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Saw an A10 Shooting.


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I used to be in the British Army in a regiment called the Royal Green Jackets (now The Rifles) when i was going through my advanced infantry training in 1989 we were presented with a fire-power demonstration in a place aptly named Warminster. After seeing some amazing artillery and tank demo's live firing the tannoy announcer said an American A-10 Tank Buster is going to fly over and show us what it can do with its gun.


We all heard the plane coming then it let rip with that distinctive roar but back then we had never heard of this aircraft let alone see it live fire. After hearing it fire we all sort of giggled at the farting sound but the smiles on our faces were soon gone when we saw the devastation of the ground and bunkers it had hit. Something i will never forget for the rest of my life.


I have the beta and it is just fantastic.



Edited by Mule
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Long time ago..I was still a studentchild....we´ve been on a school trip somewhere in the near of the US based Airfields around Heidelberg I guess.

I saw an A-10...not shooting but flying it´s rounds above our Heads. That was an amaziing feeling, and I always feel remembered to this when I listen to the awesome Sound of this amazing Aircraft A-10 Thunderbolt "Warthog", which is "not an Aircraft, but a Cannon which is able to fly"

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In the mid 90's I was driving an 18 wheeler on a lone stretch of highway in northern Nevada. The ceiling cloud fog cover was about 2-3 thousand feet and out of no where 2 HOGS dropped through, lined up on my truck and did what appeared to be a simulated gun run on me. I just about crapped my pants!


I use to be an ordnance mech on the F-18 and I have personally seen what the 20mm gun can do and I don't want any part of that 30.


On another occasion, while still in the service, our squadron was deployed to Oceana Virginia NAS. I was out on the flight line watching a USN pilot testing out an F-14 tomcat in the air when I noticed a USAF A-10 taxiing just on the other side of our A/C. I managed to walk over to his parking spot as he pulled in, and set his brake. While standing there just off the left side nose, a big metal door came flying open (ladder to cockpit) and hand painted on the inside of the door was a big pink MISS PIGGY from the muppets staring at me. It kind of spooked me and I think the pilot knew it would as I jumped back about 10 feet.



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....i am from germany and living near Spangdahlem (70 km) - so i am often seeing A-10 over our village (Tornado, F-16 - and long time ago F-15 from Bitburg too) - and i am allways notice the A-10 by sound before i can see it - and then the "ugly" pig flys low and slow over our heads (mostly a 2 Pack):thumbup:

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We all heard the plane coming then it let rip with that distinctive roar but back then we had never heard of this aircraft let alone see it live fire. After hearing it fire we all sort of giggled at the farting sound but the smiles on our faces were soon gone when we saw the devastation of the ground and bunkers it had hit. Something i will never forget for the rest of my life.


I have the beta and it is just fantastic.



Boys will be boys.... even when they're armed.


Kinda reminds me of this vid of an A10 strafing run. Initial thought was wtf? is that the extent of it's power?



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