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Everything posted by Yuma

  1. I’m anticipating buying a cake with a candle for the anniversary of this bug coming up in July.
  2. Just coming by to remind ED that after the recent update (Christmas) the multiplayer scoreboard still broken....
  3. Well in this case I will see but when you return to rearm and refuel there hasn’t been an option to request takeoff again so that’s when I saw that happening, like it was before.
  4. So it seems the server I was on had the AI ATC off or something (Through the Inferno) because in 4YA yesterday I tried it and I can confirm that AI ATC it’s working for both carriers and airfields. Sorry for the confusion. By the way this still pretty much happening once entering the runway.
  5. This is correct, AI ATC in Multiplayer still pretty much broken, with the difference that Inbound on the Supercarrier now works, even thou there are some over lap radio calls from carrier but it's nice to see at least the AI ATC from the carrier working. Airfields AI ATC still broken, again at least in Multiplayer.
  6. Requesting ATC startup and no response. Can’t even get past startup request with AI ATC after today's update. From the changelog: ATC not approving takeoff the first time - Fixed. The issue I think goes beyond approval, there's no response.
  7. Here it’s why i don't agree with the whole Vulcan thing. Vulcan API it’s a whole new or at least difference application programming interface, that is going to take longer for them to accomplish than just fixing a scoreboard, that’s what is a bit scary, I just think that they are not giving it priority to it since there are bigger issues, but I do believe that even though they are minor issues, they are the ones that we see the most.
  8. Still the same after today’s update.
  9. AI ATC still not working in multiplayer after today’s update . FYI
  10. Yeah this is an issue in the F18 as well.
  11. Yeah something in the last update is messing with hand tracking, my bet is with API layer
  12. Yuma

    Hand Tracking

    After today’s update I’m having issues with hand tracking. Hands not showing, sometimes they do and then disappear.
  13. It looks like after brief testing in 4YA server after today’s update that this issue is resolved. Thank you guys for the help.
  14. This issue still not fixed after today’s update.
  15. As of today’s update AI ATC still not working, not even as before July updates. Unfortunately.
  16. Yuma

    Hand Tracking

    So today after trying different things and more research I came to the solution of the hand module low power issue. I had to connect the Pimax headset in the USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A port (Red) and after that no more problems with the hand tracking module.
  17. Yuma

    Hand Tracking

    Yeah velcroed to the front plate, because the hand module does not work for me
  18. Confirmed, another update and multiplayer scoreboard kill/death not working…
  19. There are a lot of issues currently in DCS, I think ED needs to get on weekly updates in order to address all these issues in a promptly manner. Just like many of you I just can’t understand how the MP scoreboard still not working since middle of July. I understand the ATC issues, the Datalink issues introduced with Dynamic spawn, those things take time but a scoreboard not showing information, even though yesterday’s update the scoreboard for SP was worked on
  20. Yup, we still not able to communicate with ATC. I haven’t tried air refueling but don’t know if this would affect refueling ATC as well.
  21. Just to be clear, I’m talking about the pimax hand tracking module not your device. Now, if you talking about the Pimax hand tracking module. If it would be a driver issue, why is it that the leap motion 2 works when connected via USB 3 but the Pimax hand tracking module doesn’t when connected to the Primax crystal headset in the USB C? Same Ultraleap version software and everything. I know Tallymouse has it working too. Just sharing my experience with others just in case and mostly so it gets corrected in the future with the upcoming Pimax devices.
  22. I would advise not to purchase the Pimax hand module. I’m having issues as the USB C port in the crystal is not providing enough power to the module and you get a lot of jittery:
  23. I just send 4YA a message but they closed my post saying it was on EDs to fix this, so we will see how willingly are they to try this.
  24. Yuma

    Hand Tracking

    So after dusting off my Leap motion 2, I can confirm that when connected to a USB3 hub there are no issues whatsoever, however somehow the Pimax Crystal USB is not providing enough power to the Pimax hand tracking module. Another Pimax issue.
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