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Non regular CTD flying the A-10


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I posted this in the A-10 part of the forum, but no response was received, so I try here instead. Sorry for the double post...


Frome time to time I get CTD using DCS World A-10C. Sometimes it might happen after 10 minutes. Sometimes after 1 hour 30 minutes...


It does not appear to happen when I do something special... Today it happened while I was banking to the left after a CBU-87 drop.


I've installed DCS World on a SDD drive, running Windows 7 x64, Intel Core i7-3820 Processor, 16 GM RAM, HIS Radeon HD 7950 3GB with 12.3 Driver.


Any ideas?


This is the me.log file:


00000.000 INFO VFS: Using 'Saved Games': "D:\xxxxx\Biblioteker\Saved Games"

00000.001 INFO LAUNCHER: Launch command: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin\dcs.exe --noreplay --trackfile "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\LastMission Track.trk" "C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\tempMission .miz"

05561.114 UNKNOWN main: locale: en EN

05561.115 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\inputEvents.mo

05561.167 UNKNOWN main: me_db_api creation started

05561.340 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F/A-18A

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-14A

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit B-52H

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-111F

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit A-10A

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Su-33

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Su-34

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit MiG-31

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Tu-95MS

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Su-24M

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Tu-160

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-117A

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit B-1B

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit S-3B Tanker

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Mirage 2000-5

05561.341 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-15C

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-15E

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit MiG-29K

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Tu-142

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit C-17A

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit A-50

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit E-3A

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-16C bl.50

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-16C bl.52d

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit Su-24MR

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-16A

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit F-16A MLU

05561.342 UNKNOWN main: unregistered attribute Refuelable in unit A-10C

05561.355 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/tech/CombinedArms/entry.lua

05561.355 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/A-10C/entry.lua

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Ka-50/entry.lua

05561.356 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/P-51D/entry.lua

05561.356 ERROR EDCORE: can't open MO-file C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\mods\aircrafts\P-51D\l10n\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.mo

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: MOD loading: ./mods/aircrafts/Su-25T/entry.lua

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: PLUGINS START-------------------------------------------------

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics applied

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: plugin: A-10C Warthog by Eagle Dynamics applied

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Ka-50 Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics applied

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: plugin: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics applied

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: plugin: Su-25T by Eagle Dynamics applied

05561.356 UNKNOWN main: PLUGINS DONE--------------------------------------------------

05561.366 UNKNOWN main: ./MissionEditor/data/scripts/unitsclasses.lua loaded

05561.369 UNKNOWN main: ./MissionEditor/data/NewMap/classifier.lua loaded

05561.399 UNKNOWN main: me_db_api creation complete

05561.422 UNKNOWN main: options data successfully loaded

05561.422 UNKNOWN main: CA: options data successfully loaded

05561.443 INFO EDCORE: createSerialQueue IOQueue

05562.101 ERROR DXGUI_EDGE_RENDER: Cannot load texture ''

05562.277 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\a-10\apu_a10.sdef"

05562.277 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\a-10\canopyclose.sdef"

05562.277 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\a-10\canopyclosecpt.sdef"

05562.278 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\a-10\cockpit\inverter.sdef"

05562.278 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\canopyjettison.sdef"

05562.281 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\cockpits\seatadjustment.sd ef"

05562.281 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\cockpits\sidewinderhigh.sd ef"

05562.283 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\helicopterengine.s def"

05562.283 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\planebackengine.sd ef"

05562.283 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\planefrontengine.s def"

05562.284 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\enginejet.sdef"

05562.285 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\cock pit\exin.sdef"

05562.285 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\cock pit\exprop.sdef"

05562.286 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\cock pit\exrin.sdef"

05562.286 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exb. sdef"

05562.286 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exf. sdef"

05562.287 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exr. sdef"

05562.287 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exs. sdef"

05562.287 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exsm .sdef"

05562.288 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\exsm deaf.sdef"

05562.288 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\packardmerlinprop\prop .sdef"

05562.289 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\engines\helicopterfan.sdef "

05562.292 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\aircrafts\ka-50\ka50_dooropen.sdef"

