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About Sarge55

  • Birthday 12/01/1956

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS & Falcon BMS
  • Location
    Richmond, Canada
  • Interests
    Flight Sims, eh?
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  1. You’re doing something wrong then. I got mine the next day.
  2. Thanks for confirming my observation of being overly dramatic.
  3. That’s what they are doing, in court. That seems a bit dramatic about destroying the “community”.
  4. Doesn’t it auto correct to the correct elevation based on TED when entered?
  5. After reading a thread in the F-5E forum about skins it seems that ED has taken some steps to protect their IP which resulted in the community unable to make skins anymore. So, it maybe awhile until you see an RCAF skin.
  6. Love to get a Jag even before the F-104.
  7. One year or ten years, until this is resolved the reason stands. You’ll just have to realize that and live with it I guess.
  8. I would be interested in hearing how that is different from any other for profit company.
  9. ED and RAZBAM are having a contractual disagreement which is being handled by lawyers. This means there is no development work by RAZBAM on the F-15SE until it’s sorted out. The Harrier is done though. The Mirage F1 is by Aegis not RAZBAM so you’re good there.
  10. lol… sounds good. Vacations are always worth it. Enjoy.
  11. A mystery indeed. Perhaps try creating a new basic mission with a cold start and see what happens.
  12. Have you assigned a switch/button to the guard? If so, there is a setting in options to have the cockpit set up to match your hotas and button settings. Check to see if that was selected. Although, if you haven’t fiddled with your options recently that may not be the issue since it’s only started recently. Hope you figure it out.
  13. Have to agree with Jef, I'm looking forward to the La7 but the Hellcat will be an instant buy. Long since given up on the Corsair as vapor ware...
  14. Might have something to do with the waypoint numbering systems. The Chinook may be different from the ME. One starts with 0 and the other starts with 1. Just a thought.
  15. Ah, thanks. Thought he meant it was going to fail (crash and burn).
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