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Everything posted by Arendellecita

  1. Thank you! Would this ability be given to other modules also, like the Mi-24P, UH-1H, C-101, etc?
  2. Well, I could live with the symbology rolling, but if the FLIR image also rolls with the helmet, the usability of PNVS would decrease considerably. I mean, how could they approve such a design in the first place
  3. +1 QoL function
  4. BUCS - Back-Up Control System (You might not need this) CHOP - Reduce engine power to IDLE (You might not need this either) HOCAS - Hands On Collective And Stick (This category refers to the buttons on your cyclic stick and collective, which are not clickable)
  5. Thanks. Imagining this as cyclic indeed helped to understand this a lot. But like you said, I'm going to invert it anyway!
  6. The current way the Sight Manual Tracker(Thumb force Controller) working is that if you push the switch up, the TADS looks down, switch down, TADS up. Is there a reason that it was designed this way, and not the other way round, like the TADS moves in the same direction with the switch? I wouldn't venture to say that this is counterintuitive, but at least for me, the latter design makes more sense.
  7. This is what I have done: Set a virtual button at the 1%-2% range of the throttle axis in VPC configuration software, and set this button as throttle OFF to IDLE(RAlt/RShift+Home) in DCS. If you wish, you can use a modifier with this button, to make the throttle go IDLE to OFF. EDIT: I have a CM2 with no detents. If you would like to couple with detents, you may set the virtual button exactly at the detent position.
  8. I want to thank ED very much for making the TEDAC hand grips clickable, now I do not have to bind all those buttons! Absolutely a QOL function!
  9. I found these two bindings in cyclic settings: CMDS Switch - Aft/Center; CMDS Switch - Fwd/Center. I wasn't able to find any information about these switches in the manual, nor was I able to locate them on the actual cyclic grip. After a further search on the forum, seems like these switches are no longer in use in the Apache simulated in the game: So are these bindings now redundant? Thanks!
  10. Make sure to bind the controls in CPG bindings, not in Pilot. Even if you are in the front seat, the control settings page will default to pilot. That's a mistake I have made before.
  11. Thank you very much, Raptor. I learned a new phrase today! :)
  12. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. So I understand the button no longer boresights the IHADSS on the D model. Would you please also define the "MPNVS Growth" term? I am having a hard time understanding the "growth" in this case, since I am not a native speaker. Does it mean to return the MPNVS to the center position? Thanks in advance!
  13. It's the switch on top of the flight part of the collective. I can understand the Polarity side, but what does the Boresight side do? In the AH-64D Block II Cyclic and Collective HOTAS published by wags, the switch is illustrated as: However, in the DCS: AH-64D Quick Start Manual, the switch is illustrated as: So, what exactly does this Boresight do? Is it used to boresight the IHADSS during alignment, or MPNVS growth, or no function? And what does the "MPNVS growth" mean? Thanks!
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