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Everything posted by SwingKid

  1. Me too. The B is the tank-killer; the K is more of a bunker-buster. What does bunker-busting have to do with CAS? Do you have accurate references that the B has multiple magnifications? My understanding was that the B simply had a higher magnification than the A (but lower than the D, and thus shorter range). IIRC we were told that a few years ago by an A-10 pilot then serving in Iraq. Wait, are we talking about Bs or Ks? -SK
  2. Optical seekers are short-ranged by nature. 1-2 nm was the typical employment range for AGM-65A/B. The AGM-65D IIR Maverick has a zoomable magnification that might be more useful at longer ranges. I think what you are seeing is one of the reasons that the USAF was originally determined to retire the A-10. It is arguably only with the shift in modern warfare, away from superpower conflict and towards bombing weaker opponents in unopposed conditions of friendly air superiority, that the A-10 has continued to be so successful. -SK
  3. Ещё как-то трудно представить. Для ориентирование, мне лёгче провести точными положениями маленьких ручьев, чем неточными положениями гор и лесов. Реки в ЛокОне уже имеют достаточно вопрос, имея почти однородную ширину, и недостаток в искусственных дамбах и электрических станциях, которые являются интересными навигационными маркерами: Моделировать реки изменения размеров на всем Кавказе - большая задача. Например, расположение вес города Сухуми, с разделением его различных частей, определено у маленьких рек, которые не оформлены в ЛокОне: Не будет более эффективно, концентрировать точность деталей в местах там, где пользователь проведет большинство времени, визуально ища военные цели? Интересная тема! -SK
  4. Спасибо за перевод! Какая тема... Такой энтузиаст природа, серёзно интересуется orienteering, компьютером в квартире? Ну, ладно... :) Я интересуюсь городом Сухуми. Предложил бы его "ремонтировать" к уровню детализации Севастополя в ЛокОне. Сухуми может стать "центр мира" - и цель кампании, и красивая турбаза. А на инете есть много карты, фотки, итд. етого города. Здесь будут танки в моем кампании большую часть воевать - нам надо реалистических здания, дорога, реки и мостов, итд. Вы уже видели эту книгу? http://www.skitalets.ru/books/abhazia_bondarev/index.htm -SK
  5. Single player only. AFAIK, Lock On does not support saving the combat results in multiplayer missions. It's still an alpha. Each squadron only contains two aircraft for testing purposes. So, if you destroy a pair of Russian Su-27s and a pair of MiG-29s in your first two F-15 missions, Russia has no fighters left, and there are no missions to assign to your F-15 squadron. The game "fast-forwards" until Russia gets reinforcement fighters - usually about four days. During this time, your ground forces "advance" practically unopposed, thanks to friendly air superiority. Thanks for interest! -SK
  6. Finished already? :) New versions are made according to my leisure time. Probably 2-3 months before the next one. -SK
  7. Hey, thanks for this! I was wondering about those approach points for programming waypoints in my dynamic campaign. A few questions - (1) Are the player waypoint altitudes measured above sea level, or ground level? (2) What is the altitude of the AI approach start? (3) If the wind is in the opposite direction, does the AI still turn right toward the airport? (4) Are the distances really measured from the runway threshold, or from its center (icon)? i.e. what happens to these distances if the runway is shorter? -SK
  8. People seem to keep asking. Doesn't the wing-fold command already work for this? -SK
  9. А это включает и наземные объекты? Я интересуюсь более реалистическими целямы миссии, чем за рельеф. Особенно - электростанции, телебашня, итд. Радо бы готовил новый "фото-репортаж" с последним исследованием, интересует ли. -SK
  10. Извините... Кто-то может пожалуйста на английский перевести? Что такое, "спортивное ориентирование," и "наземные бродилки," зачем футбалу надо весь Кавказ? Valery спрашивает по тему реалистичные наземные объекты, или вообшая картографическая технология, или...?? Кажется интересно. Заранее спасибо, -SK
  11. Fixed, thanks. Link modified to point to the corrected version: http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~pavacic/lomac/skywars/skywars0_041.zip Campaigns started with v0.04 should still work with 0.041, without needing to start over. -SK
  12. Новая версия в0,041, исправлен баг: http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~pavacic/lomac/skywars/skywars0_041.zip Кампании сделани со версии в0,04 должни ещё работать с новом версии 0,041. Спасибо за интерес, -SK
  13. The missions are still very simple, but their generation is automatic. -SK
  14. Если терять свой русский или грузинский Су-25, после "четири день" должен приехать Су-25Т. -SK
  15. "SkyWars" is a technology demonstrator dynamic campaign program for Lock On v1.1 "Flaming Cliffs". Alpha version 0.04 is ready for those who would like to test. Please check the included readme file for instructions: http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~pavacic/lomac/skywars/skywars0_041.zip v0.04 is compatible only with v1.1, not with earlier versions of Lock On. It is, however, compatible with the third-party "NATO Airbase Merzifon" add-on - it is not necessarily to remove this add-on before running SkyWars. Discussion: http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/board/index.php?a=topic&t=63 Thanks for interest! -SK
  16. С релизом ГС, новая версия SkyWars, для тестирование: http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/~pavacic/lomac/skywars/skywars0_041.zip Работает только со в1,1 "ГС". Тема: http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/board/index.php?a=topic&t=63 Удачи! -SK
  17. Alpha 0.04 is almost ready for testing - very far from "all the code". Just enough incrementally new functions (i.e. driving ground vehicles) that it might have new bugs. Not to hijack this topic, to learn more just check out that forum. -SK
  18. Can't resist... warning... heavy gloating ahead http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/board/index.php?a=topic&t=61&f=11&min=15&n=15 Sorry. :) -SK
  19. "My brains, his steel and your strength against sixty men and you think a little head jiggle is supposed to make me happy? Hmm??" :) -SK
  20. Have you seen? http://lockoncampaign.com:8811/ http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=50115 http://forum.keypublishing.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=50116 -SK
  21. http://sukhoi.ru/gallery/showgallery.php/cat/all/page/61/sort/1/perpage/12/password/0/ppuser/whenterm/whenterm/ -SK
  22. If he has trouble with language, maybe he doesn't know what "ECM" and "HOJ" are. Ask him - what is the weapons load of the F-16? It has an electronic module on the belly? -SK
  23. That looks amazing! Assuming the radar is old enough. AFAIK it doesn't work against phased arrays or monopulse. -SK
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