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confused on dual monitor hookup


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Hello all, Iam a retired us army electronic tech. with no knowledge on how to program a computer. since I started playing around with DCS, I see it is quite inpossible to "EXPAND" my fun without being a computer GEEK. The problem is that the game, DCS BKLCK SHARK is not seeing that I have 2 monitors connected. Iam trying to have my main game on my primary monitior and my ABRIS and SHKVAL on my #2 monitor (left). I'm sure that this question has been asked many times before. I have tryed to edit and copy LUA's as stated in other threads, but it is not working for me. I love the game and would love it even more if I could do this. My system is IBM desk top with a Nvida Ge Force 8400 GS, Windows XP OS. It works quite well for what I am doing now. Please HELP.

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You may run into a small problem with the secondary screen to the left of your primary display; I faced this particular problem about a week ago.


PeterP created all the config files for me in post #5 over here: Shkval+Abris on second monitor. Maybe that'll help you.


If you haven't solved your problem already, it is always helpful to post your current config files. And you're right, becoming a geek is almost mandatory for flight sims like Black Shark unless you find someone to set everything up for you - but hey, where would be the fun in that. :-)

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Thank you for the info, The thread refered to SoftTH 2.08b and that it only works with Windows-7, Iam using Windows XP however I did try to use it,when starting up got error mesage [d3dx10_42.dll was not installed]? Keep in mind that Iam trying to get the abris and skvahl on a seperate monitor #2 to my left. (not one contuis screen). Iam trying to figure how I can get screen shots to post, I don't have (print screen).

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Thank you for the info, The thread refered to SoftTH 2.08b and that it only works with Windows-7, Iam using Windows XP however I did try to use it,when starting up got error mesage [d3dx10_42.dll was not installed]?


You're right, the newer SoftTH won't work with WinXP. You should try the older 1.08 BETA, but personally I don't have any experience on how to configure it to work with Black Shark. If none of the experts chime in here, you should probably head over to the SoftTH forum and see if you can get some help there.


Keep in mind that Iam trying to get the abris and skvahl on a seperate monitor #2 to my left. (not one contuis screen).


If I understand correctly, that's exactly the way I use it right now.


Iam trying to figure how I can get screen shots to post, I don't have (print screen).


If your keyboard doesn't feature a button labeled "Print" or "Print screen" (usually located top right), you can assign any other key or key combination within Black Shark to take a screenshot. Just head to Options -> Controls -> General and assign a new key for taking a screenshot.


(On a side note, make sure to select the correct type of aircraft; Ka-50 Sim for full simulation mode or Ka-50 Game if you currently fly in game mode.)


In game screenshots are automatically saved as JPEG files, but I think the file system path where they are saved depends on the version of Black Shark. Are you using Black Shark 1 or Black Shark 2?


To add such a screenshot to a forum post, locate the button labeled "Manage Attachments" below the text window and take it from there. If you use the simple editor, you may have to "Go advanced" in order to show the "Manage Attachments" button.


I hope I'm not explaining anything you already know, but intercontinental computer aid tends to induce a bit of network latency. :-)


Edit: I added two screenshots; one to show the controls assignment and one from a mission I flew some days ago. That screenshot pretty much reflects my current monitor setup.



Edited by Yurgon
Added screenshots
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peter p,

when I download the phantom monitor fix, all it showes me is that the files are going but the"green bar" does not move. I let run for quite some time. any ideas? Thanks Yurgon for the info on screen shots, I will check it out.

No- not really - the phantom fix is 279.9 KB, and around 2000 people have successfully downloaded it - so why shouldn't you be ale to do so?.


I hope the download and the placement of the files I made for you in this post is no problem.




But lets give it another try-

Left click and "save target as..." :

>>>Phantom monitor fix<<<

Edited by PeterP

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my system problems


Peter P:


I think that I was able to get the phantom fix downloaded, but it still won't work and I think that my problem may very well be my GPU. On monitor #2

(to my left) I get a picture on the right half of my screen. On my primary monitor I get a warped picture of the cockpit view on the right half and on the left half it keeps flashing the windows wallpaper screen. I took a screen shot of this and I hope to be able to post it for you. my file folder is full so I cannot send info that way. Anyway, Thanks for your help. I will fly on ONE screen.

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That defiantly sounds like you are still having 1024x768 windowed mode -

And not 2048x768.

Seems you have changed it some how.



