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Patch up


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Hi im another new newbie to this game and i want to be on the newst patch for this game and im wondering if i`ve have to install all the the patches or can i jump straight to the ???? love some of the skins you guys made for the hog and what is the easy way to get them in???


Another thing is i want a new joystick due to my etreme 3d lacks enough china, hats and nobs to fly efficently, is the saitek x65f better or worse than the warthog one from thrustmaster???


Tnx in advance for your time and replies

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Jump directly to the full install.


can't really comment about the x65 - but keep in mind it has force-sensing and don't moves ...

So it's a whole different "flight" experience...(and I'm really biased by FFB...:P)

There are more than enough threads about this - the search function is your friend.



BTW: Welcome aboard and congrats that you found your way to this forum !

Edited by PeterP

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spent some time googling and there is a new thrustmaster warthog in the mail to me.


Found modman, but i cant get it to be installed propperly, do i need the first modman and then patch up to the newest one???

get the message that its coruppted or not complete, download again and same message apears.

used the link in modforums 7.7 or somthing like that


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I was truly impressed by the joystick until i wanted to adjust my sight for guns with rudder and nothing happend, so yes im def getting some saitek pro combats in asap. but hey another problem im strugling with is the on the TM HOTAS stick i cant get button nr 4 to respond is this some child proofing going on or is it broke, tryed to adress it to difrent actions and switches but it would not show neither as an modifier. its the one with the ekstender thing on rigth hand pinky( just checket the stick out of game and it responds there so should work ingame to... any reason why not????)


Been looking at trackIR but i dont like the idea of this triangulation marker hanging on my head


but there should be some "THE FORCE FEEDBACK " controller like in foxbat out soon:prop:

Edited by nr1jc


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If some buttons does not work, contact Thrustmaster. They will assert that your buttons are in fact, defect, before you send it in and get a new one.


Don't like the idea of a triangulation marker on your head you say? Think it is geeky? Face it, bro, with the Thrustmaster and the pedals, you're already there, might as well go "all in". ;)

Nice plane on that gun...

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You can try the Facetrack noir thingy if you are opposed to normal headtracking.




You'll need a webcam, and I have no idea how well it works.



[edit]Seems like ED released the API to them after our petition, good show and thank you ED. So my recommendation is to skip TrackIR, and try this instead at least initially.

Edited by Irregular programming
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Just give me the stupid is, stupid does, way to get it working step by step pls


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here i got the request for a password on the ftp server for the last bin.3 file.


is there another base download?? but anyways i got it downloading now without password


and again thank u all for the replies, know u dedicated VP must be answering alot of these Q from us newbiiies over and over again


see u in the multiplayer soon

Edited by nr1jc


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