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Everything posted by ACME_WIdgets

  1. I'm a noob, I downloaded the J-11A by Johnny Ho, put it in my Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft folder. I start DCS and it shows the J-11A on the main screen, I can also see it in Installed items (checked as ON). But when I go to Mission Editor, under China, Russia, etc. there is no J-11A listed . Also, in MP, I cannot enter a J-11A. Any idea what simple thing I'm not doing? Thanks in advance.
  2. Ebay prices for Surface Pro 3 i3 (really m3), 128GB storage = $200 Teensey USB mod to old Thrustmaster FCS, Mk2 HOTAS = 10 Homemade OpenTrack 3D printed headset, leftover IR LEDs = 5 Yes, lots of hours in testing, soldering, setup.... So $215 for lets say 21fps = $10/fps , probably a record low???
  3. I also read that the RWR does not work directly above or below the plane. So when you bank 90 degrees, then pull back (exposing the belly of your plane to the missile/hostile) the RWR goes silent. So after a notch, when you start to roll level, the RWR can then again see the hostile/missile to your 3 or 9 o'clock.
  4. ----- Did you have IR lights on your headset and an IR filter on your camera? This is how I use OpenTrack , next to a window in normal room light and it works OK.
  5. Problem Really Solved. 1- The Teensey library Joystick is not the same as the Arduino library. 2- For some reason the Teensey Joystick returns TRUE for Pin_HIGH (i.e. when internal PULL_UP is activated). So all my buttons where ON until I pressed one, then it went LOW or off. Hence my problem with "stuck" buttons in DCS (after I pressed a button one time). 3- PJRC (maker of Teensey) says to use this to trigger joystick on press (change to LOW), but this did not work for me: Joystick.button(pin_num, 1); SOLUTION - add a "!" in front of the digitalRead(pin#) to flip the Boolean logic from TRUE to FALSE. So my button read statements look like this and it works perfect: Joystick.button(pin_num, !digitalRead(pin_num))
  6. Problem Really Solved. 1- The Teensey library Joystick is not the same as the Arduino library. 2- For some reason the Teensey Joystick returns TRUE for Pin_HIGH (i.e. when internal PULL_UP is activated). So all my buttons where ON until I pressed one, then it went LOW or off. Hence my problem with "stuck" buttons in DCS (after I pressed a button one time). 3- PJRC (maker of Teensey) says to use this to trigger joystick on press (change to LOW), but this did not work for me: Joystick.button(pin_num, 1); SOLUTION - add a "!" in front of the digitalRead(pin#) to flip the Boolean logic from TRUE to FALSE. So my button read statements look like this and it works perfect: Joystick.button(pin_num, !digitalRead(pin_num))
  7. Has anyone tried any of these 5 way micro switches? They are only 7.5mm per flat side, so could be epoxied into a handle pretty easisly. Down side is they are surface mount, not through hole with pins. So soldering and running wires might be a pain. https://www.ebay.com/itm/10PCS-Japan-5-Way-Direction-SMD-Push-Button-Tact-Switch-Joystick-ALPS-SKRHABE010/184240252826?hash=item2ae593279a:g:XkcAAOSw6rFeiYkb
  8. Just updated my 35 year old Thrustmast FCS stick/Mk2 HOTASa with a Teensey2++ USB ($10 investment). Yes, I'm very cheap...but I like a challenge! I'm 2 months new into DCS, and like it a lot. Joysticks and Hotas throttle work great. I can land on a carrier now. All 16 buttons work great on things like flaps, gear, air brake, pulse rate.. BUT with a single button push on one of my hat buttons, to slew the TWS target designator up,dn,left,right - they slew all the way up,dn, left,right to the edge of the TWS screen, with NO small increments - like I'm pushing the button 20+ times really fast. Up/Down nose/elevator trim does the same thing. I looked on the forums but don't see anyone else w/this issue. I'm assuming DCS sees my hat (4 independent buttons now) moves without a leading or trailing edge single click only. But why only on these TWS and trim functions? Is there a .lua file setting somewhere for this? Running Windows 10 joy.cpl the buttons appear to work as single clicks. On the Teensey s/w I'm using the simple Joystick commands. I am NOT running a Delay at the end of the program. I could try to add the Millisecond "delay" (so other commands can keep working) after each button, or at the end of my program (?) If I have to, I'll complicate my Teensey s/w by replacing the simple Joystick commands and go to a detect my hat buttons rising/falling edge, debounce, delay. But that's a lot of trial and error. Any suggestions ? Thanks everyone!!!
