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Everything posted by Dafiew

  1. How are your DX monitors performing?
  2. Which monitors did you order from DX?
  3. Main reason is to get rid of the "cover" which actually does not prevent AI units from seeing/targeting you... they can see you but you can't. Trees in the game are basically a "disadvantage" for the player since you can't hide behind them anyway, it's especially a game breaker for the Shark. EDGE will solve that problem... I HOPE :music_whistling:
  4. Tried it already not working...:doh:
  5. Great stuff man! Everything is well done, I did pack a couple CBU97s on the last 2 missions to brighten up the fireworks a little though :D Wish the ED campaign was more like that! Can't wait for a dynamic campaign :thumbup:
  6. no wings, no fuel, no weapons...:lol:
  7. Vertical stabilizers? nope :D
  8. Imagine that you take the editor setup the airfields, forces and supply in place like you want and then hit start and watch the full scale war take shape! This would put CA into a very different category! I would buy it right away lol!
  9. As long as we get those trees fixed...:D
  10. Let's see what possibilities EDGE brings when it's released :D I would have no problem shedding some dollars for a dynamic campaign system like in Falcon which would be sooooooooooo awesome :thumbup:
  11. Mapped it on the "airbrakes" switch on my Warthog ;) Forward=CB on Middle=CB off Back=Auto Hover Works great
  12. I moved them to an other folder on a different drive, got them back where they belong: bazar/terrain/structures/high ;)
  13. There are no tree.lom files, the forests are gone which is great but I still got trees around the cities and villages... Well I think I'm going to have to cope with those xray capable AI units until EDGE is released :mad: Really screws up the game for the Shark, I'd rather have a treeless landscape than units that can see/attack you through them! What is the path for those EDM tree files so I can put them back where they belong LOL
  14. Didn't work I still got trees :(
  15. Thanks I'll give this nuke a try :megalol:
  16. Any way of completely disabling trees? Since they don't provide any advantages I might as well get rid of them ;) Tried the graphic.cfg file but that didn't do anything when I put the values to 0 :doh:
  17. Your rotor RPM went down too low so not enough energy generated by the generators, same thing happens when you manually throttle down the engines
  18. your not alone :)
  19. 19.98 to upgrade my Shark and get P-51? Thanks a lot guys!!!! :pilotfly::smilewink:
  20. If you change it manually in the editor the timing on the other flights and waypoints get's thrown out the window...
  21. Ramp Starts +1 :) Do you need CA to play it or only A-10C will work?
  22. Loved Falcon for that :)
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