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Everything posted by Dafiew

  1. the "enable" button in the HT ctrl panel, I am running the default files didn't change anything in them apart from the glasscockpit type and port number in export.lua when I want to switch to helios :thumbup:
  2. SOLVED I was using the config button in the HT ctrl panel and the Helios profiler which screws up the export file all you have to do is change the port number and put a 1 or a 2 in the glasscockpit type line for it to work! Thanks for all the input everyone!
  3. Aero is on I can see the gauges when you turn it off they go white, I did some test and I noticed that Helios changes my export file when I setup the A-10C or KA50 to work with DCS in the helios profiler but with a clean export file from the script master file from HT I don't see anything move either, but when I reset the enable button to get it back to a green ENABLED from the green HELIOS in HT app the export file is different from the one I extracted from the master, I tried to rextract the master export file and still nothing moves SOLVED I was using the config button in the HT ctrl panel and the Helios profiler which screws up the export file all you have to do is change the port number and put a 1 or a 2 in the glasscockpit type line for it to work! Thanks for all the input everyone! now I can enjoy this awesome piece of software!
  4. No needle movement, win 7 64, I can see everything it's just not linking with DCS, Do you have to change anything in the script LUA file just to export gauges on a local machine? I thought it was pre config Thnaks for the reply man :)
  5. Well I am kinda confused, 1.5 latest patch, put the script and export files in user, unlocked the permission for gauges and exe files got a green enabled and gauges files loaded in ctrl panel, can see the gauges on my 2nd monitor, what am I missing here?
  6. Just downloaded HT and it's great I love it! but I can't get no export link I did everything right, double checked everything helios A-10C and KA50 profiles works with new export file, I can place the gauges and everything but when I launch DCS nothing moves anyone has the new version working since the patch?
  7. Everything is enabled and checked out I got nothing exporting, any modules, my helios A-10 and KA50 stuff works great with the new export file so I am assuming it as to do with the HT export side of the file, would love to figure it out as I can't wait to try all the new profiles I have created the last 2 days for all the modules I own :)
  8. Did the same and they are not working I'm using helios for the A-10C and the Kamov with Captn Zeen export setup(working great before and after new export file) any one has both systems working? By the way this HT software is the bomb!!!! AWESOME! :)
  9. Thx for the reply man! I thought they mentioned that all terrains would have collidable trees in EDGE... Was really looking forward to hiding with the Kamov on the tree line! Really hope we get it soon in caucasus!
  10. We'll have to wait for the Hormuz and Normandy map I guess
  11. Just flew through a forest with the Kamov in caucasus :cry: I thought trees were supposed to be colidable in EDGE (1.5)? this ruins the gameplay big time for chopper players... will it be implemented for caucasus?
  12. Thx a lot man! :thumbup:
  13. Let me know if you find something out :thumbup:
  14. Mine is busted it's now a 78 way switch :joystick:
  15. That's like 40$ CAN for a miserable switch? :lol:
  16. Hey guys ripped the crap out of my throttle pinky switch while stepping in my pit the other day :mad: Anyone knows where i could find the exact same switch to replace it? I emailed TM but no response so far... Thanks
  17. Any of you guys had luck assigning the fishbed flaps functions to the hotas warthog flap switch through LUA editing?? I tried everything nothing works I have done all my other modules with no problems but now this is weird, the buttons are 3 different 2 way switches so how can you give it a 3 way state??:cry:
  18. Got it working again in single player but only once in multiplayer server, is it supposed to work on any server?
  19. Changed the ports tried both location for config.LUA files, changed the permissions and now my regular DCS.exe is booting to a black screen and I can only get in the game via the launcher or updater :(((((( wicked my son wicked... LOL
  20. Reinstalled everything and now not even working offline :-/
  21. For me it works offline with the config file in saved game folder but when I go online it's not working anymore I also have the line EnableExportScript = true put in the cockpit scripts folders config.lua but to no avail what am I doing wrong?
  22. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=674_1391299493 What a plane! :thumbup:
  23. I have the same problem too
  24. Excellent! Are they USB? Please let me know which one you ordered I'll get them
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