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Atazar SPN

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Everything posted by Atazar SPN

  1. Es la noche y el día para quienes quieren notar que hay algo entre el interior y el exterior de la cabina. Con el sol en contra se ve increíble pero lamentablemente no pasa el filtro de integridad para multijugador. El mayor trabajo ha sido encontrar la plantilla adecuada de arañazos de alta resolución y calcular la trayectoria de los limpiaparabrisas para que la zona coincida con el recorrido. He tenido que trabajar esta textura sobre la plantilla destinada a los reflejos UH1_glass_refl porque lamentablemente la modificación de uh1_cockpit_glass no produce ningún efecto o cambio en la textura. Ta textura DDS se ha exportado con una compresión de 4X | BC7. No soy un experto, pero la compresión y exportación normal no estaba funcionando. Si quieres usar esto debes hacer una copia de seguridad del ZIP original alojado en la ruta: C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Uh-1H\Cockpit\Textures\[UH-1H-CPT-TEXTURES] Pero repito, no pasa el filtro de integridad. A continuación algunas capturas de la vida real y del simulador. Si estás interesado en esta modificación házmelo saber y preparo un ZIP. Si estás interesado en compartir misiones y entrenamientos en línea, contacta a través de MP y abrimos un Discord. No he accedido a otros grupos de vuelo porque no creo reunir los requisitos para cada uno. Saludos. nullnull
  2. Esto está genial, espero echarle un ojo de forma ordenada, empezando desde el principio.
  3. Flying with a partner at Aerobatics I decided to do an external view and upon reviewing the image I discovered that the partner is missing the tail rotor.
  4. Thank you. Remember that the route is also lost after boarding when that route is planned by road.
  5. I released this report at least two years ago. I hope your report makes them take a look.
  6. No sé si podréis reproducirlo desde el interior de la cabina durante toda la misión, pero si la pista no está rota para otros jugadores, esto debe verse genial en VR. Está alojada en DRIVE por su peso. Tiene audios integrados, música y comunicaciones. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aABCNkXAV7P0-cAofgd0E9hLobcGtQmS/view?usp=sharing
  7. Mission available on Google Drive and pending approval in User Files. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3335440/ We must take down the Command Center located at waypoint 6 of their HSI. It won't be an easy task. You will push your skill to the limit. Flying too low is dangerous but flying high is deadly. The area is protected by three defensive lines. You are faced with trees types of SAM. SA-10+SA-15+SA-19+IGLA Each one is lethal at long, medium and short range. You must fly low to the valley entrance located at waypoint 1 on your HSI. You carry a lot of weight on the wings and will not be able to safely plot turns at speeds above Mach 0.7. It will reach the objective by avoiding the terrain and will ascend to maximum power at the last moment. It will perform an inverted turn at 7,000 feet and lock on for a CCIP attack by ejecting 5 MK-84s simultaneously. You will need to properly configure your electronic countermeasures and select a program that will secure you during attack and evasion. It will return to the Carrier following the same route. NOTE: Ambient communications will enter through general sound. They cannot be deleted. The music will enter on the 305.0AM frequency. You can turn down the volume to the music. Allied flight reports such as target destruction will enter for 127,500. Have the volume knob at maximum. Good luck! If you want to contribute to the creation of new missions you can support my channel.
  8. It would be great to be able to operate the free camera as if it were an airplane following another. I am trying to follow a low flight through a valley and the main difficulty is maintaining the speed of the object I am following during accelerations, decelerations and turns. The turns can be assigned to the hat, but mouse scrolling is a problem for me.
  9. Target Destroyed Target destroyed.wav
  10. First of all, happy new year everyone. I recently set up a single-player mission to share and I had to eliminate the composition of two insurgent patrols with ten meters of distance between the components, reducing them to a single unit because the impact with a GBU-12 on the first unit does not affect the second. After the impact, the second unit begins to pass through textures, making it impossible to locate it. I would understand if these were armored vehicles, but they really aren't. They are all-terrain vehicles with weapon operators without helmets or armor on the outside. I believe that nothing of these characteristics would survive the impact of a GBU-12 at less than twenty meters. I think these two vehicles should be left out of the armor libraries and become part of some other section. Thanks for the enormous work!
