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radar systems and lauchers


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I am wondering about a few things when making a mission.


How do i know which radar systems needs to be combined together with which launchers? Let take the Hawk M192LN. am guessing this is a launcher only and needs other equipment to be able to launch? Also a radar only unit can't possess any real treat exept when transmitting to a unit which understands it. I mean i cant find any good explainations on these matters in the docs. Its just a mixed up list of all kinds of units in there. Anyone which have total control of which units fits which units and which can operate alone?

System spec:

Intel Core i7 920@4.2Ghz (stable, 65degC fully loaded), EVGA GTX-780, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 v.5.04 BIOS, Saitek X52, 1TB/500GB WD HD for system/storage. Kingston SSD 120 GB for DCS, 250GB Samsung 840 SSD for the rest. 16GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3 Memory, 9 GB Pagefile, EK HFX-240 Watercooling, Corsair HX-1000 PSU. HAF-932 Tower, TrackIR-5, Win64Ult


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Ok thats a start so i need both radars for that launcher to work. Anyway the encyclopedia's info is another matter...seems like most tech info like ranges etc. on the systems are available on the internet, but i definately think ED should have put more info like which units needs to be present to make a complete system in the manuals. Thats of basic importance for the mission making. Obviously i can use hours and hours to try different setups to see what works, but its alot of wasted time.


Thanks anyway for the info!

System spec:

Intel Core i7 920@4.2Ghz (stable, 65degC fully loaded), EVGA GTX-780, Asus P6T Deluxe V2 v.5.04 BIOS, Saitek X52, 1TB/500GB WD HD for system/storage. Kingston SSD 120 GB for DCS, 250GB Samsung 840 SSD for the rest. 16GB Kingston KHX1600C9D3 Memory, 9 GB Pagefile, EK HFX-240 Watercooling, Corsair HX-1000 PSU. HAF-932 Tower, TrackIR-5, Win64Ult


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