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Everything posted by AStotzer

  1. Why does the Vikhr missles show up on the hud as 9A4172? But they are also called APU-8. Many of the missions I have practices with use this missle and it's been confusing me a little all along.
  2. Yes, everyone came here. Except for me and bflagg. I am also not here. I am with bflagg. There is no one over there. Also, for those of you who say you come here, please prove it!!
  3. Is this a new bug? I never had this problem before. Yes post this in the Bug or Wish List forum. I posted similar 'issue' a few days ago. It is just WAY too much work to run the game every time just to see if something is in the right place. Yes, they are in the encylopedia, but they are considered 'Civilian' units, and only show up automatically if you have Civilian Traffic turned on in the options. If you do, then trains start at certain train stations all over the map. I'm guessing there is about 40-60 of them. I played with this for a while 7 months ago. When you go into any mission, just press Shift-F12 to cycle through the Trains in the game. No matter what 'day' or 'time' you set a mission for, the trains always start in the same station and follow the same route. So, you could find and bomb a moving train. The problem is, since it's not an object 'you' can place on the map, you can't designate it as a target, or a success requirement. However, you can designate the static train cars that are on the side rails at some train stations. You just have to designate the target as cooridnates, not object. I read a similar post a few days ago. I have not seen this myself. In that thread they said the ac just drove across country thought trees and grass. They said it was a known bug that sometimes ac want to 'drive' to their takeoff airbase after landing at the landing airbase. This sounds maybe similar, but I truly don't know.
  4. In the past, if a campaign was too hard, I just skipped it and went to something more fun. I wish I could have just played them because they were fun, but I just would die in about 5 minutes every time. When I made 'When HOGs Fly' I tried to make it fun with action and about medium diffucilty. I'm no Ace either. I rarely mess with ripple qty or interval on the A10 dumb bombs, and play with labels on 75% of the time. But for me, if you include the password, I'll probably try to tweak each mission as I get to them if they are too hard. :horseback CHARGE!!
  5. 20,248 x 2048 skins are HUGE!! :rolleyes: You have a typo in your title. :icon_pidu
  6. I think I remember one of Ironhand's A10 Tutorials (I think it was the Anti-Ship one) where he shot at the ships and after 2 enemy aircraft crashed, he landed at a dirt airstrip. If I remember correctly, I think there was a dirt runway, and maybe a tent and a truck? Not sure if he made it, or if it was just there. My memory may be wrong too.
  7. Thanks Mitch and Thomas for hosting! Downloaded them ALL last Saturday and they look awesome! ;)
  8. You can assign coordinates as targets and designate railroad cars that are static on the side tracks. Also, Everytime you start any mission, the moving trains always start in the same locations/stations. You just need to have Civilian Traffic turned on in the options and press Shift-F12 to cycle through them. Since they always start in the same station when any mission starts you can predict where a moving train will be and still bomb it. But you can't designate it as a target in the mission editor since it's moving. I've done this in a mission.
  9. Is that some DressMaker software your speaker is sitting on? What other hobbies do you have Witchking? :icon_redf :o Also, what 'Fixes' are you talking about. I had not heard that there were any patches for FC 1.1 yet. Did I miss something?? :confused:
  10. http://www.simviation.com/downloads.html http://www.fsplanet.com http://www.avsim.com
  11. Sorry Guys! My memory must be going... :icon_eek: Once again, this comes in handy.
  12. When it first came out a long time ago, I just remember some posts asking/complaining why state of the art weapons and systems were not included. If I remember correctly, the response from one of the UBI forum mods was that it was based in the 80's, and that was why.
  13. Good Point! I was a little disappointed that the A10 didn't come with some of the more modern weapons systems. So they break the rule for this? Oh well, it looks pretty.
  14. Yes, please release the template!!! Since I received my FC 1.1 CD from NP I've been looking all over for some Su-25t skins and can't find any! :icon_frow
  15. Sweet! :icon_pidu :icon_pray
  16. Hey Viper, Is this Runway mod compatable with FC 1.1??
  17. Thanks for your work Teka! I installed the View Rotation mod and it seems to work just fine. I can turn my head further back. I also installed the Russian Seat Mod Loman version. Does it work for the Su-25t? I don't see it in that aircraft. I just see a solid gray head rest. Thanks.
  18. I vote for a Campaign with the Declassify key included.
  19. Can't you just press Shift-F10 to turn on/off all Labels in a campaign? I've never had a problem with that. Also, in 1.00 - 1.02 I thought I was able to set the difficulty in the main menu and that setting was used in my campaigns. I remember when I played the stock A10 campaign at first I was getting my a$$ kicked. So, I set the difficulty from the main menu to allow unlimited weapons and fuel and from then on in the campaign I could play a campaign mission with these settings. Has these things changed in 1.1? :confused:
  20. Very nice job urze! It looks like you built your pc right into that desk/base, is that right? Where is your cup holder? :icon_jook
  21. Thanks ZoomBoy!!! On the UBI forums I stated that with this, and your Up-to-Speed Guide I will be blowing stuff up in no time. I am just going through your guide now, and playing the quick Su-25t mission on the main menu. I did have one question. You state that 'One developer says there's a 5 minute warm-up period' for the IR jamming tail system (Sukhogruz). That would be important to know for sure. Do know if it does take 5 mins to warm up?
  22. Congrats Commander! Nothing better than free! You also got into Area 51 free too didn't you? A comp membership if I remember. Better pick some lottery numbers! PS: I'm confused. Did you get promoted in this forum? Aren't you known as Capt.Instigator in the UBI forums?
  23. I made this for myself to help me get up to speed with the new Su-25t aircraft, and thought some of you might like to use it as well. I found the original 262 page .pdf Manual too large to print. So, I condensed it down to 94 pages in Word .doc format, which only includes information relevant to the new Su-25t aircraft. I also made a copy of the keycommands.doc file which only includes the changes for FC 1.1. And Ironhand graciously agreed to let me include his new Airbase Altitude Maps. I printed the manual with 2 pages on each sheet of paper, and also setup the print job to print on both sides of the paper. This further reduced the printed output from 94 pages down to 24 pages. I then printed the keycommands and Ironhand's Airbase Altitude Maps and put them at the back of the manual. Kinko's put a binding on the manual for only $5.00. Download Here!
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