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Everything posted by ACME_WIdgets
3/4 black screen, 1/4 on far right is OK
ACME_WIdgets replied to ACME_WIdgets's topic in 2D Video Bugs
I have a "black screen" event on a 23MB TRK file: @Flappie@BIGNEWY I have not tried to view or replay it, as I heard that may corrupt the file. I went to F2 and then F1 and the problem went away (maybe you can look for these key commands in the file?) Is there any way to send it to you or post somewhere? It was on a server restart of GS MP at about 7:28pm PST yesterday Aug 5, I was the first plane up, F16, less than 10 minutes total time (I think). FYI, it also shows the Blue "radar glitch" on the GS MP Urban Thunder server at the end. Enemy was semi hot, at angels 42, then dissapeard from DL and my radar, I wait about 10 seconds then turn away - and then he reappears and shoots me down. @Growling Sidewinder -
3/4 black screen, 1/4 on far right is OK
ACME_WIdgets replied to ACME_WIdgets's topic in 2D Video Bugs
Sorry, I don't have a short track. I have not had this issue with my brand new entire system, bult in March '22 until just lst 2 weeks. EVGA 3070FTW card. I did reproduce the "fix" twice as going to F2 and then F1 back into the cockpit and no more black squares blocking my screen. While in F2 I still had control of plane. -
Playing MP on G Sidewinders, F16 and F14. Every now and then screen goes about 7/8 black with far right vertical strip OK. Not a black or red out. I go to F2 and can see my plane. I go F1 and now I'm in the cockpit and everything is OK. Happened twice per day for the last 2 days. TRK file is 72MB...
My suggestion would be to start with the F-16. It was MUCH easier to learn and to use in BVR. But, it doesn't have all the AG ordinance like the Hornet. My first purchased plane in DCS was the SU-33, simple to learn, low cost. But doesn't use Fox3 AA missiles, so really hard to win in BVR. But it does land on carriers. If you buy the FC3 package, the J-11 does carry a Fox3 AA missile. Plus you get the F-15. ALL FC3 are the simple flight model, so not super realistic compared to F-16/18.
If you're trying to learn the F-18 after already flying the F-16, then this is a summary of the startup, pre-BVR and simple BVR procedures and differences. I tried to condense about 6 hours of learning down to about 25 minutes. It focuses on the F-18 quirks that really frustrated me at first. I'm not an F-18 expert, but do have about 1 year in the F-16. VIdeo is long, so only available on my Youtube channel here I'm NOT a video expert/creator/etc, it's my first video post ever - so don't expect flashy this and that and slick audio, video, etc.. Thx
I just built a new system for DCS. Runs in a room that gets warm in the summer, so power draw drove lots of decisions. AMD 5600x 65W TDP (CPU boost ON, so up to 4.4GHz as needed) 3070 FTW 220W TDP max, undervolting now by 120mV (lost 3 fps) B550 Tomahawk EVGA 750W Platinum, Eco (not using Eco/fan off at low draw, mode) M.2 Samsung 2x16GB 3200 RAM CL16 Auss AIO Strix II 240mm (already had Asus P278 27" monitor, 2560x1444 60hz) Corsair 4000d AIRFLOW case (love this case) - added 3rd case fan (2 front, 1 rear) ---------- Single player mission, 4000' over Caucus city, F-16 , nothing else on map 117fps w/undervolt, 56C GPU, 45C CPU medium speed on fans
Newegg and Fraud = DO NOT BUY FROM THERE
ACME_WIdgets replied to Hammer1-1's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
NEVER by a motherboard from Newegg, ever, never ever ever: -
Disclaimer: my system is THE slowest ever, even at 1280x768 (10fps in heavy MP): I play a lot of MP, and with the latest update and Apache intro, I see 2 things: 1- When I view an Apache in F2 in MP, the ground/dirt/land takes 2-4 seconds to load. This does not happen with any other aircraft when I view F2 in MP. 2- When MP servers spawn a new ground assault, I get a total image freeze for a few seconds. Sound keeps going, and when my image un-freezes I'm at the current time (so my plane flies blindly for a few seconds). Never happened before the latest update. Good news for me:: I just got the parts for my new 5600x, 3070 system build!
Same for me in FC3 planes. But in F-16 analog mini stick TDC works great. For FC3 on TDC I use alternate mappings to keyboard, still kind of coarse but better than analog (even with curve set to 40). VKB Gladiator Pro.
