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Whoa, that was satisfying.


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Hello fellows simmers! Just wanted to share the feelings and a bit of adrenaline I got from the first succesful night-time zero-visibility ILS landing. I'm still a total newbie with the Hog, can barely manage the easy instant missions, and been practicing with a bit of this and that.


I have some history with FSX so I thought ILS landings would be the one thing I COULD do, but Dear Lord I'm not able to do that again if I wanted to.

I put a simple ils practice mission at night with such a bad visibility I literally couldn't see the position of air brakes :megalol:


Anyways, interecepted the Batumi localizer at about 10nm and 2500ft, and after that, he** broke loose. With a ridicilous amount of luck and chasing the needles (which you should not do), I ended up in perfectly centered position some 20ft above the runway, which scared the cp** out of me, but somehow managed to flare and made a decent landing, but due to fog I barely could steer straight and brake to a full halt on the runway. Dang a smoke felt good after that.


Man I'm in looove with this sim. If you want to watch the track I can post it, there's some random fiddling with the buttons cause there's still so much I don't have a clue, and it looked quite fun afterwards =D.


Thanks Ed guys.

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Yea, I've done that too but, I've been told (by someone who knows ;) ), that Hog's ILS needles are a bit wild at the moment... So, I went back at day time with some amount of visibility to avoid still being chasing them a few seconds before flare time.


But, I'd enjoy watching your tracks as it's always very satisfying to see how others can have some problems too ;)

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Well done. I have made a series of these bad weather ILS missions for both MP and SP and I love flying them. There are limitations with the ILS in the SIM at the present time though I have not tried with yet. But there is a real sense of achievement when you land succesfully.

Link to my missions thread if you want to try them:)


i5 8600k@5.2Ghz, Asus Prime A Z370, 32Gb DDR4 3000, GTX1080 SC, Oculus Rift CV1, Modded TM Warthog Modded X52 Collective, Jetseat, W10 Pro 64


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Yea, I've done that too but, I've been told (by someone who knows ;) ), that Hog's ILS needles are a bit wild at the moment...


Yes I noticed that too, at treshold they are pretty much dancing by themselves..


Anyways, here's the track, have fun, at least I did when I watched and noticed the never-ending fiddling with the switches.. :joystick:


edit: can't spell..

zero vis ils.trk

Edited by BluesmanSF
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Well done. I have made a series of these bad weather ILS missions for both MP and SP and I love flying them. There are limitations with the ILS in the SIM at the present time though I have not tried with yet. But there is a real sense of achievement when you land succesfully.

Link to my missions thread if you want to try them:)




thanks sir for share them, i feel i will enjoy them a lot.

- I7 2600K @5.2ghz ( EK full Nickel waterblock )

- Gigabyte P67A-UD7 B3

- 8GB Predator 2133mhz

- 2x HD7970 - EK Nickel EN H2o block

- 2x Crucial realSSD C300 Raid0

- Black Widow Ultimate - X52 -TrackIR 5

- XIfi Titanium HD

- Win 7 x64Pro


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all of that AND you get to blow stuff up too!!!!


Wait, what?! There's guns too?? :P

Seriously, you guys are right. Almost got the hang of airfueling (any part of KC-135 tankers floating around the sea was by almost utterly, completely, and thoroughly, NOT done by me, or the Wolkswagen-sized gun, no way), then practiced some formation flying with a fellow F-117, followed by some traffic circuits trying to keep it +-10 from assigned alt/speed/heading, just to relax.


So much to do, so little time...

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Yes I noticed that too, at treshold they are pretty much dancing by themselves..


Anyways, here's the track, have fun, at least I did when I watched and noticed the never-ending fiddling with the switches.. :joystick:


edit: can't spell..


From my back seat - as watching your track felt somewhat like it ;) - I realized the number of things to do I didn't know about a few weeks ago... There I was just watching without the stress from having not to forget a single click here or a reverse-scroll there...


But it was satisfying, you're so smart when you're only watching someone else do things or hesitate. Like the TACAN right button scroll BEFORE the right click and f*g X/Y flip instead of the 6 of 16X channel... kind of a bad-ass feeling ;) ... but you were the one who talked about publishing your track, I was just the one who said ...well, ok.


In fact, that was not funny enough! I would say I could have done better it that situation, something with more light at the end and some big noise :music_whistling:


But this kind of track can also serve the purpose of improving as you can jump into the front seat with Escape + take control to try a better handling at some point. And Fast forward can even get you close sooner to retry.


Time-reverse would be nice too, like what you have in Dirt-2-3 although I know it is not possible in a sim as it would require to undo things like if we could un-brake a broken glass :lol:

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BluesmanSF , sometimes when I come back from work and my girlfriend is also bitching at me - I wait until it is dark and fire up a similar scenario - when I succeed: I had a good day !

If not: I will try again!

Dang a smoke felt good after that.
yes - you're right!

+1 !

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