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About Daze

  • Birthday 09/22/1994

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS: A-10C, DCS: P-51D, F4 BMS, RoF, IL2: CLOD, IL2: WoP
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming, Gym, Running, Cycling, Aircraft, Reading
  • Occupation
  1. That's a bit rude... The OP doesn't explicitly state that the Typhoon will be released after the F-35. The language used imo refers to it being released later from now. Ie current time + undetermined time frame. It could be next week, it could be next year. That's the height of the information we have until an update from Heatblur.
  2. The negativity on here is crazy. But I suspect it is the minority that is the loudest. You don't need to buy the plane and you don't need to fly it. I'm sure servers will limit it where necessary to maintain the experience for its regulars. This is incredibly positive imo. I started flying DCS right when the A-10C first came out back in around 2011 I think. To think where it has come in this years is hard to believe. The talk back then was a 3rd party Mig-21 to be the first "fast jet" in the sim, and now we are well and truly spoiled with the selection we have. If ED didn't take these massive leaps then we would still be flying just a small handful of aircaft. So I have to respect it. Personally I'm most excited by the Typhoon - and I think this talks to my point as well that there will be an aircraft for every one to get immersed in. All this will do is bring more attention, customers and ultimately funding to ED, allowing them to continue doing what they're doing in allowing us to live out our fantasy Imagine where we could be in 10 years time...
  3. What kind of support from the community would it take to speed the development process up? Just a thought...
  4. I don't record to an SSD or have 32 gig ram and my videos are stutter free.
  5. A couple of photos I took of the Reds yesterday: High Res:
  6. ^ That's what we need! An OH-58 or an AH-6.
  7. RIP bud!
  8. No way is that worth 1200 euros. I don't even think it's worth 600! Seriously! The i7 920 is 5 years old, 6850s are like 3 years old now as well - and they weren't even great cards to begin with. You could build a FAR, FAR better PC for about 8/900 euros that will run modern games much, much better.
  9. :doh: Forgot to check which forum this was in :D
  10. If memory serves me correctly it's the yellow handle between your legs... ;)
  11. I think 75k in 2 weeks is a bit ambitious. I really hope they make it though. Good luck!
  12. Why would I buy a DCS product to play in game mode?
  13. If only I had £1 for every time I've answered a poll/question like this one on here...
  14. Ahh, I thought from the one black outer circle on the mod that they were PVS-14s. Sorry for the confusion.
  15. I'm not having a go at you but I know that your VFG is big into realism and following real life SOPs so isn't a monocular PVS-14 mod, which are considered ground nods and aren't used in aviation, counterintuitive?
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