Roll trim with asymmetric loadout in flight
ACME_WIdgets replied to Rmnsvn's topic in DCS: F-16C Viper
This is REAL pain when trying to launch 4 HARMS while in about a 30 degree climb, using HAD. No time to trim, try to re-lock HAD target while its moving sidways - due to roll/yaw after a HARM is released. If you don't fire the HARMs fast enough, then they all get shot down. -
I thought HAD on MFD shows all radars (?).
Upcoming flight model adjustments
ACME_WIdgets replied to Diesel_Thunder's topic in DCS: F-16C Viper
For me the question is - Is this realistic to the performance of a real F-16? Even if it IS realistic, if it's so dramatically better than all other ED jets, it will ruin the game making it a one jet game. And yes pulling 9gs for any amount of time will cause you to black out. That's why if you let go of a real F-16 stick (or throttle?) the plane will start to fly level after a certain amount of time. At 5gs I start to get tunnel vision without a g-suit. -
I'm seeing this in MP (GS). Almost always when I'm at angels 30-40k and hot target is below angels 15k. I see the target on FCR at 40nm, then 30nm, then under 20nm and no lock possible (TMS right, up, reset down, radar on/off, etc.) . Maybe the radar is programmed to be confused by ground reflections (I think the F14 has this behavior, but I'm not sure)? Maybe the FCR vertical scan is not right, coordinated with FCR, or below virtual gimbal limits, or ???
My PC has problems with DCS and Windows Update. Whenever a update is pending, with a #1 showing or the yellow triangle, my system really slows down/stutters. Performing the update, or canceling it, restores my DCS fps.
I don't dogfight/ACM (can't see more than 1nm at 1280x768 anyway), I don't look outside of the pit a lot, and I usually fly at least 10k AGL (down low, 100 pre load radius creates trees "on the fly" in front of me at low altitude). So landings and takeoffs are my only real challenge, due to lag/over compensation. For my new rig I'm just hoping I can get a 3070 at $1100 (or less)... which is really sad. The pre-built rigs I've seen all cut corners somewhere, or are way over priced vs a build it yourself.
Is it the 240mm , 2 fan model? Thx
IF you're thinking of trying DCS on your current system, don't be afraid of the min. hardware requirements. You may not get 30+ fps, but you may still be able to run DCS (to try it out). I've been on DCS for about a year. For the last 7 months I've been using a 10 year old Dell laptop e6430 - with only 8GB RAM and a Nvida NVS5200m GPU with only 1GM VRAM. Yet, I play on Multi-Player Growling Sidewider all the time with 50-55 pilots at a time. I do have 32GB SSD reserved for Win10 memory sharing. And the Dell laptop is a 2 core i7 on Max Perf = 3.4GHz continuous speed (I have the laptop bottom removed, and propped up for cooling to maintain 74-78C temps on MP). No, it's not too good to be true - with OB 2.7.9 I'm only at 10-11fps and with 1280x768 resolutions with all settings OFF or Low, preload radius at 100. I do have 1 decent piece of harware, my 32" ASUS display capable of 2560*1440 at 144hz. I get the 10-11fps regardless of the #MP pilots, or the type of plane I'm in (F16 usually, or P51). I've read LOTS of forum post, plus I'm getting ready to build a gaming PC (5600x, X570, 3070, 32gb CL14 DDR4,etc). From what I read the following are "known" truths about DCS: 1- 2GB VRAM is min (per DCS min spec GTX 760). 2- For MP you need 16GB RAM min, for heavy missions you need 32GB. 3- GPU card must have 4-8GB VRAM. Even more oddly, I started on DCS with a MS Surface Pro 3 on OB2.7.6 getting about 20fps. But if I tried to logon to a MP server with more than 8 pilots DCS would crash. Single Player would run ~23fps, but it ran hot (had to add a cooling fan to the vents). Compared to my e6430, it appears that the Surface Pro 3 had a poorer memory management system (both systems setup for 32GB shared memory). You WILL need a SSD for where DCS is located, don't try it on a regular HDD.
I increased fps about 25% with 2.7.9 update in haavy MP - GrowlSide (went from 8fps to 10-11fps - yes, my system is that slow) Thank you ED, good job!
I believe that all AMD 5000x CPUs allow you to overclock, while the ones without the "x" suffix cannot be overclocked, I think.
Has anyone tried running DCS on a rysen 7 APU??
ACME_WIdgets replied to Raven434th's topic in Game Performance Bugs
Note to all, the "G" suffix refers to the Ryzen built on the CPU graphics engine (do GPU display card needed). ... I had the same question, since I'll be buying a whole new rig. I'm also wondiering if the X570 mobo is better than the B550.