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About _Hoss

  • Birthday 06/19/1957

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    IL-2 GB & Beta
    DCS Open Beta & Release
  • Location
    Hanford, CA.
  • Interests
    Building Computers, Field/3D Archery
  • Occupation
    Fully Retired, taking orders from COMNAVHOUSEPAC.

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  1. You can't have Iraq without the Tornado and the Jaguar.... just saying...
  2. NLR has a racing rig that looks just like the NLR FS Pro. It's called the GTtrack https://nextlevelracing.com/products/next-level-racing-gttrack/ they also put out more mounting plates for flight simming that will fit on this platform. Or you could just get a NLRFS pro and adapt it for racing.
  3. I like JZTwoCents Here is free software to uninstall everything in a program you do not want on your computer anymore. Revo Uninstaller... I paid for it to support this developer, and it works like a charm. I'd like to see him do an RGB version as well. Another one to control your fans Fan Control...............
  4. In TARGET, you have two options: SCRIPT or GUI programming, both of which will combine your controllers into one device. SCRIPT is nothing but programmed dx presses (joy1_button 5). GUI programming is keyboard emulation (Shift + X). I no longer use TARGET because of my mix of controllers, WW, TM, BH, and privately developed devices. I have a TM AVA base, F/A-18, F-16 sticks, Viper Panel, and TPR pedals. A WW PTO2, and Super Taurus throttle. A BlackHog A button box, and On your 12 Master Arm panel, K51 trim box, an FFGG AH-64 keyboard. When all I had was TMWH and Crosswinds, I loved using TARGET GUI in IL2 and SCRIPT in DCS. However, I like to keep as few background applications running as possible, so I stopped using TARGET when my hodgepodge of controllers became challenging to manage. I played with Joy2Key for a bit because it saw all the controllers, but its interface made it difficult to understand which one I was actually looking at. So I migrated to RSMapper, which was a godsend for me because Joystick Gremlin uses vJoy and Hid-hide, another two applications running in the background. With RSMapper, I can see all the controllers by name and do as much with it as with TARGET SCRIPT and GUI. Single key press, single press on release, TEMPO long presses, and Sequence macros But if you only want to see one controller in your game keymapping screen, then by all means, use Joystick Gremlin, vjoy, and HIDHIDE. I still have TARGET and SimAppPro installed on my system for new driver and firmware updates, but they are not running any programs or scripts. I still use TARGETS Event Tester to see if my programming is putting out the keystrokes I have programmed; you won't see dx presses on it. I use dx (joy3_button2) direct programming in-game for the easy stuff, but I like RSMapper macros for use on buttons and momentary switches or commands when a non-momentary switch is released, on/OFF.
  5. I don't understand how the fighter plane that served our highest-scoring USAAF ace is not in the game. The P-38 would fit the current ETO and future PTO maps, and the P-38J or P-38L would do the job nicely. However, the current I-16 and future La-7 will be in it without any relevant period map or WWII asset packs for the Soviet Union. This is the main reason I will not purchase those two modules; for me, it's a complete waste of my money. JMTCW......
  6. I think I joined AG-51 in 2008 or 2009, during the Pacific Fighters era, but we have been simaniac amigos since then. We love our planes to have Sea Legs and Tailhooks. I'm eagerly awaiting Combat Pilot, as I know Razor is.
  7. Please don't listen to Razor. He's an ex-Army Egg Beater pilot, and he's crazy. Razor really wants an Avenger...... Most of the pilots hated the SB2C (Son of a Bitch Second Class). But I still want it, too.
  8. I have been experimenting with the TDS axis on the throttle, setting it up so it isn't overly sensitive and it works great.
  9. F9F Panther, F9F Cougar, F2H Banshee, ... and the FJ2/3 Fury..... for Carriers F-84 Thunder Thunder Jet for the USAF.
  10. I was sitting in my shop W/C-64C, the DECM shop on the USS Constellation, the first time I watched Final Countdown. I wasn't all that impressed with it. Don't get me wrong, it was fun to watch what the ship's crew was doing. I was also on the USS Enterprise in 1985 with VA-94 when they came on board to film TopGun. We were doing our workups for the 1986 WESTPAC. And... I worked for Boeing at NAS Lemoore when the film crew showed up to do TopGun Maverick; we were located in VFA-122's Hangar MOD. I wouldn't mind an FC4 level Zero, Betty, Val, Kate, SBD, and Avenger. I prefer a full-fidelity P-38 for PTO and ETO. I'm waiting to see what Jason brings on his initial PTO release. Most of us have a buttload of controllers now, so finding buttons and switches to control a WWII-era plane should not be a problem. ATI(AW/SW) USN ret. 77-97
  11. They are all good in their own way. I started with the same stick you have, then went through CH Controls Fighter Stick, Pro Throttle, and Pro Pedals. Then, I got a TMWH set up and replaced the Pro Pedals with MFG Crosswinds and then those with TM TPRs. I bought a BlackHog A button Box and two trim boxes; I'm using K51s trim box now. I also have a TM Viper Panel, WW PTO2, WW Super Taurus Throttle, an On Your 12 Master Arm panel, and FFGG's AH-64 keyboard. I now have the F-16 and F/A-18 Sticks on a TM AVA base with either a 100 or 200-cm curved extension. The one thing you need to keep in mind is how you are going to control them... TM's TARGET, GUI, keyboard emulation, or dx SCRIPT. In-depth axis controls. Firmware updates. WW's Sim App Pro doesn't do much programming and has nothing for keystrokes without vJoy, which I will not run. Firmware updates. Virpils VPC software. JoyStick Gremlin (I believe it uses vJoy along with HidHide) Joy2Key is very basic but gets the job done. I use RSMapper, which sees all the components I have hooked up. I have multiple profiles, one for Jets and one for Props, each holding the A/C type I have mapped. I can do commands on push or release, TEMPO (long press), Chain Events, and Axis to button. These will come in handy in games where you can't use the mouse to engage buttons or switches. This is the kind of mess I'm talking about. I have since torn all this apart and am getting an NLR FS Pro. I needed my office back. I already have the new computer built for that setup. I sent the other trim box, Virpil CP#2, and another Master Arm panel to a buddy in Jolly old England. The TMWH, Crosswinds, and a few other pieces are in mothballs in case any of this stuff goes tits up. Let's not mention all the MTSIM arms, adapters, plates, nuts and bolts, cables, and cable management stuff I have in some Craftsman totes. BRAIN STORM BEFORE YOU BUY........ (hindsight is 20/20). Measure once, cuss twice.... I do have SAP and TARGET installed to update Firmware if needed. I can also run TARGET GUI or SCRIPT with RSMapper to combine my TPR pedals, AVA base with stick, and Viper panel into one "Combined Device" for IL2.
  12. I want a Star Trek Holodeck... "Computer, Begin Simulation".......................
  13. Well, that's just Nuckin Futs....... LKAMU.......
  14. @Old Crow, are you a member of the Association?
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