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About DD_Fenrir

  • Birthday 05/16/1980

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, Il-2:GBS, Il-2:CloD
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  • Interests
    Aviation, music, history, philosophy

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  1. Likely culprit here is that your particular mission uses the Stennis; all deck crew (including catapult crews) have had to be disabled from the Stennis as this is the only Nimitz class carrier available to non-purchasers of the Supercarrier module and where previously it was possible for module owners and non-owners to use the Stennis, but the catapult crews to appear only for the former, a similar functionality for the deck crew director functions could not be worked out in time for the update, so, for now, nobody - even Supercarrier module owners - will see deck crew of any kind on the Stennis.
  2. H-60 Blackhawk of some description.
  3. Yo, ED, anyone listening?
  4. In previous patches prior to plane directors if you owned the Supercarrier module, catapult crews would appear on the Stennis as well as the other Supercarrier vessels. If you didn’t own the module the Stennis would allow you to cat and trap in the old pre Supercarrier style with cat hookups and launches performed using key commands
  5. Please note, that this, if it were a book filed in a library would be found in the fiction department. Spouting yet more excrement about which you know nothing again I see Pepin. SOP, eh? The DCS Great Anti-Russo Aircraft Conspiracy campaigners at it again. Seriously dude, I think your tin-foil hat needs an extra layer.
  6. Having just completed a PvE campaign with vCVW-17 on Kola map, one thing that could have added to the diversity of targets would have been Army bridging units; many of our targets were bridges to limit or slow the Russian advance. In reality the Russian forces would have had dedicated bridging units deployed to mitigate the effect of these strikes, and it would have been cool to have Pontoon bridge objects available to place next to these after a period of time to simulate the Russian forces putting these in place. For the PMP from my research it appears that the BMK-130 boat and variations on the KraZ-255 were used. BMK-130: https://mortarinvestments.eu/catalog/item/bmk-130m-russian-boat? KrAZ-255:
  7. That was your take away? Seriously?!? Lucky for us we have your razor sharp perspicacity *rolleyes* The fact that you conflate ED and Heatblur tells me you need more time to process and understand what is being said to you.
  8. As an added bonus, one of our Air Wings Hornets was actually hit and the airframe damaged by the flares during last nights ops, so extra bit o' spice for you guys! Avoid getting shot down In Close!
  9. What a mature and considered opinion. Oh, wait….
  10. Was using Phoenix in my squad's MP session last night. Here's the summary of the engagements, all AIM-54C Mk. 47. MiG-25, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 40nm, Launch altitude: ~35,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.95, 30° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-29, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 38nm, Launch altitude: ~32,000ft, Launch Speed: M1.00, 25° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-29, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 42nm, Launch altitude: ~33,000ft, Launch Speed: M1.00, 25° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-23, Hot @ ~32,000ft; Launch range: 40nm, Launch altitude: ~36,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-23, Hot @ ~32,000ft; Launch range: 44nm, Launch altitude: ~36,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Track extrapolated prior to pitbull. Target survived. MiG-29, Hot @ ~28,000ft; Launch range: 35nm, Launch altitude: ~33,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Track extrapolated prior to pitbull. Target survived. MiG-29, Hot @ ~28,000ft; Launch range: 42nm, Launch altitude: ~35,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Target performed sliceback on missile pitbull. Target survived. MiG-23, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 41nm, Launch altitude: ~32,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-23, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 45nm, Launch altitude: ~35,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Target performed split-S on missile pitbull. Target survived. MiG-25, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 35nm, Launch altitude: ~30,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.95, 30° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-25, Hot @ ~30,000ft; Launch range: 39nm, Launch altitude: ~33,000ft, Launch Speed: M0.90, 30° manual loft. Target cranked on missile pitbull. Destroyed. MiG-29, Cold @ ~8,000ft; Launch range: 9nm, Launch altitude: ~12,000ft, Launch Speed: M1.10, 30° manual loft. Target break turn on missile pitbull. Target survived. That's a 58% Pk. Admittedly this better than it has been some evenings, but just goes to show. My guess is that the reaction of the AI has a very substantial effect on PK; this depends on the AI targets skill and evasion settings. I still believe they are too omniscient when it comes to knowing when they are under attack but also exactly which sector the threat missile is attacking from and can be unrealistically precise in defeating missiles.
  11. Wow. It’s this kind of pig ignorance that reminds me why that the world is as messed up as it is. Nice attitude by the way. I particularly like the way you think this makes you some kind of leet operator and somehow better than everyone, when in reality what’s actually happened is that you have biblically failed to understand some fairly basic and intrinsic properties regarding lenses and field of views. But I guess being “right” and feeling superior to everyone else is more important to you than actually understanding something.
  12. Whilst I agree that for objects outside of the cockpit to be rendered to the "correct" scale requires the in game FoV to match the FoV of your own physical monitor/seating position geometry setup, you are neglecting to account for a critical capability of the human eyeball; peripheral vision. By dismissing "panoramic" views your a denuding yourself of sensor scope of aquisition and hence situational awareness. The fact is a single plate 2D monitor will forever be a compromise in gaming; you are stuck between "soda straw" option to allow true scale of objects outside of your vehicle or a "fisheye" view that allows for the true range of human visual perception, or a compromise between the two. Fortunately DCS allows for cockpit camera FoV to be manipulated by a slider so you can, if you have the appropriate hardware, have access to the entire FoV range and choose what is the best balance for you at any one moment. Ultimately only a high resolution widescreen VR headset and the necessary horsepower to run it will provide both true to life visual scaling and a wide FoV at the same time.
  13. There is. DCS has a locked to vehicle free camera that can be positioned anywhere on the airframe using WASDQE. It’s accessed by Ctrl+F2. For fine control press and hold Ctrl whilst using the WASDQE keys
  14. @NineLine Could we have some news on the units that were slated for inclusion in the WW2 Asset Pack at release but are currently still outstanding some 7 years after proposal? These include: Avro Lancaster Hawker Typhoon Bf 109 G-6 B-24 B-25 B-26
  15. To be honest the entire layout of Deanland is ahistorical in Normandy 2.0, it should look not dissimilar from the other ALGs like Chailey or High Halden:
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