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Everything posted by Blue73

  1. Thanks FoxDelta! I saw your 3d model this morning, I was wondering how it hooked into the Warthog, waiting for follow up posts :) On mine the side modules mounting pegs are sandwiched between the two metal plates of the warthog. Sections are dovetailed into each other and the existing screws are long enough to pass through the extra thickness. I have two main mounting peg types, both are shown below. cheers John
  2. Thanks Mr_Burns, it's not very realistic but it's in the approx position.
  3. Small update, created new side car to handle the canopy control and the FCS BIT switch. These vertical modules have been updated to allow them to be run up along the side of the standard modules. The last photo shows how they're connected. Undershot that shows how the modules are connected together. cheers John
  4. Found the issue tonight with the "EMERGENCY_PARKING_BRAKE_ROTATE" command not working. The ringbuffer in the slave and master headers is set to 32, it needs to be increased to accommodate the longer commands. I've increased mine to 48.
  5. Hi Rennes, This is what I do for debugging. Also get ready to hit the pause key if you're debugging inbound messages from DCS. //create this function void debugMsg ( const char *sIn, int iIn ) { char sValue[7]; char sMsg[128]; snprintf(sMsg,128,"--DEBUG-> %s,",sIn); utoa(iIn, sValue, 10); DcsBios::tryToSendDcsBiosMessage(sMsg, sValue); } //function use, I send debug strings and values. void loop() { debugMsg("Test Debug Msg",20); }
  6. Hi Rennes, can the c function atoi() help here? If you're getting a number represented as a string this function will convert it to an integer. For debugging I just send my debug messages as regular dcs messages and watch the (DCS-BIOS)serial console screen. Let me know if you want a specific example. cheers John
  7. Hi Rob, How would you integrate the button into the rotary? I built mine like this, https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=219982&page=20 If Andrew is able to implement the pull command then I'll write code that sends the pull message when a pos3->pos4 is detected or a push if pos4->pos3 is detected. cheers John
  8. Thanks Aniron, I've learnt a few new things. :) cheers John
  9. Hi Padonis, yes I've designed and 3d printed a mechanism that wraps a rotary switch.
  10. Looking good Bones, will this be a DCS-BIOS driven project?
  11. Thanks Andrew, I have the rotary switch with pull action sorted, it would greatly appreciated if you can add the function!
  12. no need, you can drive many nano's off the +5V rail from the Mega, though mine was in a USB3 port.
  13. Hi Rockeyes, I'm in the same boat, no registration acceptance email from them. Are you able to help me too? Thanks.
  14. Hi Padonis, Andrew has fixed this in his latest version, well at least it's fixed for me. Have you updated your library?
  15. Hi! Very simple with just a single Nano. You can omit the Bus Transceiver and wiring. Just need to have a common ground for your switches and a +5V for one of your POT pins. Both of these are connected to the GND and +5V pins of the Nano. For your switch GND lines, daisy-chain them all together so you only need a single pin to connect to the Arduino. If you need any further clarification let me know. cheers John
  16. Thanks Gotwake, if I don't I'll show you how to make them from vero, it's seriously not difficult. All traces are horizontal with a few solder bridges.
  17. Hi Gotwake, about to go on vacation, I'll look into this when I return. cheers John
  18. Happy to help McG. Yes flaps are on-off-on the rest off-on but they also have 3 pins.
  19. No problems Chouclak :) I can't open that page but the master wiring is identical except for tx/rx, they go to the comm1 pins. cheers John
  20. Hi Gotwake, DCS-BIOS is very easy to use, I highly recommend. That's my design, I've got a track drill hole template I've made that overlays onto vero-board. Can knock one of those out in 20mins. It took me a few iterations but now it's easy to make and work with. I probably should have had them mass made but I've been tweaking the design ever since making the first one. cheers John
  21. Hi, I've put together this diagram to show how my Jettison/Flap/Launch Bar/Landing Lights slave is built. DcsBios::Switch2Pos selJettBtn("SEL_JETT_BTN", 14); const byte selJettKnobPins[5] = {8, 9, 10, 11, 12}; DcsBios::SwitchMultiPos selJettKnob("SEL_JETT_KNOB", selJettKnobPins, 5); DcsBios::Switch3Pos flapSw("FLAP_SW", 5, 6); DcsBios::Switch2Pos antiSkidSw("ANTI_SKID_SW", 4); DcsBios::Switch2Pos launchBarSw("LAUNCH_BAR_SW", 7, true); DcsBios::Switch2Pos ldgTaxiSw("LDG_TAXI_SW", 3); cheers John
  22. Hi Chouclak, if you remove the Nano's LED you get 17 inputs. The number of switches is dependent on what type of switches you need. cheers John
  23. Hi McG, I have a left and right master arranged as follows. Left BUS 1: Left Side Console, 7 slaves Left BUS 2: Left Upright Console, 4 slaves +12V used to drive fans Right BUS 1: Right Side Console, 4 slaves Right BUS 2: Right Upright Console, 3 slaves +12V used to drive the fan Noise on the +12V line means the uprights get their own bus. Without the fans I could easily run the entire left side and the right upright on a single bus. Yes each slave is driven by a single Nano, they are cheap on eBay. Each box has it's own Nano so yes the Gear Box and Jett/Flap box will need their own Nano. cheers John
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