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Everything posted by Beast

  1. After updating Voice Attack to v1.8.5 (& Viacom to latest?) and Simple Radio v1.7.7.0, my DCS 2.5.6 wouldn't load past 10%. I deleted my DCS folder in my saved games folder but the problem persisted. I ran DCS_updater.exe repair which fixed the problem. - It looks like something to do with the scripts folder causing issues.
  2. I see a shudder when the engine spools up. Great effect, maybe add that to things like firing the gun, missile launches, touchdown, and airflow seperation, and speed brake deployment. Obviously at varying degrees of shake and shudder. it really boosts immersion in my opinion.
  3. Training Campaign? Recreation of BMS training missions?
  4. While ED is about it, could I get a grease pen to take notes/draw some reference lines on my canopy? Maybe a good kneeboard (not a pop up) as well.
  5. I updated to and since then I've been having issues. Is it just me or do other people have the same problems. - DCS freezes when turning on Hornets MPCD after cold & dark start in some missions. (Training Day) - Waypoints of Hornet campaign missions are way off. (OCA) I'm still testing to find more details on the issues I'm having. I have done a repair of DCS, no change.
  6. There I am, in a high G pull into lead persuit, tracking for a gun shot, I half press the trigger and open the gun gas deflector doors in anticipation of my shot. There it is! I squeeze the trigger and the guns light up, and my windscreen fulls with smoke from the guns. The deflectors have done a great job keeping my engines from ingesting the smoke, but it has completely obscured my view and ability to track my target. Does no one else have this problem? Seriously bad design. How can you see what you are shooting at? No, seriously, how do you guys get any gun kills?
  7. Yeah, I cant seem to get past the first engagement. I've changes the practice missions AI to notch up to excellent with each engagement, but still cant get past "Hard". I hate to give up on the Campaign, but the AI are just too good. I was hoping these missions would teach me to fight BFM and ACM.
  8. Tearing my hair out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Thanks. Crisis averted. Frantically downloading Open Beta.....at 1.7MB/s!!!!!!
  10. Bad time to ask this now, but will it run on or do I need to change to an open beta version?
  11. Dehydrateing from excessive drooling.
  12. Solved If anyone is still having problems, this is what I did to resolve a "No device detected". After upgrading my TrackIR software to the latest 5.3 I found it no longer recognized my TrackIR4. It just said "No device detected" I opened Devices and Printers in control panel, under unspecified I found my TrackIR4. Right click > Properties > Hardware > properties > Change settings > Driver > Uninstall Then unplug the USB, and re-plug in. Windows searches for drivers, I just cancelled the search and accepted all the doom and gloom warnings, but the TrackIR5 software recognized the device and now all is working and happy. I'm running win7 64, with TIR4 and TIR5.3 software.
  13. Had to check in and make sure my favorite podcast was still alive. I found it a bit late and then binge listened which was a bad idea. Now I have withdrawal. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  14. Are there any training missions for the TTQ or just the campaign? Also could you recommend any additional reading material?
  15. Login problem resolved Very helpful! Thanks. fixed it for me. I think the flushdns was the key point for me. I was unable to login to module manager or the multiplayer. It kept saying my user name or password was incorrect. ED suggested delete a file: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\cookie.txt if the first way does not help you delete this file and after try again C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Config\network.vault But that didn't work. I then tried Sven's advice and problem solved.
  16. Does anyone know if it is possible to have the in game radios set up like the TARS radios, so UHF uses both audio channels, while AM and FM only use 1 audio channel, left or right. I would love to have JTAC in my left ear, ATC in my right and AWACS in both, just to add a bit of sense of multiple radios. :music_walkman:
  17. Nuf said! Poof, and my wish is granted, ... somewhat.
  18. Ok, I've traced the problem to the TARS plugin. I tried older versions of both TARS and TS all with the same results. Everything works fine until I activate the TARS plugin in TS, then suddenly my PTT stops working, it's like its not registering any keystrokes when its activated. If I then disable the plugin and restart TS, everything works fine. There must be SOMETHING Im doing wrong since no one else is having this issue. Im running TARS, TS and using Scroll Lock as my PTT. I tried the Keyboard & Mouse only drop down, and ensuring that my personal profile is activated. In my TS Plugin menu I've selected 3 options, AppScanner, ClientQuery, and TARS. Any other ideas?
  19. I would like to see a mod to be able to play as an AWACS controller. Im not talking about flying the AWACS, Im talking about a controller. It would seem like a simple mod to make. (No idea really) A player could have a radar image of the airspace and vector air assets and give information to other players. Maybe later add a UAV terminal option to control the UAV and hand off targets to ground attack aircraft. I think there is a lot of potential to add more playability and immersion to the DCS world and cooperative multiplayer integration with this, with not a hell of a lot of programming. (again no idea) - Find enemy aircraft - vector MP friends to intercept - re direct other MP friends to relieve/help them - take control of a UAV and act as a FAC - hand off targets - provide BDA - re direct MP aircraft to priority targets etc. Check out LotAtc. Thoughts?
  20. Thanks, I tried that but will try it again.
  21. With such a great program like TARS out there Im amazed at how difficult it is to find a good setup guide on how to get started and integrate Teamspeak. Anyone have one? Anyone able to give me a play by play of how to set up TS and then TARS and how to use in DCS A-10? When running the basic Teamspeak I cant get my PTT to work. It works in the test, but not on any of the channels. What key would you all recommend I bind to the PTT? Sometimes TS doesn't recognize my key bind. Running TS v3.0.10.1 and TARS v 1.0.2 B4
  22. AFT02 night refueling and landing in the rain storm was a challenge. I flew about 3 missed approaches. Then I hooked my wingman and told him to RTB. I then lined up the HUD hook symbol (my wingman) and the final steer point symbol and flew an IMC formation approach, then just try not to hit your wingman on landing, he tends to slam on the breaks! I have no idea why the ATC likes to make you take off in one direction and land in the opposite, often we are landing with a huge tailwind. Edit: I also failed the first attempt because I forgot the Pitot Heat, I would have floored the IP!
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