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About JEFX

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS2020, X-Plane, Falcon 4 BMS
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  • Interests
    Family, Aviation, Music, Nature, Cuisine

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  1. Anybody can point us to that above mentioned mod that could give us more reflexions in the f-16 canopy? Thx!
  2. Thanks Bignewy, it is working fine again here.
  3. I have the same... Could this be related to their 'infrastructure maintenance'?
  4. Oh.. And I want to add that what made me come back is this most incredible free missions/campaingns generator : BRIEFINGROOM. Those who dont know it, I highly encourage you to check it out!!! https://dcs-briefingroom.azurewebsites.net/
  5. Hi all! I have been away from DCS for quite a while (almost 2 years). I was sick of trying to optimize my VR experience (see specs below). I have been playing Star Citizen since with mixed pleasure and frustration... But today I came back to my first love: DCS! Those old enough know me, I guess, since I have been here since the very beginning (2003 LOMAC). What I want to share here is that I stopped flying DCS in VR because of the very poor performance. For me it was almost unplayable... Today I tried again (a bit nervous) with the very same system and settings and to my great surprise, it is way much smoother (with much higher frames: almost double)... I didnt change anything!!! I have a decent system (but not top recent) and I really take this like ED really did optimize a lot!!! It is sooo good to be back!! Cheers all! Specs: REVERB G2, i9 9900k, RTX 3090, 64Go DDR 4 RAM
  6. @Hiob (Sorry, I was away at work) yes, I eventually got it thanks! Using MT version and DLSS, my performance in VR increased tremendously!!!
  7. thanks for your help Hiob. I dont see any ST of MT ?? I see only Version : in the bottom right corner. Is MT the Multithreading version? and if so, I do I use this one instead of my normal instal? thanks
  8. Hi everyone, sorry to ask, but I tried a search and couldnt find an answer : I was very excited by the introduction of DLSR but I was so disappointed that I dont seem to be able to use it? When (in the OPTIONS page of DCS in VR) I click on the Anti-Aliasing menu only OFF and MSAA are selectable (both TAA and DLAA are greyed out) and it is the same with Upscaling, only OFF is selectable, therefore no DLSR... I have a RTX 3090, I dont understand???? what am I doing wrong? thanks
  9. @pete_auau You are so right!!! I was hesitating to go through the hassle of setting up a dedicated server... I had never done this in DCS... and those Mr Chimiste's videos encouraged me to do that exactly... I started by making a dedicated server on the same machine and played Liberation missions from it and already I say quite a difference in performance... But the real test I finally did yesterday: I did setup a dedicated server for DCS (open Beta) on my laptop (i7 8750U - 16 G RAM). I made a crazy mission for benchmarking : a Liberation mission with SYRIA FULL, started both factions with MAX BUDGET, did not tick any of the options that should help performance (I did keep the infantry, the carcasses, the smoke, the artillery, etc.), NO CULLING, and it happened to be an OVERCAST CLOUD COVER... the mission editor counted 1240 UNITS !!!!!! This would indeed be unplayable in VR (I have a decent system but still, before, I couldn't run a normal SYRIA FULL mission without lots of stutters...). Well now it did run and I got 35 to 45 FPS in VR, I couldn't believe the difference!!! Brilliant! Liberation is really a lot of fun! I encourage now all who like to play Liberation to setup a dedicated server (at the very least on the same machine, it already helps some) (my gaming/client machine is a i9 9900K with 32G RAM and an RTX3090, with a REVERB G2 : a pretty good system but not the top)
  10. Hi Wombat I just bought the Loupedeck Live a few weeks ago and for now I use it for MSFS (it is great to be able to operate all the autopilot functions with rotaries instead of the stupid mouse!!!), there is a nice plugin for MSFS. I would be very interested if you give the go to try your profile in DCS... my goal though is not really a controller.. I do have all the nice HOTAS necessary, but rather I would dream to use it for dialing in the course or the altimeter, or even dimming the lights, things like that (in VR, anything that one doesnt have to reach with the mouse is great, and the Loupedeck rotaries are easy to use without having to look). DO you think it is feasible (I have no idea how to program the thing... )???
  11. Enjoying the campaign even more! After a few missions, I do have a suggestion : you give the BULLS location as coordinates and I am happy to create a waypoint and input it manually, it is fun. But, it would be nice if you did include waypoints for both EAGLE and FALCON approaches and the beginning of their 'corridor' lake Akyatan for the 331 approach and one of the smaller villages near the coast for the 302 approach (I took note of these coordinates and do input them manually in a SEQ2 in my HSI so it is easier to navigate back when above the clouds One question : since we dont have access to the F10 map and there are no waypoints for them in the HSI, how are we supposed to know when we pass above either restricted area? (when above the clouds and no VFR possible?) Thanks again for great fun!!
  12. My bad... I am really sorry.. About my comment #1: just played again mission 1 and GROUND clearly tells me how to taxi (turn left and so on)... My bad.. I had played mission 1 quite a while ago and my reaction was after having played mission 2.. I guess one could argue that GROUND would always tell you how to taxi, but sorry about my comment, great mission, even on the second play around!!!!
  13. @ChillNG Hello, just started your campaign (OCN) and it feels great! I am having such fun, thank you so much (only flew 2 missions, but really nice). I really appreciate the detailed documentation about the airport, the procedures, the ATC, etc... I am a pilot IRL (modest PPL) and it really speaks to me! Just at the start like this I do have 2 small comments that could help perhaps in the future : 1) when GROUND clears us to taxi to the runway, we have no idea where we are parked and there are no taxi instructions (like IRL they would say, taxi via alpha, turn left on such and such, cross runway yy and hold short runway zzz) or something like that. I had to guess where to turn to get to the runway... 2) The other comment is stupid but perhaps you might consider : in your SPINS, the photo of the air base has the south on top and the north at the bottom ???? the thing is when you look at it at the very first sight, one sees 05 on the RIGHT and 23 on the LEFT of the airport ??? that would never happen IRL, it would always reflect the cardinals with north on top... when I saw this at first, I had the impression I was back in the bad dream of DCS wind direction nightmare... But this is so minor compared to all the trouble that you went to to make this so immersive, thank you so much!!! JEFX
  14. hi! @Flappie. Unfortunately I didn't do this very scientifically, but basically I changed the first few (7 or 8 ) settings from 'something, I dont remember, to 'application controlled' including the anisotropic filtering and antialiasing settings. The white lines disappeared in the ME... As asked by @silverdevil I tried to make some screenshots when I came back from Europe this week, but funnily enough, the while lines that were doubling my normal black lines in the ME (flight plans, names, etc...) didn't appear on the screenshots... neither on some Windows native screenshots (Picpick for example).. I couldn't believe it... Then I had this intuition when doing ALT-TAB to go from DCS to external programs: while ALT-TAB was depressed, the white lines disappeared (!!!!!) then I tried changing some nvidia settings and boom, it solved my (very strange) problem!
  15. Found the problem: it had to do with some graphics settings in the nvidia ctl panel...
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