05562.299 ERROR SOUND: can't load proto file ".\sounds\rain.sdef"

05562.463 INFO SOUND: loaded 421 sdefs from ".\sounds"

05562.469 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: Using device ID:'{}.{979812af-0b52-4e45-800b-6dc87fe833b9}' Name:'Høyttalere (Bose USB Audio)', channels: 6

05562.469 INFO SOUND: XAudio2: channel layout: FrontLeft FrontRight FrontCenter LowFrequency SideLeft SideRight

05562.496 INFO SOUND: Using SSE FTZ mode.

05562.814 WARNING DXGUI: Invalid align type!

05563.871 WARNING LOG: 5 duplicate message(s) skipped.

05563.871 UNKNOWN main: Error: Unknown parameter modal

05569.766 WARNING LOG: 14 duplicate message(s) skipped.

05569.766 UNKNOWN main: widgetPictureB:setTheme(theme) C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\Mission/2-1-1{1D76182C-3053-42b1-97B9-889C6C623951}.jpg

05569.853 UNKNOWN main: Mission C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\tempMission. miz loaded

05571.843 UNKNOWN main: !!!!!flightHours, day, night, startTime= 2145.94 2145.94 0 70200

05571.843 UNKNOWN main: flight hours, sec 2145 [night, sec: 0 day, sec: 2145]

05571.843 UNKNOWN main: hours: 11.993064444444

05571.845 UNKNOWN main: mission score 68

05571.845 UNKNOWN main: gameResults

05571.849 UNKNOWN main: checking introduction C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\tempMission. miz

05571.850 UNKNOWN main: introduction NOT found

05571.854 UNKNOWN main: Error: Unknown parameter modal

05572.110 WARNING LOG: 1 duplicate message(s) skipped.

05572.110 UNKNOWN main: Moving up to 4

05622.862 UNKNOWN main: widgetPictureB:setTheme(theme) C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\Mission/3-1-1{66E64333-AADF-4a81-8CF9-BD7F94E915DD}.jpg

05622.961 UNKNOWN main: Mission ./mods/aircrafts/A-10C/Missions/en/Campaigns/CA-Push - 3-1.miz loaded

05623.096 UNKNOWN main: Error: Unknown parameter modal

05623.170 WARNING LOG: 1 duplicate message(s) skipped.

05623.170 UNKNOWN main: function generateAutoBriefing(mission)

05623.171 UNKNOWN main: function composeWeaponsString()

05663.722 UNKNOWN main: turning log false

05663.768 INFO SOUND: detaching sdef path ".\sounds\"






.crash file:


# -------------- 20120829-192535 --------------

# C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at EFFDC0FB 00:00000000

00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

EFFDC0FB 002BEEF0 0000:00000000 DebugSetMute()+8FB

EFFD14EE 002BEF50 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9Ex()+F08E

F0001D4F 002BEFA0 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9()+869F

F0001CA8 002BF060 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9()+85F8

E5D38E88 002BF230 0000:00000000

E5D38F77 002BF280 0000:00000000

E54EC372 002BF2B0 0000:00000000 ??0RadioButtonTheme@gui@@QEAA@PEAVRadioButton@1@@Z()+1B2

E54F9B92 002BF2E0 0000:00000000 ?drawBkg_@Theme@skin@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+12

E54F9B49 002BF310 0000:00000000 ?draw@Theme@skin@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+19

E550644D 002BF340 0000:00000000 ?draw_@Widget@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+1D

E5506352 002BF370 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C7CAC 002BF3A0 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

E5506352 002BF3D0 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C7CAC 002BF400 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

E5506352 002BF430 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C7CAC 002BF460 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

E5506352 002BF490 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C7CAC 002BF4C0 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

E5506352 002BF4F0 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C7CAC 002BF520 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

E5506352 002BF550 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

E54C5E5D 002BF580 0000:00000000 ?captureMouse@WindowsManager@gui@@QEAAXPEAVWidget@2@@Z()+75D

