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Everything posted by cgjimeneza

  1. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3342187/ see this post I made with modified indicators LUA file for F/A-18 F-15 SE A4E-C AH-64D UH-60L
  2. A glass of wine with you, sir... or a whole bottle... will try it monday after my chemoterapy session LOL
  3. I have checked these two post; https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321329/ nullbut no luck yet..
  4. no joy... was not able to find it, see the files I useda-4E control indicator.pdfUH-60L control i.pdf it's getting to be frustrating
  5. I think file is ControlsIndicator_page.lua as it has more parameters. will try to go from (A-4E vs F/A-18C vs OH-6A and see if if find anything)
  6. if possible, send me a file name and what to look for, and i can back track and work from the OH-6A that shows its posit, it would be greatly appreciated
  7. Hi. I recently added a 12" mini monitor with MFD bezels, (Cougar ones). I did manage with a lot of help to export the MFDs for apache, -18, -15E and kiowa... so im good there the problem is that the small control indicator window got lost. when I redefined the monitor size to account for the small monitor, most of my control indicator, (except for the OH-6) went missing. I would like your help to define it's position and size as a fixed value and not as part of a formula that might get movednull
  8. hi... is the OH-6 selectable in the mission editor? for the life of me I cannot find it after octobers patch and v1.5 of the mod.
  9. hi mr mkiii what line exactly do you edit? I lost almost all mine when i added a mini monitor to show the MFD displays
  10. do you use an Antivirus? if you quarantined the file, it might be 'locked' for deletion this happened to me with a supercarrier dll
  11. On tech I removed the 3 ECHO core files (main, F/A-18 and Spitfire) just in case On aircraft, the UH-60L (v1.4) seems to cause a crash, removed along with the MH-60R (v3.5.1.2) will test more over the weekend
  12. Services: PW-dev made it crash Resource: Echo19_Core: no problem moving to test slowly with TECH
  13. mcaffe detects as a virus trojan the following file: edSupercarrier.dll located in SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/DCSWorld/Mods/Tech/Supercarrier/bin DCS started im testing on the kiowa. will bring back mods one by one (moving to new mods folder, dont want to lose the A-4 and the UH-60 will report what i find may I mark as safe the edSupercarrier.dll??
  14. will rename the mods folder in saved games to xxxmods and do the verification this should make it invisble, right?
  15. Steam updated the game yesterday. have been unable to play it since them. most i've seen it opens the launcher, the Nvidia Logo and has a crash, it offers to send the crash log (latest one attached) getting bored dcs.log-20241031-130730.zip
  16. howdy. just saw this will give it a try. I ve printed the OH-6 and F/A display luas... will also try to ident diff lines
  17. new item. as I added the 3rd mini monitor, my controls indicator window went out of business... it seems the position is based on total height (via a formula)... so it went south as height is now 1080+768 of the smaller monitor, the F-18C, A-4 and the Helicopters (except for the OH-6) are now covered by the MFD exports. Can anyone give me a pointer to the posit and nominal size so I can edit all the lua files involved and get the indicators back?
  18. By Jove sir, it works yes, I have to play with MFD screen size and posit, as I have an acrylic rectangle with velcro on both sides, the cougar MFDs are then secured permanently and I can remove the whole acrylic frame and have the mini monitor usable for whatever So, I would have a glass of wine any day, with you. PS: Yes, Im quite fond of the works by Patrick O'Brian
  19. gracias, will move the little one (windows wise) and do try. will try it tomorrow, as today is a very full day most kind of you, sir
  20. nullhelp... im going nuts... see the attached image, I know.. .monitor 1 is preferred as main, but my desk is built in a way that no.2 is more 'center' friendly
  21. so, just to put in perspective this delay (or as Andrei Celeste says, In the future): you can all play? Yes: then go play No: then fix it (oh evil ones) LOL I'll wait for a working patch, go fly a bit on my WORKING DCS and not be so overly serious
  22. Hi. do you still have the drawings or the stl (even better the solidworks part drawings,) but better if just dimensioned drawings to practice and to do a better job getting the parts/components that we can get here in the tropics...
  23. Hi. can you make it possible to re arrange or hide some module icons (the list that shows at the bottom of the page) many mods that are not exactly playable just drop there. or maybe we own the KAs, the A-10A, the C and the CII, and only want to use the A? or we fly the Hornet and the Apache mostly, but we have to scroll a lot to get there thanks... keep it improvig... will deff need bigger M2 drive for Xmass is we keep putting maps out
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