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Landing that easy?


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OK -the A10 is really rugged and built for provisoric runways. However it seems a bit overeasy to me, how groundconact is simulated. Particularly I mean landing away from any runway or streets. It should be taken in account, that, lets say 99% of even flat terrain would not allow a plane to land on it without damage because of small bumps, humidity, etc...


If I can land the A10 on every place which looks flat on the screen it does not feel realistic to me, and there is some "missing challenge" , to find in case of emergency a runway or at least a street to land on it,like it was neccessary in flaming cliffs. This feeled realism of groundcontact-simulation in FC was always a big advantage of FC in comparison to Flight Simulator or X-Plane.


Of course its only my oppinion, but I would wish that future version will make landings a bit more challenging, where you have to make intensive search for a suited place if you want to bring your bird down aside of a runway.

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Nose wheel seems weak, but may just be that its still beta.


Landing on the autobahn does not exemplify improvised to me. Probably just as much concrete in the road surface as most air strips.




As long as it does not turn into BS where landing just about anywhere besides FARP or Runway would result in bucking bronco syndrome.



i7 2600k@4.4ghz, GTX1060-6gb, 16gb DDR3, T16000m, Track IR5



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I wouldn't be at all surprised if a someone that know this sim in and out could really fly the real A-10C. At least, start up, take off, go for a spin and then land.

i7-2600k@4GHz, 8GB, R9 280X 3GB, SSD, HOTAS WH, Pro Flight Combat Pedals, TIR5

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if a someone that know this sim in and out could really fly the real A-10C. At least, start up, take off, go for a spin and then land.


I'd say the average DCS pilot knows enough to kill themselves, in a rather spectacular fashion, shortly after takeoff :)



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I'd say the average DCS pilot knows enough to kill themselves, in a rather spectacular fashion, shortly after takeoff :)





Not if they know about eject!


Landings seem right on to me. I'm still working on them though. One thing I'm not sure about is the speed breaks. Are they normally used on final at all? I've been using maybe 15-25% and then full once I touch down (and of course full flaps). Is that about right?


What seems odd to me is takeoff. I know to turn off nosewheel steering before 80knots, and I usually start pulling up at around 110. It seems no matter how smoothly I try to do this, the plane feels like it is stuck to the runway until a certain point and then almost jumps off of it. If you have a heavy weapons load, you then have to be careful not to stall.

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You're assuming they'd get off the ground.


I'd say the average DCS pilot knows enough to kill themselves, in a rather spectacular fashion, shortly after takeoff :)




Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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I get the good fortune to see the 354th Fighter Wing flying in and out of DM Air Force Base in my hometown of Arizona. The A-10 is very similar to the Cessna, the wings were built to keep her flying despite high load/ G forces and still maintain aerodynamic stability and handling. I know flying my Cessna that you ve got to want to set her down and Im sure the A-10 is the same way. Especially out here: the ground effect could keep you floating for hours. Now the Cessna is chump change compared to the A-10, but same principle.

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In my dives at 450+ speed units, she is very difficult to pull out of a 60+ degree dive. I tried to push down to 90 degree and it starts rolling or the gauge in the HUD does. Not sure if thats a bug or realistic.



i7 2600k@4.4ghz, GTX1060-6gb, 16gb DDR3, T16000m, Track IR5



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Aileron roll. What is a Vne? max speed? What is the ceiling on the A10? I get up to 33000 and am not able to pull up at all anymore. Get the stall warning. Maybe too heavy. Just took off with clean wings and did not decrease fuel. Dont know how yet. I looked around the cockpit and could not find a fuel dump either. So I lit off the 1150 rounds and dove for the deck.



i7 2600k@4.4ghz, GTX1060-6gb, 16gb DDR3, T16000m, Track IR5



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...What is a Vne?....


Never Exceed Speed.



....What is the ceiling on the A10?...


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