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Diablo 1-1

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  1. Hello, I have the programing skills of a script kiddie and my searching skills are failing me. I want to use mist.dynAddStatic, but was unsure about stuff. Is the type and category based on the information when you emplace it using the mission editor, ie type="FARP Tent" category="Structures". Or is it something else? Also, based on the example on the wiki does everything that has a space use an underscore for type?
  2. Thank you very much. I really appreciate the assistance on this one. I assumed I just had the wrong name but I couldnt find anything else in the files.
  3. Hello, I was hoping someone could help me with getting a livery to work in game. I got the model viewer working and it displays the livery. In game, there are no options for liveries. The only one available is "Default". The file name I used was bm-21-40 based on what I saw in the DCS file system. I have included the files. description.lua ural_bm21_ChDKZ.dds
  4. I was having the same issue. What fixed it for me was changing it to mount_vfs_liveries_path("C:/Users/<ProfileName>/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Liveries") it seems it wants the forward slashes instead of the backwards.
  5. Sangin to Kajaki if it hasn't been reported. This is what WirtsLegs is referring to.
  6. No, nothing you have done wrong. I have the same issue. I spent a long time doing the twalls for the FOB I was creating. Kinda knocks the wind out of my sails when I see this.
  7. FOB Frontenac is an example of this. I was going to build it myself but even if you remove the houses it still has the crappy texture underneath.
  8. Awesome, I just wanted to make sure. Thanks again @PB0_CEF.
  9. Hello @PB0_CEF I'm back again and I have a question about the oob_init. what is tasksCoef used for. I notice it wasn't in the example but it was on just about every entry. I want to assume that 1 equals a normal chance for the task to be assigned to a flight while .5 means half as likely. I wanted to check since I noticed task and tasksCoef didn't always match up. I also have base mission if you wouldn't mind looking at it and giving me advice on how I can improve it and/or if did anything incorrectly. The only units I believe that aren't static are air defense units. The aircraft are just there so I can look up livery names and visual planning purposes. I do want to do SCUD launchers like you do mortar teams in War over Beirut, but I'm just trying to take it step by step right now. Thanks for your assistance and I'm in no rush so take your time if you can get to it. base_mission.miz
  10. I'm going to assume it's not possible for player controlled units. Looking into it further, the controller class looks to only apply to AI. I would love to be wrong because it would be an awesome tool to use in creating missions. Is there a event that happens when a unit is detected by a player?
  11. Really went above and beyond for me. I really appreciate it. I think I'll just stick with what you've recommended here for now. Right now I'm just trying to add realistic military aviation comms and an better ATC to a mission and will build from there. If you have a specific recommendation for this I'll take it but if not I assume I'll just learn it eventually by reading. Podcast will probably actually help me since I'm not good at creating characters. I would love some stuff on geopolitical stuff. I enjoy creating fake countries for my conflicts so having a better understanding of geopolitical relationships would help set up a realistic scenario. Again I really appreciate the help. I'm pretty decent with the mission editor. It's just the story creation part is my weakest skill when it comes to mission making. Edit: just looking at the Osprey combat aircraft books. There are tons so thanks again!
  12. I'd love some recommendations on books and podcast channels if you don't mind. I'm sure they will only help improve my story telling.
  13. For example in a single player mission, say I want a player Kiowa to go scout the front lines and find priority targets for artillery, air strike and their own weapons. Is it possible to check to see if a unit is in the MMS? I know there are detection types of visual and optic, but in my short test I couldn't even get visual to work within firing range. I would greatly appreciate some guidance if it is possible, if not, then I'd like to know that too.
  14. ChillNG, If you don't mind me asking where do you get all the information to make missions more immersive? Do you read a lot of military related books and just grab information from there? I'm trying to find information to create my own stuff. I've always enjoyed how immersive your ATC is and of course I want to imitate greatness.
  15. Say I designate a target using coordinates to create a target to hit a building on the map(a part of the actual map). Will it stayed destroyed or should I make the targets static objects buildings? I assume I need to use static targets for them to stay destroyed but I thought I'd ask just in case.
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