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About Joe1978

  • Birthday 07/06/1978

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL II
  • Interests
    Audio DIY

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  1. Yes, I think I understand you in this case, but my note (and I hope no one is offended by it) is for all those who repeat the mantra that the F14 was expensive to maintain, and obviously it was, but I think these people don't know "why" it was expensive to maintain... they are simply repeating something they have heard without understanding anything. Did you know that in the factory, the bimetallic hoses of the hydraulic fluid were frozen by the liquid helium contracting the material and then coupled? In this way, when they expanded again they remained fixed. Problem: when you have to redo those lines and you don't have the materials or the means to do it correctly. I repeat, I don't want to be pedantic or offend anyone. Joe
  2. All variable geometry aircraft are quite complex to sustain and the F14, despite its robustness, is no exception... Even the Mig 23 (much simpler) was a nightmare.
  3. I've finished the campaign. . Mission #11: was completely broken. I had to restore it as if it were a puzzle. Now it is fully functional. I have respect everything except detail: although it is not indicated, part of the mission is based the assumption that our wingman (aka Patrick Star) survives. If he is shot down, the mission will not work and I can assure you that out of 5 times I tried it, he was shot down on 4 occasions. Now it's no longer necessary for Patrick... sorry, I meant, our Wingman to survive. . Mission #12 is intact and 100% playable. I have been tempted to modify several details of this campaign but finally I have left it as faithful as possible to the original. Thanks again to @dggoofy for creating this entertaining campaign and I hope he doesn't mind the changes/restoration. Joe M11-Anti-Artillery.miz
  4. Nice photos/videos of the Spanish F104s. By the way, around minute 2 you can see an F104 after going off the track.
  5. Mission 10 SAM Site Bit bug: our attack group starts without Belougas and external tanks: Fix. M10-The SAM Site.miz
  6. I'm glad...I hope ED (and other 3rd parties) realize that, with the number of modules we have currently (all western), Soviet aircraft are a goldmine to exploit: Mig23/27, Su15, Su17/22, Su27... and why not? a Mig25 (one of my fetishes). They would probably sell like hotcakes. I would also like ED to reissue the MiG21 or the MiG19 (or Deka to make a Chinese version). EMO Magnitude and RB leave a lot to be desired.
  7. The Iraqis learned that lesson well
  8. Back to the original topic. I would prefer a MiG23 by ED rather than RB. With ED we would have a relatively constant flow of updates while with RB it would be in danger of being abandoned at any time (as they have done with their other modules before the dispute with ED). Now that we have maps of Iraq and Iran, some good campaigns could be made on those maps... and of course I would love a map of Angola/South Africa.
  9. I have deleted the files from both folders but I still get the same error.
  10. I wanted to post this video but I didn't know where to do it exactly. I apologize if there is already a thread to share videos
  11. Restored. Just made a slight adjustment to the two trigger. The problem is that the AI is capable of turning on a cent or doing turns with large radii that misalign the triggers . I hope I didn't upset Dggoofy as this is his campaign. M03-CAP.miz
  12. I believe I have identified the bug: it appears that the leader's F5 makes a wide turn and does not precisely pass through the trigger. I intend to make a minor adjustment to the position and test it again tonight.
  13. Last year I finished this campaign and it was a lot of fun (thanks). At some point, the campaigns I had flown have appeared as inactive so I decided to fly some of them again. Yesterday I started this one again and on mission 3 CAP (after turning right at the border), the leader no longer communicates and the mission cannot be completed. Now that the F5 has received the update, the skings have disappeared and I fear that some parameter of the campaign may be broken. I will try to review the mission to locate the error.
  14. I'm sorry to say this but we've been seeing the A6 in the "DCS 20XX and beyond" videos for three or four years and it still hasn't appeared (not even as an AI unit). This year we saw the silhouette of two Draken and various EF animations.... What you see in the FAQ or these videos means nothing: Just marketing
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