 3200dpi (thus the sniper name) with the flick of a switch on the top. They're both very well made (metal covers on common keys, weights in mouse to adjust feel) and they have adjustable lights and profiles (similar to x52). I really can't believe I paid less than $100 for both. At night it looks like I'm in the CIC of an aircraft carrier.


Not bad Saitek.. not bad..




It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

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  • 2 weeks later...

Think that JGr124_Romer50 speaking regarding this X-52 MOD, with DIY gimbal, ball bearings, HALL sensor in rudder axis:




DIY gimbal, with ball bearings:




HALL sensor in Rudder Axis:




JoyTester result - is from same stick?




What is this? Two HALL sensor together?




BTW - Not related with StrongHarm Saitek keyboard, mouse... :smilewink:



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Saitek products are ok. I've got a Cyborg keyboard and X52 Pro also. I play in low light conditions so the backlit keys are a must. I bought my X52 Pro as a factory refurb and it's been a great stick for the price. The pots and sliders are a bit spiky at times but overall happy with it.



System Specs


Intel I7-3930K, Asrock EXTREME9, EVGA TITAN, Mushkin Chronos SSD, 16GB G.SKILL Ripjaws Z series 2133, TM Warthog and MFD's, Saitek Proflight Combat pedals, TrackIR 5 + TrackClip PRO, Windows 7 x64, 3-Asus VS2248H-P monitors, Thermaltake Level 10 GT, Obutto cockpit


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I've just never had a keyboard with metallic (pri game) keys so they won't wear out.. 12 macro buttons.. adjustable backlighting.. all for less than $100. I've also never had a mouse with adjustable DPI up to the 3200 range.. and both with programmable software. Could they have done better on both accounts? Oh sure, these aren't Razor products.. there's better, but I'm very happy with them compared to Microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse I had before. And they go very well with my X52. I haven't had any hardware trouble from my X52 sticks and pedals and I'm very happy with them as well. All of these devices are very useful in my ED games. I will be purchasing the new TM A10 HOTAS though.. you can count on that :). For now these Saitek products fit my needs better than anything on the market as far as I can tell. I'm pleased and wanted to share that with anyone currently in the market.

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

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