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About mimamema

  • Birthday 06/03/1982

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  1. Same here, I don't have a track at the moment but I experienced this with an SA-2.
  2. are you using by any chance the splash damage 2 script?, because that made difficult to Dzesekb to tie kills to the actual players completing tasks in the Pretense mission. Maybe this could interfere as well with the DML Score module.
  3. Good to know, sorry I was misled by this comment then, obviously I don´t know much about it.
  4. A little bit more insight in regards of V68 meta app in conflict with OpenXRToolkit: Edited: Btw @BIGNEWY, there are some details there on how to overcome the bug there, could this be passed on to your developing team so they can give it a go? Many of us, if not most Meta users, depend on OpenXRToolkit to get the best from DCS. Thank you.
  5. Yeah, I know the feeling about turbo mode but be aware that most probably from v68 meta app release you won't be able to use it anymore with DCS unless they change something else in DCS or Meta side.
  6. I see that you are meta quest 2 user and I´m guessing you are using OpenXRTooklit as well, have you tried disabling it?
  7. Well, I have been testing and yes, OXRTK is the one "messing" with the V68 meta link app so if you disable it DCS works as expected. If you open it with OpenVR, it works as well. However, there is a potential problem incoming, as I tried opening DCS with the QuadViews app in the background only. It is also messing up with the V68 meta link app and crashing to the desktop the same way OXRTK is doing, so, unless the new changes/hotfix that is incoming has any effect on this issue or unluckily there´s going to be a "high" number of meta quest users not able to use any form of QuadViews (FFR or DFR) while playing DCS.
  8. I will test it later without Oxrtk later and will let you know. Thank you for reporting and testing.
  9. As it happened months ago and it was reported in some topics like this one here: This last V68 (beta version) is producing exactly the same issue. When trying to load DCS it crashes to Windows during the splash screen and asks to report it as usual. Here is attached one of the many report files created, I tried all the usual stuff, repair, clean, no mods, etc etc. The thing is that yesterday it was working and the only change was the new PTC v68 (PC app). After coming back to V67 DCS was working again without any issue. @BIGNEWYCould you add this to the things to look into, as this will create a problem in the next weeks when v68 is officially released and we will see the same "show" as the last time. If someone could double check this situation it would be much appreciated. dcs.log-20240716-002931.zip
  10. Hello! I´m back here with another WilliePete bug to give you more work , probably introduced with the latest update from ED. Here I have attached the log and a screenshot of the error window. Let me know if I need to test anything as I actually was not present playing when it happened. null dcs.log
  11. I thought this might be reported as it´s not really a "small" visual bug. Coordinates and video attached. null
  12. Yes, sorry, I should have specified that my idea goes more towards being able to repair, rearm and refuel a unit than being able to spawn from it. I read about being able to spawn on them a wee while ago as well, maybe the new dynamic slots/spawns are creating new possibilities in this regard. My question was more going in this path RotorOps PERKS · spencershepard/RotorOps Wiki · GitHub and how you can get a fat cow even with a flyable helicopter RotorOps/scripts/RotorOpsPerks.lua at main · spencershepard/RotorOps · GitHub . I would be even happy if we could get the IA to do it either with DML, but yes, both player and IA would be ideal and an amazing possibility in DML. I could even think of carrying ammo trucks next to a SAM unit you have deployed before so they can have more ammunition, I don't know, I´m just trying to give more possibilities to what we can do, all within DML and not having to add modified versions of MIST and other scripts like CTLD that may worth the effort for more complex things.
  13. Hi@cfrag! Yesterday I was playing with DML to make it able to deploy a Farp anywhere I land with a helicopter I´m flying. This is kind of something that has already been added to the Rotorops Perks script, but I would prefer to keep things as much as possible on DML instead of depending on a modified version of MIST that is necessary to run that script. I linked a cloner to my helo so whenever I land I could deploy a FARP using a template created with another cloner of the basic FARP ( ammo-cache, Fuel depot and an invisible FARP). In the same trigger zone, I created a radioMenu to be able to trigger the clone command and spawn the FARP where I landed. Anyway, I wasn´t able to make it work cause the radioMenu was not containing the option I set up in the trigger zone. But then I realized that if I even manage to fix that, some more things would be a bit off, as doing this won't add weight to Helo and I would need to create a system to self-regulate how many can be deployed, for how long, etc... So, I was wondering, and more now that the Chinook is almost already here in less than two weeks™, if this function of deploying a road base or a simple FARP from a helo like the Chinook would be something cool and useful to add as a module for DML. Hope you are having a good weekend. Cheers!
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