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Hi @Derbroomaster - I did post in the comments section following your comment against the profile, and also PM'd you if you needed help? One thing looking at your profile - have you run a helios monitor configuration, as your lua would appear to be a 'stock' set-up? What I tend to do is carry out an export so helios creates a helios monitor lua, which I then use as a master list of co-ordinates for my viewports etc. Second check - have you applied the helios patches which reconfigure the MFCD.init luas? Thirdly - your 'x' co-ordinates of your left MFD appear to be further right than the right MFD? I have attached my monitor lua - but basically the way the profile is set up minimal exported viewports are needed - I only export to the the pilots EUFD, TEDAC, Left and Right MFCD onto a touch screen that swap, and the CPG MFCDs (separately onto TM Cougar displays). Your co-ordinates generally don't look right, as in the profile the TEDAC sits between the 2 MFDs and lower, yet your lua shows the TEDAC sitting to the left of both MFDs and higher? Also be interested to see your monitor setup of your 4th screen if still having issues - as your Y co-ordinates seem quite large? HeliosAH.lua
Guys - thanks for the input. I do understand nav, wind effect, bearing v heading etc - in my OP I was purely asking whether what I was seeing was correct, and was curious whether the direct line route should/would stay tethered to my aircraft to show a constant relationship between me and my selected point as I either deviated from it or transitioned towards that point. It doesn't.
I guess my thoughts were along the lines of not being too bothered about course deviation, just asking if it was correct as it looked 'odd', as once deviated from (for whatever reason) it sort of becomes an 'Indirect' Route Line. Yep? But that is what you have using the steering bug - as it would constantly change to show a direct to, having to fly an offset dependent on wind, regardless of the line, to minimise the flight path deviation. Thanks both for the input.
can not reproduce MFD Fly to Cue Migrates out of MFD?
Leg2ion replied to Leg2ion's topic in Bugs and Problems
Here you go. dcs.log HeliosFinal.lua -
I asked a question - bignewy was kind enough to give a steer, which then set me in the right track to replicate it and then suss out what was happening and why. What I don't like is the 'what do you expect' kinda answer like I should have known (that is why I asked for help and asked the question!) - as a lot of strange things happen in DCS due to the variety and complexity of individuals differing hardware and software set ups. I guess I was thinking that regardless of where the slider was, it would stay unaltered until I interacted with it, also coupled with the fact I (purely by co-incidence) made a button press at the same time. Sorry but where I have some switches mapped to say lights or similar - when I fire the aircraft up, if they are in the on position they don't automatically turn the lights on, having to cycle off then back to the on position - so would it be unreasonable to think similar in this instance? But thanks anyway! Cheers! Yep - done! Quickest way - and TBH not sure why I added a modifier to it in the first place - must have been a good idea at the time!
Hi @BIGNEWY Think I've got to the bottom of it. I have the pinky lever on the cyclic grip assigned as a modifier, and the increase/decrease slider on the throttle unit assigned as the throttle power control coupled with the modifier (to prevent unwanted throttle inputs - doh!). The button 11 is a red herring, and was purely co-incidental as I selected that at the same time I pulled the pinky lever. When I flew a previous mission, I did a shutdown etc, with the power levers (increase/decrease slider) left in the off position. This mission - I started hot, so in game the power levers are forward, on my WH throttle the slider is in the aft position. When then I select the modifier button, and the slider is aft, the in game throttle then moves to adopt the position of the slider, regardless of any input to the slider itself. Created a new joystick file and exactly the same happens. Question is - is there any way of preventing that happening, as in mind the throttle should stay where it is as I am not creating any input into the slider, just depressing the pinky lever modifier? That would also explain why I couldn't repeat it, as to recover I throttled up using the slider, so then were synched with both being forward. Not insurmountable if not - just make sure I check the position from now on...
Hi All, @Lord Vader Bizarrely read this and then had same happen to me in last mission. I was lined up on some training targets, and selected my modifier key and Switch 11 on my TM WH HOTAS grip (forgetting I had remapped the pilots sight select switches to elsewhere - so that key press combination is not in my current control configuration) - and had both engines cut with a pretty rapid nose dive as a result. Restarted a new mission, and pressed same whilst hot on the ground, same effect. As I was on the ground re-accelerated the engines, and then could not repeat with same key presses? Both tracks attached. Eng Off.trk Eng Off2.trk
Does the TSD Direct Route Line move with the aircraft symbol if you have created a bespoke route line. So as a for instance I am flying to WP1, then create an alternative point, select DIR and use my MFD cursor to select it. I then get a route line from my current position to my new point, but the line doesn't reduce in size or stay bound to my aircraft symbol as I fly it - is this correct?
