Having no issue with George listing targets but I've ctd'd a few times when selecting one from the list. PG on a dedicated server. Crash reports sent...no fog
Do you use Defender for your anti virus? If so, exclude from scanning Saved Games folder, Eagle Dynamics folder, and anything else used in DCS like Natural Point Track IR(also in app data local programs), SRS folder, etc. Even Defender itself.
Go to the discord for help. Check CTLD thread.
I've got it loading all my moose ctld crates, troops, fob. Also using warehousing, I can load crates from rearming menu. But from testing, you won't get good results doing both(like the herc mod does).
Have you tried Marianas? My Sinai, PG MP Campaigns fall apart after about 20 minutes in, where before they ran fine.
Marianas on the other hand, no issues at all and it has 3 large Carrier Groups, Subs, 5 Airwings, CTLD, etc.
I have this issue on a dedicated server, but the same mission does fine if I host it multiplayer through the M.E. on my gaming computer. Also using project lasso on the dedicated, no cores disabled...
So I'm still looking over the server machine, thinking a re install or long repair is in order. The server machine worked fine before the update also.
Still an issue, all of last night on the CVN-71 lost all controls on launch and there after.
Landing on the CVN-71 from another base works fine. Land, refuel, takeoff, everything works fine after that.