E54BE177 002BF5C0 0000:00000000 ?draw@GUI@gui@@QEAAXXZ()+87

EF793034 002BF7D0 0000:00000000 ?Render@SceneManager_Implement@@UEAAXXZ()+664

3F71425B 002BF860 0000:00000000

3F71624D 002BF8C0 0000:00000000

3F72C964 002BF8F0 0000:00000000

3F72C848 002BF920 0000:00000000

3F7B08E8 002BF990 0000:00000000

3F7B1853 002BFE60 0000:00000000

3F7B4107 002BFF10 0000:00000000

76AC652D 002BFF40 0001:0001552D C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk()+D

771BC521 002BFF90 0001:0002B521 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart()+21

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Delete this folder and DCS will recreat it at start up of the software.



'Saved Games': "D:\User\Your name\saved games\DCS

Edited by AtaliaA1

This was a Boutique Builder iBuypower rig. Until I got the tinker bug again i7 920 @3.6Mhz 12Gig Corsair XMS3 ram 1600 Nvidia 760 SLi w/4Gig DDR5 Ram Intel 310 SSD HDD 160 Gb + Western Digital 4Terabyte HDD Creative SB X-Fi HD Audio Logitech X-530 5.1 Surround Speaker System Dual Acer 32"Monitors. PSU 1200 w Thermaltake Win10 64Bit.

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Great! I'll try this. What makes you think there might be an problem with that folder?


There isn't a problem with the folder. Lot's of people are having this same crash. See the other thread. I just tried this, and had the same crash again. Devs need to fix this.



# -------------- 20120829-232252 --------------

# C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at ECDCC0FB 00:00000000

00000000 00000000 0000:00000000

ECDCC0FB 0030EDE0 0000:00000000 DebugSetMute()+8FB

ECDC14EE 0030EE40 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9Ex()+F08E

ECDF1D4F 0030EE90 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9()+869F

ECDF1CA8 0030EF50 0000:00000000 Direct3DCreate9()+85F8

EA018E88 0030F120 0000:00000000

EA018F77 0030F170 0000:00000000

EBD2C372 0030F1A0 0000:00000000 ??0RadioButtonTheme@gui@@QEAA@PEAVRadioButton@1@@Z()+1B2

EBD39B92 0030F1D0 0000:00000000 ?drawBkg_@Theme@skin@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+12

EBD39B49 0030F200 0000:00000000 ?draw@Theme@skin@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+19

EBD4644D 0030F230 0000:00000000 ?draw_@Widget@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+1D

EBD46352 0030F260 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD07CAC 0030F290 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

EBD46352 0030F2C0 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD07CAC 0030F2F0 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

EBD46352 0030F320 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD07CAC 0030F350 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

EBD46352 0030F380 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD07CAC 0030F3B0 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

EBD46352 0030F3E0 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD07CAC 0030F410 0000:00000000 ?drawChildren_@Container@gui@@MEBAXXZ()+2C

EBD46352 0030F440 0000:00000000 ?draw@Widget@gui@@UEBAXXZ()+32

EBD05E5D 0030F470 0000:00000000 ?captureMouse@WindowsManager@gui@@QEAAXPEAVWidget@2@@Z()+75D

EBCFE177 0030F4B0 0000:00000000 ?draw@GUI@gui@@QEAAXXZ()+87

ECA33034 0030F6C0 0000:00000000 ?Render@SceneManager_Implement@@UEAAXXZ()+664

401F425B 0030F750 0000:00000000

401F624D 0030F7B0 0000:00000000

4020C964 0030F7E0 0000:00000000

4020C848 0030F810 0000:00000000

402908E8 0030F880 0000:00000000

40291853 0030FD50 0000:00000000

40294107 0030FE00 0000:00000000

7745652D 0030FE30 0001:0001552D C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk()+D

779FC521 0030FE80 0001:0002B521 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart()+21

Edited by Arrowhead

Windows 10 64bit

Intel i7 9700K

Corsair H80i v2 Hydro Cooler

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra


ASUS Z390 Maximus XI

Samsung 970 EVO 1tb NVMe Solid State Drive

EVGA Gold 1000w

HTC Vive Pro VR

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I've not encountered this myself - however I want to investigate it.


