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Connected to the world

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I can't speak english very good.


Sorry for using the google translator.


I am creating a library "export.dll" for connecting the arduino directly to sim.



This is a beta, to test put the library in the bin folder of the sim. Export.rar is on attached file.


In the export.lua:


require("export") --load the library


opencom()-- open the serial port and configure it has 115200 bps.

example: opencom("COM7")

opencom() requires the Arduino will send the word "conected" at startup to continue. Serial.print("conected ");

See my arduino sketch.


writecom() -- send data to the serial port example: writecom("HelloWorld")


readcom() -- read the serial port example: print(readcom())


closecom() -- close the serial port


My export.lua example:


require("export") --load the library


function LuaExportStart()

opencom("COM7") --abrimos el puerto y esperamos a que el arduino envie el comando "conected"



function LuaExportBeforeNextFrame()

command = readcom() -- leemos datos del puerto serie y si corresponde con down o up le mandamos al sim que suba o baje el tren de aterrizaje.

if command == "down" then


elseif command == "up" then





function LuaExportAfterNextFrame()

local altBar = LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel() --leemos la altura del sim

writecom(string.format("AltBar %2.fM.",altBar)) -- y la mandamos por el puerto serie



function LuaExportStop()

closecom() --cerramos el puerto serie



My arduino sketch:


#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);

char caracter;

byte i=0;

char cadena[100];

int val = 0;


void setup()


Serial.begin(115200); //Configuramos puerto serie

lcd.begin(16, 2);


lcd.print("Arduino OK");

Serial.print("conected "); //Enviamos conected por el puerto serie



void loop()


if(Serial.available()) // si hay algo en el puerto serie lo imprimimos por pantalla



if (caracter == 10)







lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("Conected to DCS");





lcd.setCursor(0, 0);










val = analogRead(0); //leemos los botones del arduinop y mandamos el comando por el puerto serie


if (val > 75 && val < 200)





if (val > 200 && val < 350)










Edited by blackleg
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Nice! good job!

But format Text left side please :) its really hard to read!


It looks like you call a lot of functions that I don't see defined in this code nor referencing another file.

Just curious... are they all pre-defined in the syntax?

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Nice! good job!

But format Text left side please :) its really hard to read!


It looks like you call a lot of functions that I don't see defined in this code nor referencing another file.

Just curious... are they all pre-defined in the syntax?


That functions?

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  • ED Team

great stuff


I am currently working on a ufc and caution panel using Arduino, I will keep an eye on this thread, very interesting stuff.


thanks for sharing


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