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Atazar SPN

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Everything posted by Atazar SPN

  1. You are the idiot, but you are not an idiot just for a little while, you are an idiot all year round. As they would say in my town, you are more stupid than BIG.
  2. Reason is something you have or don't have. It is not something that is achieved by receiving likes. There are many opinions. But there is only one reality. The reality is that the effects on the canopy textures and DDIs are of very poor quality. Waiting for the next defender. We are going to have fun. You will do anything to silence me, but you will not make reality change, because reality could only change with a correct quality retexture.
  3. Nor do we need an army of ED defenders waiting for the opportunity to jump on the neck of anyone who makes a report. The problem has not been solved. The texturing of the DDIs has been maintained after the last update and the canopy reflections have been toned down, maintaining their poor quality. If you want to argue, let's argue, because I am here to give my opinion, not to please you.
  4. Efecos del dosel y los DDI antes de la actualización.
  5. The Hornet's canopy texture effects and DDIs are third-rate. It's really very bad. I'm beginning to doubt if they don't want to do it well, or if they don't know how to do it well.
  6. The Hornet's canopy texture effects and DDIs are third-rate. It's really very bad. I'm beginning to doubt if they don't want to do it well, or if they don't know how to do it well.
  7. No lo convirtieron en algo irrelevante pero no han aplicado cambios significativos y bajo mi punto de vista el texturizado de los DDI y los efectos de reflejos del dosel del Hornet juegan en la liga de tercera división. Usuarios que son simples aficionados ofrecieron a la comunidad texturas de mayor calidad. Dos aficionados que lo hicieron mejor.
  8. What I would never do is spend 800 characters offering an empty answer like yours. There is a phrase that says: Contribute or leave. You haven't contributed anything, so please do the second.
  9. Obtaining data from authorization. The error code is: 502 Using the saved authorization. Solved.
  10. Los objetos estáticos no son interactivos y carecen de funciones programables, por desgracia. Yo también he tratado de simular el escenario de descarga de un C-130 al llegar al parking de estacionamiento de su destino y ha sido imposible.
  11. Creo que lo estoy anunciando tarde, pero de aquí a 20 minutos lanzaré un servidor para una misión de extracción en Gaza y haría falta al menos un piloto de Hornet para limpiar la zona, o UH-1H para la extracción. Mi Discord, atazardcs
  12. Yes, you are right, there is texture but that layer has at least 20% opacity and that is why it is almost invisible. I assume that layer is the same as the canopy layer, intended for reflections, and is what gives the feeling of glass. Good job ED anyway. The texture of the casings and materials, the rotaries, is very successful. I still don't like DDIs.
  13. The glass is missing from some instruments. The canopy has no reflections.
  14. UH-1H belonging to the FAMET. Airmobile Forces of the Spanish Army. Screenshot taken on the Aerobatics server. Nazgul at the controls of the helicopter in formation.
  15. Thank you (to you) for contributing something that may be disturbing to many. I also find it disturbing because in the early days of SA it was possible to see dozens of contacts in HMD without having to hover over them.
  16. I'm not sure, but they would only appear if they are marked by some friendly radar, if you hover over the contact within SA or select it with the (step) function. They would also appear if they are detected by your own radar.
  17. Are you referring to FLIR air-to-air mode or FLIR air-to-ground mode? In air-to-air mode you do not need to pass the priority (SOI) to the HUD because the diamond is synchronized with the FLIR and you can operate it from the DDI in which the FLIR is operating. The first step is to transfer the priority with the sensor switch to the DDI where you want to use the FLIR, then you will press TDC and you can start moving the cursor. You will be able to do this only if you do not have any weapons selected. If you have a weapon selected with radar turned off, it will have no diamonds or waypoints except the forward vision starting point. You can then search and lock on to a target with the radar off, by doing (SOI) twice over the target on the DDI where the FLIR is operating. I hope I have explained it well. This is a translation from Google Translate. FLIR TEST.trk
  18. I think only a true Hornet pilot could appreciate the degree of realism. What I have observed as an armchair pilot is that there are situations where the Hornet is more difficult to control. In straight and level flight it is like silk, perfect for refueling in flight. In combat situations with sudden turns, things change and the plane is more difficult to control. It's also more prone to crashing into the ground and mountains on dodges because it's harder to recover on steep descents. During turns the plane understeers or oversteers in all its axes, sometimes causing the loss of absolute control with the famous oscillation. It's as if FBW no longer corrects the pilot's inaccuracies or has less authority. My opinion is not the absolute truth, just my observation, as a desk pilot who has never flown a JET.
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