Please follow the guidelines here when reporting a bug/crash, especially important are DXdiag reports.




Anything, any commonalities you can think of that may cause this will help.



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I've not encountered this myself - however I want to investigate it.


Please follow the guidelines here when reporting a bug/crash, especially important are DXdiag reports.




Anything, any commonalities you can think of that may cause this will help.




Roger that. Included my dxdiag in here as well.


I can't think of anything special I was doing. The first one happened while I was flying the A-10C maverick training mission. I wasn't following the instructions and was engaging the targets with guns. The second and third occurred randomly while flying the SU-25T single mission where you have to destroy the command post. One after a long while as I was almost back at homeplate, the other after only 10 minutes into the mission during egress.


Edited by Arrowhead

Windows 10 64bit

Intel i7 9700K

Corsair H80i v2 Hydro Cooler

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra


ASUS Z390 Maximus XI

Samsung 970 EVO 1tb NVMe Solid State Drive

EVGA Gold 1000w

HTC Vive Pro VR

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I've not encountered this myself - however I want to investigate it.



Please follow the guidelines here when reporting a bug/crash, especially important are DXdiag reports.





Anything, any commonalities you can think of that may cause this will help.





Unfortunately I've not seen any commonalities at all in the CTDs happening when I'm flying. Sometimes it happens after ten minutes, sometimes after well over an hour... The last CTD I had yesterday was (according to the Tackview file viewed later) about 14 sec. after dropping a CBU-87 and 3 sec. after the CBU started spreading. At the time all I was doing was banking to the left.


I've included all .crash files I found in the /Logs folder.


Also included is the latest DXDiag.txt file

Crashlogs 1.zip


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I've not encountered this myself - however I want to investigate it.


Thanks for looking at it. I cant play any random mission generator flight without a d3d9.dll crash.

In post 2 of this thread http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=93013

I have included some info and my crash logs, and my dxdiag txt file.

I had another thread also which died fast where I saved the track from a random mission at the start and can usually cause a quick crash shortly after takeoff.


I will test the track again tonight and see if I can easily cause it to crash again. Seems to happen when looking down upon the town / city below from a few hundred feet above in a right bank after takeoff. Also it doesn't usually crash just by not taking off. But it can and has done in my testing, just not often. Weird.


Some notes: I did try reinstalling DirectX9 June 2010 but it made no difference, and the machine is fully up to date. Happens on 2 machines I own, both ATI cards, different driver versions, though I've seen

in other threads that some have this crash on nvidia as well.


EDIT: Got track to crash again first try, about 1 min after takeoff looking towards ground over city near runway, after turning to the right a fair way (maybe 180 deg from RW heading).

If there is anything else needed info wise I'll try to give it. I've stopped playing DCS for now until its fixed, as sadly I can't finish a single flight and I normally use the Quick / Random mission generator to fly.



The track I used is here http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=92371, second post called crash test.rar.

To crash it on my end I simply let camera zoom out at start, take control, turn the bank hold AP on, takeoff and immediately bank right with gear / flaps up at maybe 200 ft and look towards ground.

Edited by deltalord
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I can't replicate it - could you also post a DCS.log right after it happens again. Also please re-install the specific DirectX and Visual C from my sig (This is important)




I see you link to DirectX 9. On my computer I have DirectX 11 (as far as I know) - is that a cause for problems since you link to an earlier version?


I also see in my Programs list that I have all of these installed:


Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.17

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable - 10.0.30319


Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable - 10.0.30319


Should I uninstall one or more of these?

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Dx9 and DX11 are separate codepaths. DCS World uses Dx9.


Run the installer, it will not replace your Dx11.


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

Intel i7 2600K @ 4.4GHz, ASUS Sabertooth P67, 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600MHz, ASUS GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 1GB, Samsung 830series 512GB SSD, Corsair AX850w, two BENQ screens and TM HOTAS Warthog

DCS: A-10C Warthog FAQ | DCS: P-51D FAQ | Remember to read the Forum Rules |

| Life of a Game Tester
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Dx9 and DX11 are separate codepaths. DCS World uses Dx9.


