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About MPalmer

  • Birthday 07/04/1975

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World 2.8 (Mainly Open Beta)
  • Location
    Middle of Texas
  • Interests
    Virtual Flying/Air traffic controlling

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  1. Thanks for the explanation! So the update actually made the aircraft more compliant with the real airframe. okay then...back to the 'pit to relearn it. So the remarks are...Correct as is!!!! Lolololololllloooolllloooollllo!!!
  2. The flight Dynamics are off from the previous build...i need a better reference then someone saying it...like a manual page number. that I can pick up and read. I had the case of transmission/engine meltdown for the exact same weights 3 months ago...which I was famously dubbed, "flaming burrito"
  3. at a 90TQ hover after making the airframe overweight. I ran a repair and retried with the same results.
  4. With keybinds on the Extend/Retract of the landing light, they appear to animate inverse to them.
  5. I did a forums search, and nothing of this is mentioned by polychop...so no notes as well by Eagle Dynamics. What I do know is I lost most of my key binds, and I could not re-bind CH DN on the Collective, and position lights on the overhead (and a few more). The MMS behaves erratic (does not stow), then it says stow complete but does not move to PREPT or FWD when commanded, and to boot....this was not an Early Access Module.
  6. Polychop OH-58 received a bunch of updates...but are not in the notes.
  7. When creating a single file for patches, you get overlap with other areas.
  8. Same, the pitch axis needs a little more fine tuning...No feeling greater then coming out of F10 Map view and not seeing any blue sky!
  9. marvin.palmer https://files.digitalcombatsimulator.com/userfiles/f05/id99s89az675po6jlpk5f6iez7050p54/2-135_GSAB.zip
  10. marvin.palmer https://files.digitalcombatsimulator.com/userfiles/896/k9j2ufsd0qn2r7txcbhmz3hxild3kjed/2-149_GSAB.zip
  11. Getting back into dcs and helos...so I am looking forward to the CH-47F. Thanks for keeping the masses updated, I know I appreciate them!
  12. Did not enjoy the music, could not turn it off
  13. Switch to a night mission with a full moon....Not gonna spoil it
  14. This is a new issue, why did you delete it? You cannot see the board numbers at all. the previous issue was for LOD 3 or 4 or whatever...this one is the up close 2.7 displayed them, however 2.8 does not
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