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Ted Striker

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Everything posted by Ted Striker

  1. Hi CH, something for the next update of the swedish assets pack: https://soldat-und-technik.de/2024/05/bewaffnung/38241/rheinmetall-liefert-geschuetzte-hx-lkws-fuer-schwedische-archer-artilleriesysteme/ null
  2. Are you also considering HX81 Elephant?
  3. The textures are messed up for me. So then it seems not to be related to the DCS version, but to dependency on other mods. Thx
  4. Can you also check the A400M, as with one of the latest DCS updates it is no longer looking properly?
  5. How do you like this unique vehicle? There is also a SPAAGM Variant called Ozelot. Would really love to see them in DCS….
  6. From what I used to read about the Eurofighter module, it will only be an air-to-air version. So I doubt that it will be included
  7. Hi Akitaken, thanks a lot! Great addition, and I was not aware that it existed....
  8. Due to the fact, that there will be much more logistical things that can be done in DCS, I wonder if it wouldn’t be great to get some new transporters? E.g. an NH90 for naval operations? What do you think?
  9. KC-10 would be nice, but even nicer would be an A330 MRTT or/and an A400M Tanker
  10. if you're interested in more content, make sure not to miss this site: https://www.currenthill.com/currenthill-milsim
  11. Another interesting vehicle: the CARACAL. Germany and Netherlands just signed an order of 3500 pieces.
  12. Derby and Python are already available as part of the JAS39 Gripen mod
  13. Yeah, the S106 GlobalEye would be superb too!
  14. Hi CH, I just came across this beautiful little bird. Don‘t know if you’re interested in AEW&C mods, but if you ever come across a suitable 3d model for this, I‘d be happy to donate it. https://www.iai.co.il/p/p600-aew
  15. I have the same issue. Maybe ED changed something on the dimensions of the missile with the latest update?
  16. Ted Striker

    What next?

    Or the Baltics
  17. P-8 Poseidon is already available, AI only: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/files/3321581/
  18. Hi CH, did someone ever request the successor of the german Gepard system? It‘s Skyranger Part of Skynex https://www.rheinmetall.com/de/produkte/flugabwehr/flugabwehrsysteme/vernetzte-flugabwehr Only if you feel bored
  19. Hi Rowdy, not exactly what you asked for (Spyder), but the IDF Mod Project is working on the Iron Dome SAM, which will be released soon. So there will be at least one israelian asset in that area. //Ted
  20. At least IRIS-T SLS is already available in Currenthills Swedish Military Assets
  21. THAT is what I call a tank https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landkreuzer_P._1000_Ratte https://modellbauray.com/products/1-700-p1000-ratte-und-p1500-landkreuzer-german-super-heavy-tanks-set Your next project, Stefan?!
  22. I just tried it with the Le Redoutable mod. And it launches Harpoons to engage enemy units
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