Run the installer, it will not replace your Dx11.


How can I confirm that it has been installed correctly?


It does not appear when running DxDiag and I can't find it in the installed programs list.

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I can't replicate it - could you also post a DCS.log right after it happens again. Also please re-install the specific DirectX and Visual C from my sig (This is important)




I had feared you might not be able to replicate it if you haven't had this CTD before, considering I have got it every random mission flight I have tried to fly in 1.2.0 excepting one where it CTD with weapons.dll.


I did as requested and installed the specific DX9 and Visual C libraries.

DX9 installed as expected OK.

The x86 version of the C libraries could not install because it detected a newer version, and I clicked "repair" on the x64 version to "install it to its original state".


I cleaned out the DCS Save folder and let it recreate it, then started the sim.

First 2 flights were with the disable aero nonsense on by default, and it did not crash. Sometimes my test track doesn't crash, but 75% chance it does and fast (within 1 min of takeoff).


Then I disabled the "disable aero" option and selected HDR (closer to normal settings rather than the defaults from the clean out) and flew (not sure how much options are overridden using the saved track file).


It lasted longer than 1 minute which is good, but died after another minute.

I am about to upload the logs directory and a fresh DXDiag dump.


I will test this again when I have alot more time to spend on it with aero disabled and see what happens. Maybe something to it, maybe not. But I would assume most would turn this thing off anyway?

No idea at all on this one, as said previously a simple multiplayer map with simple target areas has so far given me no grief.

I have even gone into mission editor and "created chaos" by adding a huge number of units in an all out battle over a tiny zone hoping it would trigger something. No crash.

But every random mission generator flight CTD as I head to battle.

On my test track sometimes NOT taking off would not trigger a CTD after an hour, but in some tests it did (I'd say ~4 out of 15 tests of not taking off). :huh:


Edit: Logs added. Includes entire DCS Save Directory and DXDiag.txt.


Edited by deltalord
Added Logs
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Problem solved!! The problem does indeed appear to be with a bad installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable. The thing is that the Visual C runtimes repair utility provided in Nate's sig didn't do the trick in solving this crashing problem for me. Instead I downloaded the Jun 10 DirectX SDK (DXSDK_Jun10.exe) from here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=6812

It is a massive 571mb download, but worth it!


I let it install the whole shabang, and when the installation got to the part where it was installing visual C++, it encountered an error code and wouldn't complete the installation. I googled the code and found out that I had to uninstall any versions of Visual C++ more recent than 10.0.3019, which I found and uninstalled a version that was 10.0.4*** on my sysem. I then re-ran DXSDK_Jun10.exe and the installation was successful this time. Rebooted the system and have been playing extensively for 2 days while being unable to reproduce this once fairly common crash. The sim is stable!


Bring on FC3!!!! :joystick:


What tipped me off to installing the SDK package was SOTkungfu's postings in this thread last month where he too fixed the same crashing problem.



Install the Jun10 SDK, not just the runtimes!

Windows 10 64bit

Intel i7 9700K

Corsair H80i v2 Hydro Cooler

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra


ASUS Z390 Maximus XI

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EVGA Gold 1000w

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I will try it and see what happens over the next few days on my test machine. I doubt the SDK is the fix on its own as more people would have this issue surely.


I'm guessing the VC reinstall to the older version is more likely the fix, so i'm going to go that way first as I can't see why an end user would ever need the SDK anyway.


I also would be concerned about this older VC version being updated again through either windows update or another game installation and DCS not working if the newer version doesn't work well with DCS.

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I actually can't say 100% how this package fixed my problem. I should say it was in my opinion that it fixed something with the Visual C++ on my system, but I don't know for sure how all of this really works. All I know is that after I have successfully installed the DirectX SDK package, my sim is still holding stable and crash free.


None of my other games have had crashing problems, but this sim seems to require special attention for some reason. I'm just wondering now what other game I have affected by uninstalling a more recent version of Visual C++ that was already on my computer for some reason...