  11. I'm having a lot of difficulty developing a scenario due to infantry errors. Currently the infantry does not obey the order (do not disperse) Any threat in the nearby area makes them run anywhere and that is where the problem is, since in the mission I want to share there are IGLA and RPG on the roofs of the buildings that after an explosion jump into the void and remain alive among the textures of the buildings making it impossible to complete the mission if the objective is to knock them down. My wish for the next patch is that the do not disperse order is carried out and the components that receive it remain in their assigned place. The mission I am sharing is incomplete. There is a lot of work left and I would like to be able to share it soon in user files. Thank you and happy new year. ZTESTGBU.miz Before downloading, keep in mind that the mission is developed on the Sinai map.
  12. Hace algunas semanas compartí un vídeo con consejos para crear audios con efecto de radio en formatos WAV/OGG para integrarlos en misiones y no pude compartir los efectos de estática y PTT porque perdí todo el contenido de una unidad USB. Si queréis estos efectos podéis descargarlos aquí: Estática: Estática.mp3 PTT: PTT.wav entiende que los que estén interesados ya saben cómo funciona. La estática es el ruido de fondo, debajo de la voz y el PTT es el (click) al inicio y la finalización de la comunicación. Felices fiestas. Aquí un ejemplo sound 1.wav
  13. Two days ago I lost my IMPUT settings by mistake and I'm remapping all the controls. From the control options you cannot assign a key to the position light located on the top panel. The switch name does not appear in the controls options window. Thank you. Solved. It's the brightness switch. Thank you.
  14. In my opinion it would be absurd to omit sacred places with the intention of avoiding the production of offensive material because in DCS offensive material can already be produced. No normal person would use DCS to replicate a terrorist attack and spread it with the intent to offend outside the pure context of the simulation which is based on the recreation of war scenarios where the objective is to attack or defend, not to offend. But in case someone with some kind of disorder wanted to offend, they could do so anyway by crashing their plane into an office building in Dubai, the pyramids in Egypt, or one of the hundreds of mosques located at different points on the map. However, the final responsibility would not be that of DCS, but that of the end user and the content hosting platform. As a Christian I wouldn't be offended if someone shared material based on the recreation of a conflict as long as the objective of that material makes some sense within the simulation and is not based solely on stupidly crashing a plane into civilian targets with the intention of offending, but If that happened, I wouldn't blame DCS, I would blame the user.
  15. Is it among the development team's plans to make Jerusalem look like Jerusalem? Would it also be possible to know who is behind this scenario? I'm not asking for names, just to know their previous work on this or other platforms. Thank you.
  16. I recently launched multiplayer SAR missions involving retrieving ejected pilots and all of the Huey pilots confirmed that they cannot see the ejected pilot when he is moving. The ejected pilot is invisible to the rest of the players, so a successful rescue is not possible. As a positive point, the ejected pilot has the possibility of boarding the Huey, although his head protrudes. Regarding the possibility of addressing player-wielded manpads in combined arms online, it is currently not possible. I cannot transport manpads controlled by other players.
  17. Hello everyone. My highest rating here is 72 out of 75. I'm always losing three points for going slow on Ramp. Does anyone know if this is due to wake turbulence? I've seen a lot of 75/75 videos but I don't really know if they have wake turbulence activated. Thank you.
  18. Actually, disconnecting the NWS during takeoff is an old habit acquired in some virtual squadron. I don't have any evidence that turning it off or keeping it on is correct, but if you tell me the NWS should be on, I'll give you credit. But anyway, the impact of the crosswind is now much greater and the authority of the tail rudder is much less.
  19. The boarding logic should change. I hate not being able to embark troops if the action has not been preset from the editor at a certain point. There are times when it is necessary to embark troops outside of the assigned points and therefore the embarkation logic should be based on the proximity of the transport vehicle to the troops using the same radio frequency and receiving the order to embark the transport. Excuse my English. This is a translated text.
  20. Sorry for posting here. I thought it would be more visible. Artificial intelligence is breaking down the formation into downhill turns. I am attaching track replays for two tests in which (AI) performs a turn descending from 3000 to 2000 feet and another replay track for the same exercise with (AI) descending from 2000 to 1000 feet. Turn test 2000-1000.trkurn test 3000-2000.trk
  21. I have several missions dedicated to formation flying and after 2.9, (AI) breaks formation into descent turns. Persian Gulf and F/A-18C required Turn Test.miz
  22. I love the view of the new 3D pilot, good job, but I normally fly with the pilot enabled and now the helmet prevents me from seeing what I have at my six, or checking the status, position and operation of the ailerons. A first-person view of the pilot is not supposed to show the pilot's own head.
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