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Everything posted by Darkdiz

  1. Does anyone know what the export name is for the F-15E engine monitor display (lower right on the front cockpit main panel)? Does it have an assigned viewport and can it be exported to an external monitor? TIA Dizzy
  2. Actually got it to work, was quite easy. I downloaded the GUI version, checked with a couple of my IT nerd pals, and it ended up being literally a 30-sec process. https://www.howtogeek.com/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/ This is the guide I used, the link to the GUI version is in there. Apparently (though NOT evident) is that you use the straight symbolic link, NOT junction. Works like a charm, I just have to see if an update will screw it up.
  3. Turns out it was an ED login server issue, nothing to do with me. Seems to be resolved now. Sorry if I put this in the wrong place, it SEEMED to be the right one. In terms of the mods, I disable them with OVGME prior to any update
  4. Update: Still unable to connect to my OWN server, unable to select any coalition nor role. All I get is a random unit view. Same for many (not all) other MP servers. For my own server, even after a FULL system reboot, still no coalition nor role select capability, exact same for other MP servers. Was working fine last evening
  5. Had a login expired message on my server, restarted. Unable to get into any server, all I get is a random airport view, then an unable to connect message. No select coalition or role screen. Log attached dcs.log
  6. I have 2 instances of DCS on my server rig, 1 is the actual game, and the other is the dedicated server. I only use the game client on this rig to edit server missions, I don't fly on it. In order to get multiplayer server missions to run on a given terrain, the terrain has to be on the mods/terrains folder of the server install, resulting in the terrains being installed twice, once in the server install, and once in the client install (takes up a HUGE amount of un-necessary space). Is there any way to get the server to look into the main game install mods/terrains folder? I tried putting shortcuts into the dserver mods/terrains folder for each terrain I own, but that did not work, just got a blank screen and a server error. Thanks Muad' Diz
  7. Title kind of says it all. I have my dedicated server up and running, initially no issues, folks can see/logon etc. After a while with no users, I have to reboot the server completely (close DCS Server, Restart) for it to be visible once again. For me, behind my firewall, no issues, as long as the server is up I can see it, but anyone else outside of my firewall cannot, without the reboot. Any suggestions?
  8. Since about 2 updates ago, I am getting a myriad of false positives on my anti-virus (McAfee). From what I hear, I'm not the only one. Typically, it is a flight model dll in the aircraft /bin folder, or lately the CombinedArms.dll (flagged as an actual virus and not quarantined like the others). This particular one cannot be put on the exception list because it is still seen as a virus, even though I marked it as resolved. Apart from adding all of the individual files as exceptions as they get flagged, is there any way ED can get allow-listed for DCS? Note that some anti-virus packages do not allow folder-level exceptions, so individual files have to be added one-by-one, which of course is a PITA.
  9. Same issue here. I thought maybe it was my anti-virus (McAfee) scanning real-time, but maybe not
  10. So I did SORT of the same thing as Jonsky7, but edited some of the 15 lua files. If you look at my monitor setup file, at the bottom, go through that process, and you can add another name (such as F15E_Center_MFCD). I'll have to have a look at exactly which files I changed, its been a while. Update: Look in the main game/Mods/aircraft/f-15e/cockpit/bake/mfdg folder. For each MFD on both cockpits there is a lua init file. Here are mine, notice I changed the try find assigned viewport line in each... The WSO left and right outer displays already have a unique name so don't have to be changed. The files are actually lua files but I changed the file type to new so you will need to change them back to .lua files Bake_RCRI_init.new Bake_FCC_init.new Bake_FCL_init.new Bake_FCR_init.new Bake_RCLI_init.new
  11. For those of us who have the F-15C FC3 issue (not able to launch after the update to FC2024), the fix is as follows: Look in your saved games/dcs.openbeta/Mods/Aircraft folder, and either delete, move or rename the Flaming Cliffs folder. I ended up, after repairing, deleting, reinstalling individual FC2024 aircraft, doing this (I moved the folder) and lo and behold, my F-15C was able to launch once again.