Windows 10 64bit

Intel i7 9700K

Corsair H80i v2 Hydro Cooler

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra


ASUS Z390 Maximus XI

Samsung 970 EVO 1tb NVMe Solid State Drive

EVGA Gold 1000w

HTC Vive Pro VR

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I ended up doing the full package install, removing the old 2010 VC libraries and letting the full SDK package install.


Did 2 quick test flights a few nights ago and it didn't crash (5 mins each). Though as I've said my test track doesn't necessarily crash each time, just most (75%).


I shut down the machine and it did an update of the 2010 VC, some security update I believe it said at the time.


Tonight I have had some time and given it another test, and first flight ended up CTD within 30 seconds after takeoff. :(

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I ended up doing the full package install, removing the old 2010 VC libraries and letting the full SDK package install.


Did 2 quick test flights a few nights ago and it didn't crash (5 mins each). Though as I've said my test track doesn't necessarily crash each time, just most (75%).


I shut down the machine and it did an update of the 2010 VC, some security update I believe it said at the time.


Tonight I have had some time and given it another test, and first flight ended up CTD within 30 seconds after takeoff. :(

It would be nice to know your computer specs.


Tacview shouldn't cause any issues, but it is generating some kind of error in your log files. Even so, it's very unlikely to be the cause of your CTD troubles. I do Lua modding myself, and it's hard (and getting harder) to deliberately cause a CTD, so causing one by accident with a Lua mod is extremely rare.


Still.. maybe you could always try a new, full, clean install. Maybe you installed the mod incorrectly or something. If you go this path, also make sure you rename, move, or delete the C:\Users\wkdenholm\Saved Games\DCS folder. DCS will automatically recreate one.


With a clean slate, what happens?

Intelligent discourse can only begin with the honest admission of your own fallibility.

Member of the Virtual Tactical Air Group: http://vtacticalairgroup.com/

Lua scripts and mods:

MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist): http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98616

Slmod version 7.0 for DCS: World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=80979

Now includes remote server administration tools for kicking, banning, loading missions, etc.

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PC specs should be in the DXDiag.txt file for my test machine. Its an older machine now but can run DCS at medium settings for testing things out fairly well with a little stutter.


I'll try a full reinstall and see what happens, but I don't have anymore time today. Hopefully by weekend I'll report back with results.


As for tacview, I only installed it to find a possible cause for this CTD, so it is certainly not tacview. When I viewed the exports, I could not see anything that stood out.

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I ended up doing the full package install, removing the old 2010 VC libraries and letting the full SDK package install.


Did 2 quick test flights a few nights ago and it didn't crash (5 mins each). Though as I've said my test track doesn't necessarily crash each time, just most (75%).


I shut down the machine and it did an update of the 2010 VC, some security update I believe it said at the time.


Tonight I have had some time and given it another test, and first flight ended up CTD within 30 seconds after takeoff. :(


Interesting. Which version of VC is control panel showing now? I saw windows update trying to sneak in a VC update as well. But I have it unchecked and I'm not going to allow it to update.

Windows 10 64bit

Intel i7 9700K

Corsair H80i v2 Hydro Cooler

EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC Ultra


ASUS Z390 Maximus XI

Samsung 970 EVO 1tb NVMe Solid State Drive

EVGA Gold 1000w

HTC Vive Pro VR

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Just did full reinstall with just DCSW 1.2.0. and the A10C Module. Nothing else.


Went to settings and turned off the disable aero, and set a few other realism options to how I would have it normally setup.


Copied test track to newly created DCS save folder after renaming old folder.


First flight CTD again within half a minute after takeoff banking right, over the nearby town / city.


Windows control panel says both x86 and x64 versions of the Visual C 2010 libraries are at version 10.0.30319.


The test track was made on my new PC, which crashes with the same crash every time I have tried the random mission generator. I exited one random mission 30 seconds into it, and use that track as my test track, as luckily it crashes fairly easily with this d3d9.dll crash.


I thought maybe the track itself is broken, but since it lasted 30 seconds and this crash occurs after taking control and beyond the end point of the track anyway, I can't see the test track being the issue. Also it wouldn't explain the original crashes before I saved that track to test this issue with.

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