Hi All, Anyone else noticed the MFD fly to cue in the flt page migrating outside the MFD display? I have the MFDs exported to a Helios setup, so thought this may be the issue, as per the below: But then noticed it was doing it in the main view also: Also notice the cue stuck at the far right of the main view screen on occasions, normally when in I am in a banking turn/holding pattern, which then gradually fades away.
Funnily enough I have been playing around in the Scud Hunt mission, and as per @Greyman post, I got an 'Engine 1 out. Engine 2 out' in fairly quick succession last night, BUT both engines stayed in the green and the Nr didn't blink. Happened as I was egressing away from the Scud base after a low level run in and taking some small arms fire. Didn't notice any other issues (but then didn't really look). When my engines are hit it normally isn't good....
I use 2 x 27" Curved AOC C27G2ZU with a Nvidia RTX3090 The curve is very minor, and the screens are used for gaming and work.office, 1920x1080 resolution.
Did you do a restart? FXO should be in the same folder as above. Not sure about the nvidia cache - never cleared them as far as I am aware.
@kmaultsby Check your PC power settings and make sure your power mode is set to performance. Anything other than that and I would get issues - so worth a quick look.
@hreich That is really good to hear - glad you sorted it!
Hi @Reggie Bigglesworth - bit (very!!) late but I did a RWR in my A10 Helios profile here if it helps any: Helios Profile - CDU, UFC, RWR and AHCP for A10C2
Hi @jonsky7 Oddly my 'front screen' often continues to display my taskbar until I click somewhere in the view. In addition - during 'first flight' quite often the task bar 'breaks through' into DCS World very very briefly. Really annoying and trying to hunt down the cause/solution.
Hi @Errorfinn. What is your setup, where are you exporting them to (physical monitor setup etc) and what does your monitor setup lua look like. Currently running extended view across 2 x 27" screens, helios with both MFDs (hot swappable with CPG position MFDs) and TEDAC on a touch screen and a further MFD export onto a smaller screen with no issues.
Hi @hreich. So whatever it was you did when transferring away from helios has somehow messed things. Can you retrace your steps. Either way - if it was working it isn't now - so need to try to fix it. If no longer using helios, like I said - for now discount the tablet - and just concentrate on getting 1 screen working correctly - so we can use that as a basis to expand things. Note though your monitor lua still has helios settings in it? Can you run helios editor, uninstall patches, close helios editor, move your saved game monitor setup and then just run DCS without running it through smartdesk? Understand it is frustrating but you aren't really confirming anything - just saying it isn't working. You seem to be using spacedesk - can you temporarily disable it or uninstall it for now and see how things go - as looking at the videos it starts full screen and then flicks over to a different resolution - so something is messing with things. Just seeing you are 'bringing DCS to front'. In addition - for now can you just align the screens (the two main screens and not use the tablet - so no software pulling the tablet into windows) horizontally in windows and see if that makes any difference - making sure you select the correct display resolution in Options and just switch to a single screen in monitors?
Really odd. What is your resolution set to in DCS Options? Unfortunately I cannot open your videos. You haven't got any screens set to display at anything other than 100%? For now try moving the monitor lua in the saved games (or renaming the MonitorSetup folder so it isn't recognised) into a folder where DCS cannot get to it - as DCS should default to displaying onto your main screen (I think) - just to discount any other stuff that may interfere with things? If it doesn't select 1 monitor under monitors in the options panel. Ideally we need to get the main screen displaying on one screen correctly - then look to expand out a step at a time to include the other monitors. Have you tried following the link I posted step by step?
Thanks @MadKreator! I guess if others have suffered the same issue will leave well alone. Sort of alleviated by adding this to my monitor setup: useAbsoluteFOV = false, FOV = 0.9642857142857143, which narrows my FOV slightly to 135o as opposed to 140o . Can 'make it better' by going further - best result is around 122o, but then I feel I'm sat so close to the MFDs they are unusable. The 135 is a good starting point - I find at 140 the CMWS box distorts stupidly when bridged across screens...