I think that I was able to get the phantom fix downloaded, but it still won't work and I think that my problem may very well be my GPU. On monitor #2


How does it come that you only "think" you whre able to download it ?!

Does it appears as pink notification in your task-bar or not?

You card is absolute compatible to use the PM-Fix and to run Blackshark - I'm only unsure how good a 8400 will perform.


Please re-check all your settings - I'm very sure that you messed something up.

Edited by PeterP

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Peter P

I checked all my settings and everything seems to be ok, All programs are where they should be(the ones you gave me) and yes, phantom fix is working. Both monitors seem to be working when I first fire up the game but once it goes to the second phase, I only get a picture on the primary screen (right half cockpit view, left half flickering).

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Peter P

I checked all my settings and everything seems to be ok, All programs are where they should be(the ones you gave me) and yes, phantom fix is working. Both monitors seem to be working when I first fire up the game but once it goes to the second phase, I only get a picture on the primary screen (right half cockpit view, left half flickering).


Ok - here is my last try to troubleshoot - and please don't use adjectives like "seems" in following answers.

This is only confusing me - just report the exact steps you have done - so I'm able to reproduce it.

(I have a dual-boot system with XP SP3 and BS 1.02 installed. And I tested all following steps .)


Please follow this check-list carefully:



Make sure both monitors are running in 1024x768 arranged side by side.



Put my files exactly where they belong and overwrite/backup your old.





belongs in Ka-50\BlackShark\data\scripts

options = 
   ["views"] = 
       ["cockpit"] = 
           ["mirrors"] = false,
           ["reflections"] = false,
           ["avionics"] = 1,
           ["russianHud"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["cockpit"]
   }, -- end of ["views"]
   ["difficulty"] = 
       ["padlock"] = false,
       ["easyRadar"] = false,
       ["enemies"] = true,
       ["setGlobal"] = true,
       ["immortal"] = false,
       ["geffect"] = "realistic",
       ["easyFlight"] = true,
       ["permitCrash"] = false,
       ["radio"] = false,
       ["tips"] = true,
       ["fuel"] = false,
       ["aftSwitching"] = false,
       ["cockpitLanguage"] = "english",
       ["units"] = "imperial",
       ["externalViews"] = true,
       ["hud"] = false,
       ["myPlane"] = true,
       ["iconsTheme"] = "nato",
       ["map"] = true,
       ["weapons"] = false,
       ["allies"] = true,
       ["labels"] = false,
   }, -- end of ["difficulty"]
   ["audio"] = 
       ["wind"] = 100,
       ["radio"] = 100,
       ["musicEn"] = false,
       ["engines"] = 100,
       ["soundEn"] = true,
       ["effects"] = 100,
       ["music"] = 0,
       ["radioSpeech"] = true,
       ["warnings"] = 100,
       ["volume"] = 100,
       ["inCockpit"] = 100,
       ["mech"] = 100,
       ["subtitles"] = true,
       ["gui"] = 53,
   }, -- end of ["audio"]
   ["graphics"] = 
       ["multiMonitorSetup"] = "shkval+abris+camera 2048x768",
       ["color"] = "32",
       ["heatBlr"] = 0,
       ["scenes"] = "high",
       ["water"] = 2,
       ["fullScreen"] = false,
       ["visibRange"] = "High",
       ["aspect"] = 2.6666666666667,
       ["textures"] = 1,
       ["shadows"] = 2,
       ["display_mode"] = 
           ["avi"] = 
               ["bpp"] = 32,
               ["resolution"] = "640x480",
               ["full_screen"] = false,
               ["aspect"] = 1.3333333333333,
               ["height"] = 480,
               ["width"] = 640,
           }, -- end of ["avi"]
       }, -- end of ["display_mode"]
       ["effects"] = 3,
       ["lights"] = 2,
       ["haze"] = 1,
       ["terrPrld"] = "20",
       ["height"] = 768,
       ["resolution"] = "don't change- or you have to edit the option.lua!",
       ["civTraffic"] = 1,
       ["width"] = 2048,
   }, -- end of ["graphics"]
} -- end of options


Shkval+ABRIS+Camera 2048x768.lua

belongs in



Description = 'Shkval/ABRIS on the left monitor, camera on the right'
Viewports =
    Center =
         x = screen.width / 2;
         y = 0;
         width = screen.width / 2;
         height = screen.height;
         viewDx = 0;
         viewDy = 0;
         aspect = 1.777777777777778;

    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    width = 592;
    height = screen.height;

Shkval =
    x = 592;
    y = 238;
    width = 432;
    height = 291;




Start BlackShark



Now turn all settings in the options> Graphics tab down to the lowest setting.

