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About UncleStains

  • Birthday 09/06/1979

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS, IL-2 Flying Circus
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  1. Started messing around with DML last week and I'm loving it! Thanks for building this awesome tool. I built a 3v3 Huey PvP rugby game as an experiment. I'd love for anyone to check it out and provide feedback, especially on my implementation of DML. Huey Rugby v1.miz
  2. Will these updates include FCR multicrew sync?
  3. I feel like the controls are in pretty good shape. It took me about 100 hours in the module before I felt like I was really in control. One big thing that helped me was studying the hold modes chapter of the manual (pages 206-220 of the July 2022 quick start manual...not sure what pages in the updated early access manual) and flying with the controls indicator on for a while to understand what the SCAS was trying to do. It's always doing something, regardless of speed or inputs. You have to be able to work with it, not against it. Unsprung pedals and stick (or force feedback hardware) also helps, but the main tip is keep practicing!
  4. Did you use the sight select switch left to choose FCR as your sight?
  5. I was having this same issue. Apparently it's a known bug that is supposed to be fixed in tomorrow's patch.
  6. I did pretty extensive testing over the weekend, and I concur with your assessment. Going from Apache to A-10CII (or vice versa) resulted in a game crash. This is something I do a lot on Grayflag. Knowing this workaround, I was able to fly until my headset battery died without issue. I really appreciate your replies here!
  7. Well, got new RAM and ran a 24 hour memtest86. All good there. But I'm still crashing. Less often, but it still happens. Just uninstalled DCS and I am reinstalling to see if that helps. Latest crash dump (before DCS reinstall attempt) attached. dcs.log-20240329-183830.zip
  8. Our experience is random bugs (exactly the ones Floyd1212 describes a few posts up this thread) using FM and HF. Since we switched to VHF, we have had very good results with PP, FARM, BDA, PFZ/NFZ, target points, and mission data. This works well for our group since we rarely use VHF for anything else and can set it and forget it. Not sure about range as we're generally pretty close, but perfect line of sight appears to be necessary. You can be within a few KM but just behind the crest of a hill and DL won't go through. I have no idea how realistic any of this is, but now that we know the limitations we can work around them.
  9. Which radio are you using for the DL preset? My squad has had a lot less issues since we switched to only using the VHF radio.
  10. Think about transition from forward flight to hover as a series of discrete steps. As you practice the steps get smaller and it becomes a smooth curve. Start with IHADSS cruise symbology up so you can reference pitch angle and keep an eye on velocity/acceleration cues. Make sure your total weight is within OGE hover limits for practice. I hold the trim reset throughout this process. Not sure if that's the correct technique, but it seems to work. Start decelerating by pitching back to about +5 degrees (line of sight cross sitting on top of horizon cue). This pitch increase makes you slow down and gain altitude. Counter the ascending altitude by lowering the collective. Hold that +5 degree attitude with the cyclic and use the collective to get your vertical speed back to zero. I find it easier to watch how the flight path vector is moving rather than focusing on the vertical speed indicator. Once you're stable there, pitch back a little more to increase your horizontal deceleration rate. Counter your increasing altitude by further lowering collective. Practice getting from 120 kts to 40 kts airspeed while maintaining constant altitude. Once you have that mastered, start getting slower. Around 30 kts airspeed, it gets tricky. As your airspeed approaches the translational lift limit your vertical speed will start going negative. Pull the collective back up to counter this sinking. Keep managing vertical speed with the collective while you use the cyclic to nose down back to +5 degrees. This +5 degrees is the Apache's hover attitude (it happens to be exactly the same as the Apache's attitude when sitting on the ground). Once your airspeed is down to around 10 kts, switch the IHADSS to hover symbology and start thinking in terms of ground speed. The hover symbology velocity and acceleration cues reference ground speed, not airspeed. Get the velocity and acceleration cues inside the line of sight cross, release the trim reset, and switch on attitude hold. Then stabilize your vertical speed with the collective and switch on altitude hold. While all of the above is happening, you need to balance your collective movements with pedal movements. Raise the collective, left pedal....lower the collective...right pedal. Eventually it becomes automatic and you'll find yourself moving your feet in anticipation of those collective movements. As virtual pilots, we don't get the feedback of feeling the horizontal and vertical acceleration. This means you really have to stay ahead and anticipate what each control movement is going to do to your attitude/altitude/heading/speed and make the necessary adjustments to the other controls to compensate. As you progress, try to stay in aerodynamic trim (ball centered) above 40 kts then switch to nose-to-tail trim (flight path vector in front of aircraft nose) as you come to a stop. Do all this practice over an airport so you can easily gauge your heading and ground track. Next, find some hills or buildings and practice stopping in a hover while masked behind them.
  11. I've been having a terrible recurring DCS crash issue over the past few weeks. I feel like I've tried everything, and certainly all the normal steps (fxo/metashaders, temp folder, remove mods). I put the three most recent crash zip files here. Can anyone please help? Thank you! I also attached a few log files to this post. dcs.20240320-035900.log dcs.20240320-015000.log dcs.log dcs.20240319-041418.log
  12. When I boresight with the IHADSS set to both eyes, I kind of cross my eyes and the sight picture looks like this: +O+. It helps to lean back as far as you can, too. I wouldn't complain if ED implemented an auto boresight feature.
  13. According to my dad, who flew Hueys and Kiowas in the early 1980's, the Huey had very light centering force and he did not recall ever using the force trim. Of course, he's an old man now and who knows how good his memory is! I was shocked when he tried my setup and was immediately able to fly like a pro without touching a helicopter (or simulator/video game of any kind) in 40 years.
  14. I have found all kinds of DL weirdness except when using the VHF radio for DL.
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