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  1. Has anyone been using the C-2A Greyhound lately and is it able to take off from the carrier? I used have it working, now all it does is pull up to the catapult and never launches. Thanks for any info.
  2. Awesome work! You don't happen to have the frequency lists available as an excel sheet at all? Looking for a way to keep track of mission/theater frequencies and having this list in excel format would be a great way to reference as well as create lua tables to use in mission. Thanks for any info.
  3. Hi @Avantar Are there any plans to add the ability to use a modifier? Love the app so far.
  4. Ok, deleted the disabled.lua file as suggested above but still getting the UiLayer line in log file. Not sure what files should be in there that it's missing. Thanks for any info.
  5. Hi all, having an issue testing this software out. Just installed it for the first time. I run it, locate my saved games folder, it shows my available profiles, I click "Export Joystick Profiles' and then it just crashes and closes the app window. This is the error on the logs: 2021-03-03 08:04:43,390 INFO DCS: Profile disabled.lua has no joystick directory files 2021-03-03 08:04:43,394 INFO DCS: Profile UiLayer has no joystick directory files Thanks for any info.
  6. Just found this myself as well. Great work! Is it possible to somehow import all the current key mappings from DCS and select them for the buttons? For a basic example, in DCS 'G' is already mapped to gear toggle. So in RSMapper, instead of creating this from scratch, can we select 'Gear Toggle' for a certain button? Thanks for any info.
  7. Is this only useful for VR or can improved performance be seen when using monitors as well? Thanks for any info.
  8. So this can't be installed into the Saved Games\Bazaar folder? Thanks for any info.
  9. Hi, Just wondering if I'm missing something or not but is it possible to get OVGME to automatically query the repositories when you open the app? Don't see a way to do this so prob not. Thanks for any info!
  10. OK, thanks for the clarification. Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
  11. Is it possible to reply to chat in the twitch2dcs window? Thanks for any info. Sent from my SM-G973W using Tapatalk
  12. Sorry to bring u an old thread. Looking for an economic screen solution for my F18 DDIs, what would be the latest best practice? Thanks for any info.
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