(do this to take away some load from your GPU for test)


But Don't touch "Resolution" and "Aspect"!

And of course leave "Fullscreen" unchecked!


Aspect should be "2.6666666666667"

And resolution schould read: "don't change- or you have to edit the option.lua!"



Make sure Phantom-Monitor fix IS NOT running at this point!



Now start a mission.



Now you should have the simulation screen centred at your primary (right) monitor .

And it should look like this:




If not: please double-check you settings and Report



When step number 6. worked with the right result - do this again with the Phantom-Monitor fix running now.


Than it should look like this:





If not: please double-check you settings and Report



Whatever will happen...

Pleas answer me this question:

Why you don't want to set you desktop to "Continuous" while running BlackShark?!

This would make it possible to run BlackShark in true fullscreen mode on both Monitors - and it would take away a lot of stress from your weak GPU.

Edited by PeterP

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#1,2, and 3 checked ok. #4, Aspect does not read "2.6666666666667" and it is not in the drop down list. I checked the options lua and under Multimonitor Setup the aspect lines are reversed from the lua (1.3333333333333) you just sent me. Should I change them? #5, ok #6, see picture

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Should I change them?

Yes - or just reload my files.

(...but it is not really necessary for BS 1.02 - it is only important that the aspect matches your screen resolution in DCS and up - so this is not the culprit why it doesn't work on your system)

Edited by PeterP

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Mr. Peter P, Iam a happy camper! (thats good) I reloaded all files, figured out that I needed to start the game (stupid me) and it all worked "WELL" just like you said would. You are super man when it comes to DCS. Now i will answer you the question why I don't want to run continous screen, well rembure that Iam "OLD SCHOOL" and I thought that I would have to change me screen set up so everytime I loged onto my computer I would be in continuous screen. if I could only have continuous screen while running BlackShark, that would be good. I do plan on updating my system so that I may have up to four screens. There is no way I could write a lua for that, however Iam learning more and more each day. Anyway Thank You very much for all that you have done for me and I hope to be talking to you soon on the forum.

Tanks again, deskoilot

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Glad it's running now !:)

(...yes... starting /un-pausing does sometimes help to see what really happens...;))



If I remember correctly (I had a 8800Gt while using WinXP) You can create "Profiles" for different monitor arrangements. somewhere buried in the Nvidia settings.

So it is possible to change it automatically when you start BlackShark.

Edited by PeterP

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Recommended system requirements: Operating system 64-bit: Windows Vista and 7; Processor: CPU: Core 2 Duo E8400, AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better; Memory: 4GB; Hard disk space: 7 GB; Video: Shader 3.0 or better; 896MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX260 DirectX 9.0c or better; Sound: DirectX 9.0c - compatible; DirectX?: 9.0C; requires internet activation.


Minimum system requirements: Operating system: Windows XP, Vista or 7; Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz; Memory: 3 GB; Free hard disk space: 7 GB; Video: 512 MB RAM card, DirectX 9 - compatible; Sound: DirectX 9.0c - compatible; requires internet activation.

Your system


2.21 GHz AMD Athlon (a Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz is about 1/3 faster than your CPU...)

2 GB of ram

Nvidia 8400GS


You should know that your system will have a hard time running BS2 when you stay on XP32.

All components are not matching the minimum requirements.

So only adding a second GPU wouldn't do the job to run BS2 smoothly

If you plan to run BS1 on more monitors you would need at last a 8800gt and a System that runs win764 - so you would be able to utilize Softth 2.0 .


On a 32bit OS you won't be able to switch on the new Graphic-effects

Like HDR/and High-resolution textures because this is a 64bit only feature.


Which video-card you want to add?


Why are you planning this upgrade - Is it only because the new look ?



If you are still familiarizing yourself with this kind of simulation and you aren't planning to go on-line the next time - you are good to go with BS1 - and instead of adding just only a second GPU - you should plan a mayor upgrade of your system if BS1 doesn't "satisfy" you any more.


And I would recommend at last a HD6870 - as AMD-cards allow you to add three monitors - out of the box . and Nvidea only 2 - and 3 only with two (identical?) graphic cards.


So you see its more necessary than just a GPU to enjoy BS2 for you.

Edited by PeterP

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