  9. Just updated my 35 year old Thrustmast FCS stick/Mk2 HOTASa with Teensey2++ USB ($10 investment). Yes, I'm very cheap...but I like a challenge! Joysticks work great. All 16 buttons work great on things like flaps, gear, pulse rate.. BUT with a single button push on the TWS target up,dn,left,right they slew all the way up,dn, left,right with NO small increments - like I'm pushing the button 20+ times really fast. Up/Down nose/elevator trim does the same thing. I looked on the forums but don't see anyone else w/this issue. I'm assuming DCS sees my hat (4 independent buttons now) moves without a leading or trailing edge single click only. But why only on these functions? Is there a .lua file setting somewhere for this? On the Teensey s/w I'm using the simple Joystick commands. I am NOT running a Delay at the end of the program. I could try to add the Millisecond "delay" (so other commands can keep working). If I have to I'll complicate my Teensey s/w by replacing the simple Joystick commands and go to a detect my hat buttons rising/falling edge, debounce, delay - but that limits my DCS software assigned keys. Any suggestions ?
  10. Surface Pro 3: I can run the F-14B, but fps drops from 27 (FC3 planes) to about 19. I cannot run the Viggen, as I get black frame drops about 1/second.
  11. CORRECTION on MP: My Surface Pro 3 did work on MP with less than 4 players online (after the 5 min delay to pick my plane/slot). I just tried a server with 31 players and I got the BSOD total machine crash...
  12. And to try to get around the 4GB RAM (internal, can't change) I tried to force an 8GB memory stick to be ReadyBoost but it won't work. Windows 10 rejects Readyboost, even when I try to mess with the Registry.
  13. -------------------- I just did the No-MipMap Mod for SU-33 and it went from 23 to 28fps! I'll probably go from 1280x768 up to native 1600x900 now (dell 20" 60hz monitor). I did MP last night. It "stalled" when trying to select Red or Blue and the slot/plane to fly. Took about 5 min to load and "unfreeze" so I could select a plane. BUT, MP worked (my first time, terrible, crashed, no weapons, etc. but I did fly) and the FPS was still around 23fps (without the no-MipMap mod = about the same as off-line). I run Comcast cable to a 150 foot Cat6 Ethernet up to my desk with a Dell D6000 docking station via USB-C/USB3 to the Surface Pro 3 . Ping was 40-80us in USA so easy to find a server.
  14. Rlaxoxo . If you cannot get in the cockpit, try this. Go to ME, select Skill Level for your plane(s) and make sure CLIENT is selected. This just changed with 2.5.6 (vs using ALT-J to jump into a plane at the mission start).
  15. Maybe it might work. I have an old quad core 9600 at 2.8GHz with only 8GB RAM and it would not work. I think my old ATI GPU card wasn't enough. I also think the Surface Pro does tricks with RAM, SSD, GPU memory, etc. I can run iRacing on the surface pro, at 1600x900 and it's a steady 51fps. Kind of crazy, but it works. I also use a Dell D6000 USB-C docking station, so all the USB crap I have plugged runs as fast as possible.
  16. I didn't even think this would run, but with EVERYTHING in DCS at the lowest or Off settings, I get 23 fps over water and high (angels 20+) over land. Low over cities and landing it drops to about 17-18 fps. Not super smooth, but not too bad. Definitely makes me want to learn/try more DCS. Next desktop upgrade will have i5, 1080, 16GB+ RAM, etc.. Surface Pro 3 Win10 x64 (all hardware is built-in, not up-gradable) m3 (not even i3) CPU at 1.61GHz (nominal is 1.1Ghz) 4GB RAM SSD 100GB Intel 615 GPU Max performance settings, gets warm if room temp is above 76F. Opentrack IR _ 320x240 30 Hz with Creative web cam/IR filter. 1600x900 60Hz Dell 20" monitor, but only running 1280x768 resolution Note: running 1600x900 game res lowers fps by about 3 fps. Control pad joystick for now, upgrading old FCS Mk2 Hotas to USB next. DCS: all lowest, off, graphics, cockpit 256 (512 lowers fps 2 fps). Windows Task/Performance Manager shows GPU 100% and CPU bouncing off 100% in game. Only takes about 1-2 minute to start missions. Here's a screen shot, not sure what everything else means other than fps:
  17. If you just updated to 2.5.6 and your "My Missions" load, but don't start (i.e. you see the airfield overview - but not a last "Fly Now" screen: Go back to Mission Planner, select the aircraft you want to start in and MAKE SURE "CLIENT" IS SELECTED UNDER "EXPERIENCE" LEVEL. Because I'm a noob w/Mission Planner, I used to use Alt-J to jump in to a plane after the start of my missions (my plane had Experience Level set to : Average, Expert, etc.). You cannot do this with the latest update. Not so much a Bug, just a change that might mess someone up.
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