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2 quick CDU / TGP queries..


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Apologies for what are probably dumb questions but here goes (just trying to get to grips with JTAC and CDU input)...!


1. I can enter the first UTM coords or Lats and Longs I get from JTAC, give it a name etc. then bring it up in the HUD as a mission point / steerpoint (apologies for semantics!) but when I try to put in a second one I can't get the CDU to store the new set of coords - pressing OSB 16 / 17 doesn't work as per the first set of coords. I've tried it with the AAP set to Flight Plan and to Mission but no joy. What am I doing wrong!?!


2. Once I have stored and selected a new waypoint I can't seem to figure out how to get the TGP to pan to this point in the same way China Hat Aft long does with flight plan waypoints (C long on the keyboard). Do I need to do something different or is it not possible?


Any help much appreciated, 8mth old baby means DCS time is limited and research even more so!!



64 bit Windows 7, Q6600 OC @ 3GHz, Asus P5Q Deluxe, 4Gb Geil PC6400, OC'd ATI 6850

Some HDDs, Clunky old Cyborg 3D Gold :huh:

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1. I can enter the first UTM coords or Lats and Longs I get from JTAC, give it a name etc. then bring it up in the HUD as a mission point / steerpoint (apologies for semantics!) but when I try to put in a second one I can't get the CDU to store the new set of coords - pressing OSB 16 / 17 doesn't work as per the first set of coords.

What do you mean by "doesn't work" - do you get an error or something? I think you'll need to post either a (short) track showing your procedure or write up a step-by-step of what you're doing.


2. Once I have stored and selected a new waypoint I can't seem to figure out how to get the TGP to pan to this point in the same way China Hat Aft long does with flight plan waypoints (C long on the keyboard). Do I need to do something different or is it not possible?
You need to make it your active steerpoint. Just selecting it on the CDU doesn't make it your steerpoint, it just displays the information about it. The easiest way is to switch from flightplan to mission, then cycle through your waypoints using DMS UP/DN with the HUD as SOI, or using the steerpoint rocker on the UFC. Once you've made your new waypoint your steerpoint, 'china hat aft long' (C long) will slave the TGP to it, just like any other steerpoint.
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Sorry NdP, should have been clearer! I followed Warrior's jtac guide and it worked great with the first coords. Then I get the second coords and try the very same thing I get to the stage of typing in the coords which seems ok but when I press OSB17(?) to store these nothing happens. There is no error message but the CDU screen just stays the same with the new coords still sitting in the text entry box and the previous WPs coords in the row above instead of the new ones. Will try and save a track later if that doesn't make sense, sure to be something stupid!


Re q2 I must have been doing something stupid as that's what I thought - will try again later.


Thanks for your help!

64 bit Windows 7, Q6600 OC @ 3GHz, Asus P5Q Deluxe, 4Gb Geil PC6400, OC'd ATI 6850

Some HDDs, Clunky old Cyborg 3D Gold :huh:

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I have a question - I was doing the Smerch hunt and, as I normally do, brought up the WP page, typed in 'SMERCH 1' and hit the LSK to make a new waypoint, then typed in the appropriate information. Good to go.


I went on and hit 'SMERCH 2', hit the button for a new WP, typed in the information, but it ended up making a WP called 'SMERCH 3'.


The next time I did this I ended up with like SMERCH 6. By the time the mission was over I had something like SMERCH 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. The 'missing' numbers didn't exist anywhere.


What the hell?


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I have a question - I was doing the Smerch hunt and, as I normally do, brought up the WP page, typed in 'SMERCH 1' and hit the LSK to make a new waypoint, then typed in the appropriate information. Good to go.


I went on and hit 'SMERCH 2', hit the button for a new WP, typed in the information, but it ended up making a WP called 'SMERCH 3'.


The next time I did this I ended up with like SMERCH 6. By the time the mission was over I had something like SMERCH 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12. The 'missing' numbers didn't exist anywhere.


What the hell?


It's a bug, already reported it here.

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