About this Squadron
虚拟笕桥航空队-JQvFG成立于2017年,是由来自中国的一群军事模拟飞行爱好者组成的虚拟组织。“虚拟笕桥”以DCS World为联机活动平台,提供高拟真度、高烈度和高强度的PvE(vP)军事模拟联机活动。战队在军事模拟基础飞行技术、战术、指挥、协同等方面均定期或不定期设有接近真实的课程供飞友学习,致力于为爱好者打造出一个尽量接近真实战场的仿真模拟环境。
Established in 2017, JianQiao(JQ) virtual flight group is a virtual organization composed of a group of military simulation flight enthusiasts mainly from China. We take DCS World as the online activity platform, providing highly realistic and highly challenging PvE (vP) military simulation online activities for group members. Our group also sets up the basic flight, combat tactics, commanding, and coordination training courses to provide DCS players with a realistic and tactical environment to train and fly. We welcome all DCS players to join our group, and happy to build up a good relationship with other squadrons.
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