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About RaptorFighter

  • Birthday 12/27/1963

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
    Russia, Saint-Petersburg
  • Interests
    DCS World, Music, AudioSound, Hi-Fi, Hi-End
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  1. Last night I updated the stable version and DF-21 magically lifted the launch container and made a precise strike on the ship.
  2. I agree with you. I'm not surprised at all, but in this case, an extreme degree of disrespect was demonstrated to the community using mods and to the modders themselves.
  3. I started a separate disk for a full copy of the previous version. I'm tired of fighting these problems over and over again. I caught myself thinking that I only have time to fix bugs and inconsistencies in updates and test whether units in mods work correctly. I haven't gotten any pleasure from the game for a long time.
  4. Thank you, Buddy! I bow before Your working capacity and responsibility. There are few like You...)))
  5. Thanks!) The speed of 2533 km/h is certainly not hypersonic. The parameters still need to be adjusted...
  6. Colleagues, good day to all! Can you please tell me if Iskander-M works properly for everyone? Mine is not active. It just stands there with the doors closed. It is activated with the old file "9M723_missile.lua". True, the missile flies along a very flat trajectory in the final section...
  7. Бросается в глаза разница в пилотаже: насколько энергично и бодро выполняет фигуры реальный самолёт в сравнении с вялыми и сонными движениями самолёта в моде. Не в обиду разработчикам. Это, увы, объективный факт.
  8. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/ru/shop/modules/thunder/
  9. You might want to try adding pendants using the appropriate "UnitPayloads" file folder... B-52H.lua
  10. I haven't discovered anything like this yet
  11. It is also possible to repair some air-to-air (A-A) missiles in other third-party mods.
  12. It is necessary to reset the value of the acceleration parameter from the gas rudders. In this case, the rockets will not fly into the ground at launch. See screenshot.
  13. I follow You, Your answers to other users, Your favorable attitude towards opponents and simply people who are not always in the know and do not always understand basic things. And I simply never cease to admire Your character and try to be like You in communicating with other people, although with great difficulty, to be honest. Thank You Carrenthill. Don't take it as flattery. This is true.
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