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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Missions do have names, displayed at Briefing--> Mission Planer--> lower left corner. This is just for information.
  2. Countermeasures on auto drops your Flares and Chaff if any Missile Launch is detected by the MWS Missile Warning System, even Friendly Missiles Trigger it. So you might be empty on CMS before reaching the Target Area.
  3. Didnt notice you are back under a different name. Enjoyed your A10 A+C Videos last year, and will definately enjoy the new stuff i missed. Thanks.
  4. Plane selection screen comes up, if you placed Planes in the mission editor with skill set to Client, not Player. Its for Multiplayer purpose to get the Plane selection windows when joining a server.
  5. In the last video at ~7:50 he turns on ground stabilization, resulting in the Shkval camera standing still and displaying range in the HUD. Just tested, you dont have to be smooth flying to keep it stabilized. Can you check, in your flight, if maybe you see range in HUD Display for a very short amount of time after pressing "Enter" "Button8". My only guess is maybe the button recognizes somehow a double click (stabilize on/off) or it has a double mapping, else i have no clue what can result in your described behaviour. The A10 A in your Signature, does it react on your Lock button and stabilizes its maverick sensor on the ground?
  6. Habe damals immer Munition nachgeholt beim Kampagne zocken, allein zu Übungszwecken, während man Jahre darauf wartet das die Panzer ihre Route beenden..
  7. can you show me the Link to the Video you watched? Maybe you are ground stabilized and waiting for the auto snap on target, which may happen at closer range?
  8. Tested the mentioned unguided Bombs Training Mission, and for me the Enter and the corresponding mapped Joystick button ground stabilize the Shkval as intented. Ground stabilization is "Target Lock" in options of Su25T, do your commands work in the options and are highlighted when pressed?
  9. Danke dir. Wie immer blitzschnell reagiert. Freu mich jetzt schon auf Feierabend. :)
  10. Hallo Wollte gerade eine entspannte Feierabendrunde drehen, aber auf dem Server Free Fight ist Intruder Alert und eine nicht enden wollende überlaute Sirene tötet mir den Nerv, wie werd ich die los?
  11. I add a screenshot displaying the Issue i wrote on page 1. Its the same like on top of this page from "Hope". After Game restart, all was fine again, The loading bar " list is populated" in Control Screen does not show up everytime properly, so it looks to me. click for large Image
  12. Might be the same i got today, started the game, went to Controls, all planes empty, no vertical or horizontal columns, no Text, not even the functions on the left, just blank window. And no Loading bar as i entered the controls page. I can imagine that if i had launched to 3d World, no ESC key and nothing else would have worked. Restarted DCS (Click on exit still worked) and everything normal.
  13. there are no further options, if you press maybe F10->F3 : SEAD F16 , all that is happening is a radio call like "(flight name) Pushing from Waypoint 2" means they re leaving their orbit pattern and start to engage. Listen closely to the radio.
  14. From my knowledge (played that campaign twice) 75% of the missions there, were like: Start -> Orbit and wait for AI flights to be on station ->F10 call in Sead and CAP flights -> F10call in CAS Choppers after Sams and Air Threats are gone -> Kill Armored Units with own A10s and let the F10 own Tanks Push forward to take their Goals (winchester , utah and the like they are called)
  15. Kann keines der oben genannten Phänomene bestätigen, und während den Tagen wo ED hier im Forum angekündigt hat, das der Master Server gewartet wird, hab ich was anderes gemacht. Ich mag den Server, komme gerne vorbei.
  16. watched the track, you slewed to the strela , locked too early nearby Tank had better contrast for Mav seeker, so it snapped on that, you failed to reslew again to lock Strela instead. 2nd Mav shot you were closer and Mav seeker snapped to the now better visible Strela.
  17. Had something similar, i was in snap view RCtrl num0 and centered TIR. Try in normal view.
  18. Maybe use force Correlate mode if the mav snaps to a nearby vehicle after locking. (Did not play the Mission)
  19. Su-25 Introduction (Part 1) Su-25 Introduction (Part 2)
  20. Klasse, ich sag Bescheid wenn noch was auffällt, teste ja fast täglich dort im Rahmen meiner Möglichkeiten Edit: A10-C #3 Blue side explodierte im Hangar gleich nach dem Briefing Screen, Keine Ahnung ob es an der Missi oder am Spiel selbst liegt. Kollege vom ~NB~ Team wusst gleich was los war.
  21. Kleiner Report noch: Die Su25T im Ramp Modus auf blauer Seite, stehen mit Maschine "an" im Hangar, ohne Beladung. Ich dachte Ramp wäre eher der kalte Zustand.
  22. My guess is, the server will only send a command to the client saying, Labels allowed or not, which will result in the Client using the clients parameters in the labels.lua. No file transfer.
  23. Hello Does anyone else having problems with the Forum Function " show first unread message" ? Example: I started reading the "Wagdate" Thread up to page 10 this morning, went to breakfast, restarted the computer, opened the Wagdate thread again on page 1 and clicked "show first unread" and found myself on page 15. Having a wild guess, users were typing up to page 15 in the time i read from 1 to 10 so the forum thought my next message to read is on page 15 maybe? Help appreciated.
  24. tested some scenarios here. Check if the numpad is activated, if not you can only toggle on front panel. Check if you have RCtrl + Numbers mapped. Check if you did your mapping in A10-C Sim if playing sim mode.
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