  12. I completely uninstalled FC3 using the new launcher. Then I installed each individual aircraft, which all work except for the F-15c. Renamed the sub folders in the saved games Mods folder (I kept SRS, Tacview and LOTATC) Lo and behold, one of the mods (I suspect the flaming cliffs one) is causing the issue. @Ironhand don't ever let anyone tell you that you are nothing less than a ROCKSTAR! Your help has been awesome. Now to replace the mods that I want to keep
  13. I had FC3 installed, it worked fine. After I upgraded to FC2024, the F-15C stopped working (clearly the log I posted confirms that, no F-15C FM). BTW, I am NOT the only one having this issue
  14. Uninstalled, re-installed, no change. All I get is the map, and the voice overs (using Marianas Free Flight Instant action) Line 3380 F-15C FM not exist dcs.log
  15. Just did a full slow repair. Fired up no mods, log attached. Line 3373 says it all, no FM for the F-15C I'll try uninstalling FC3 dcs.log
  16. All tried. Repair/clean done, AV software (Macafee) files excluded (would be nice to be able to exclude the entire DCS folder, but Macafee is files only AFAIK) Line 3405 in the log says the F-15C FM does not exist, not sure where that would have gone, the F-15C.dll is in the Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\F-15C\bin folder dcs.log
  17. Player not available in ME IIRC, client only. I made a custom mission for it, still no joy I don't have that mod, I DO have the F-15E (RAZBAM). I'm choosing the FC3 F-15C, which USED to work fine until the upgrade(?) to FC2024
  18. After the most recent recent patch, I am unable to fly the F-15C (flaming cliffs). Cold start, free flight, doesn't matter. The screen shows the map, and thats it. The voice-overs work, and if I hit F2 I can see the jet, but cannot get into the cockpit. The jet seems under AI control as well. In other threads I have seen other folks with the same issue. I was hoping that the FC auth fix would fix this as well.
  19. I upgraded to FC2024 (legacy FC3 owner), all of the aircraft, including the legacy ones seem to be there. IIRC, I had to use the old module manager to get to where the files would download properly. That being said, all of the aircraft are available, but the F-15C's cockpit is unavailable. If it is a hot or air start, the aircraft is visible in F2 view, but seems to be controlled by AI, even with Client or Player selected in the ME.
  20. Trying to stay on topic... Apparently the TFR is also date-challenged
  21. In any court of law, truth is the first casualty. So who is "right" and who is "wrong" becomes irrelevant, and is really a function of how good your lawyer is
  22. Outstanding work Loophole, outstanding. Maybe the "displacement" spelling works, because IIRC when I remmed certain ones out as in my original post I got a different result on the display. At the end of the day though, clearly a bug
  23. Could be. The post I got it from said diplacement, but to me that didn't make sense, so I changed it to displacement. Did you test it with diplacement? If so, did it work? Hope so, that would be AWESOME! UPDATE: Tried it with diplacement, I get the whole screen grid once again, and no ability to control the radar cursor
  24. So after more f!@#ing around with this... RHAW export works fine, I couldn't see any side affects of this export. To export this, do the following: Monitor config file, add your viewport. I called mine F4_ALR46, the final input into this lua file should look something like: --/////////////////////// --F-4 --/////////////////////// F4_ALR46 = -- MFD 2 { x = 1205; y = 600; width = 600; height = 600; aspect = 1--600/600 } --F4_DSCG = -- MFD 1 --{ -- x = 90; -- y = 600; -- width = 595; -- height = 595; -- aspect = 1--600/600 --} Note that I have double-dashed my DSCG viewport, just too many bugs right now in this export, I'll discuss that later in the post. For the ALR46, you will have to adjust the x and y pixel coords, as well as the width, height and aspect for your own setup. For the DSCG, clearly a few bugs that need to be worked out by HB. In no particular order: 1 - If the DSCG is exported, I lost my ability to control the radar cursor. Bindings work without the export. Range NOT displayed on the DSCG 2 - If a TV source is selected, it displays, but also displays on the HUD. Looks like its the first monitor export contents that are displayed (so since mine is the ALR46, this is what got displayed, if I disabled this export, the TV image was displayed) 3 - Most folks get the radar grid lines displayed over their entire DCS-defined screenspace. After much testing, I found that adding update_screenspace_displacement(1, true, 0) to various files in addition to the dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") try_find_assigned_viewport("F4_DSCG") lines got rid of the overlaid gridlines. 4 - Finally, if you select a TV source, the targetting crosshairs (looks like # on the display) will remain on your display, and cannot be erased (at least I did not find a way) The list of files I played with are as follows, all in the mods/aircraft/F-4E/cockpit/Scripts folder RHAW/Indicator/init_bake.lua --> added dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") try_find_assigned_viewport("F4_ALR46") DSCG/indicator/init.lua DSCG/indicator/DSCG_Pilot/init_bake.lua, DSCG/indicator/DSCG_WSO/init_bake.lua --> added dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") --update_screenspace_displacement(1, true, 0) try_find_assigned_viewport("F4_DSCG") Note the update_screenspace_displacement(1, true, 0) is remmed out (ignored by the system) Radar_Indicator/radar_page.lua, TV_Indicator/hobos_page.lua, init.lua, maverick_page.lua, pave_spike_page.lua, walleye_page.lua --> added dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") TV_Sensor/init.lua --> added dofile(LockOn_Options.common_script_path.."ViewportHandling.lua") --update_screenspace_displacement(1, true, 0) try_find_assigned_viewport("F4_DSCG") Clearly more testing needed here, there are a myriad of combination left to try (I never got around to playing with the remaining files in the TV_Sensor folder other than the init.lua file. As I stated above, Until someone with more talent (and time) than I figures out the DSCG export, I'm just going to use the ALR46 export. Sorry for the long a technical post, good luck to folks who use this try try and move the football. Diz out
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