Hi @hreich. Not sure what display fusion is, nor space desk, and is there any possibility of not using them for now in case it is messing with the helios/dcs output? In terms of your monitor positioning in windows - is there any reason why you have them stacked on top of each other? With all that said and asked - with regards to the above - the Resolution you need to set in DCS Options needs to be 3840 x 2160 for either scenario - to take into account 2 screens wide and 2 screens high. Based on your 'windows' setup - DCS main will display as x in 0 to 1920, and y in 0 to 1080. The MFDs will be in display area x is 0 to 1920; y is 1080 to 2160. Can you just confirm when you hit identify you get 1 in upper left, 2 in lower left and 3 in upper right? I have attached 4 luas - though not quite sure of your current config? Test 1 is for Helios and Test2 you should be able to run without helios - both should display the MFCDs in the bottom screen and basically replicates what you sent, and then Test 3 and Test 4 - which is what you asked for. If you are getting screen squash - have you tried this (as posted in the link I attached in a post above - really worth a read as I think this will give you some easy instructions to follow also)? Fullscreen Squash If you wish, you can still run DCS in fullscreen mode. However, you may find that when you start DCS, it is all squashed onto your Main monitor. To get round this, simply left click anywhere on your secondary monitor and DCS will resize correctly. Pressing LeftALT+Enter is reported to also work. Test4.lua Test3.lua Test2.lua Test1.lua
Yes - but it doesn't align with your last graphic - as your lua indicates your MFDs are below your main screen with a y of 1085 - but your resolution in helios is showing a height of 1080? What I would do is add this line above 'UI mainview' - it will ensure the main view pre mission screen stays there: UI = { x = 0, y = 0, width = 1920, height = 1080 } Make sure your resolution is correct in DCS, (3840x1080) - if trying to display onto screen 3 as per the above, the lua you attached is pushing the screen down and out of sight and not to the right, so believe your MFDs should be positioned as below. LEFT_MFCD = { x = 1925, y = 5, width = 800, height = 800 } RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 3035, y = 5, width = 800, height = 800 }
Hi @hreich. Am assuming the screenshot is just on one screen and squashed across 1/2 the display? Can you attach your monitor setup lua? I'll try to assist...as initially it might be worth going back to basics. All the below assuming your monitor resolutions are 1920 x 1080? Step 1 - Create a 'MonitorSetup' folder in Saved Games/DCS/Config. Drop the attached into MonitorSetup. Step 2 - set your Resolution in DCS Options to 1920/1080. Let it restart, and then select 'hreich' from DCS Options, Monitors. Step 3 - DCS will restart again - and hopefully now your viewport in game will be just on that monitor - and monitor 2 and 3 will be ignored by DCS. Leave Helios out the equation for now. If that is correct, you can now move onto sorting out the MFDs and touchscreen. Looking at your various posts, which screens are you using, and what is where/doing what? As I said above - it doesn't matter physically where the screens are, what does matter for ease is how the computer sees them. If you are using all 3 screens in that config - you need to set the resolution in DCS/Options to 3840x2160 - as that will double the height so you can display onto screen 2 and double the width so you can display onto screen 3. If only using 1 and 3 - 3840x1080. You are basically creating a window frame that will cover all displays. (In this case mine is 7680 x 1080 - so 4 x 1920 wide) - my 3rd screen is touch for helios and the 4th holding my TM MFDs. Fairly certain you may want to leave Monitor Layout mode as 'From top left corner of desktop'. I'm certain we can get this sorted, just might take a bit of time with the back and forth. Basically the attached is the start, we can then look to add in the co-ordinates of the other viewports you want. hreich.lua
Hi @rob10 - I believe it is - yes, but if you're referring to the graphic in the link I posted it is misleading as it shows 2 to the left of 1 - but if you follow Jonskys tutorial all is well (I have just updated the link as there is a newer one updated in Nov'24). My physical setup is different to how the PC sees it - which is 1,2,3,4 all aligned - I have just set my viewports to display where I want them to based on the aligned screens - then where I place those screens doesn't matter. That said I have created an offset in my set up where my 'x' co-ordinate is to the left of the left hand edge of Screen 1 and is set at -960 - and my main viewport then displays across the entirety of screens 1 and 2. In essence once you embark on a voyage of 'tinkering', adding additional screens etc a 'MonitorSetup' folder in Saved Games/DCS/Config along with a custom monitor lua (and selected in Options/Monitors) is a must. I evolved from a single curved screen, to that plus a small 10.6 for TM MFD displays, then added a second curved screen then started dabbling in 'the dark arts' of helios so added a final 15.6 touch screen.
Apologies @Elf1606688794 - should have given some more info last night. I cannot find the lua you are referring to - do you have a location path. Just concerned if it is a core file and there is an update it may get overwritten. there is an easier way to do this. Create a 'MonitorSetup' folder in Saved Games/DCS/Config: I have attached a very basic 'Custom' lua based on a single 1920 x 1080 monitor. Drop that file in the monitor setup folder. When you then open DCS, go to Options, and Monitors, and you will see Custom in the drop down (it picks up the name contained in the file and not he name of the file). Select that custom file, and DCS will use the settings in that, with no fear of overwrite if there is an update. If you decide to start using multiple monitors/touchscreen/helios etc - this is the lua you look to modify for your own custom setup. Hope that explains things a bit better and helps - if you need any more assistance shout! Custom.lua