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Everything posted by CEPEGA

  1. I always thought it‘s just a reminder to the pilot. I see no issue here
  2. At wich speeds are you engaging them? They won‘t activate if your speed is to high to prevent damage.
  3. There still a way to make it like Hornet training missions, they are duplicated - training missions in Caucasus, and same missions in Nevada.
  4. Its called ICS Volume (1 on the picture)
  5. Похоже что проблема с ctd после обновы касается не всех. Летаю на коте часами в онлайне и делаю всё что люди описывают после чего у них игра отрубается, но так и не смог заставить игру свернуться. И по чату в игре видно что некоторых игроков на ф-14 выкидывает а некоторые как и я часами летают без проблем
  6. how can i tell Jester to set radar in XMIT mode? I mean in sp you just jump to Jesters seat and activate it, but you can't jump to Jesters seat in mp.
  7. it is like it should be, gyroscopes are drifting with time and when pulling high G's. Also depends on if you got fine ins alignment before takeoff or not
  8. as far as i know, the laser code can only be changed on the ground before takeoff in DCS Tomcat
  9. Yes it works, but it seems to work only for 4k resolution, in 2k i see no difference to fullhd GUI scale
  10. У КС-135 есть корзина? :huh:
  11. а я в корзину даже попасть не могу, как то непривычно со штангой с правой стороны :) На Ф-18 и Су-33 без особых проблем в корзину попадаю, хоть и не всегда с первого раза.
  12. to be honest, i like this position and size even better then the "original" Jester-wheel. This way you still have good sight in front of your plane. I got used to it, and have no difficulties selecting options there with TrackIR
  13. Try to switch from F-14 wallpaper to any other wallpaper. I changed it today to Mi-8 wallpaper and now DCS quits on exit without the blackscreen freeze.
  14. As pilot i always use TV camera when attacking with dumb bombs or ZUNI rockets. The camera is always pointed at the point where your IP piper is actualy located. No need for a LANTIRN pod here
  15. это не зомби а кошка вместо пилота. Типа пасхалка :)
  16. It seems i found a solution. Changed wallpaper to Mi-8 and game quits like it should, no more freezing black screen on game exit. I guess every other wallpaper other than F-14 will do the trick too.
  17. Flying now for two hours (sp and mp) with no CTD. Jester is active and talking UPDATE: still no CTD after hours of flying in mp No idea if it is related or not, i disabled hypertreading in bios this morning
  18. I agree, this would be nice to be able giving comands to a human RIO if he not using voice communication
  19. To answer the question, yes. Just turn on tv mode and it will show the area where the target designate rectangle is pointed at
  20. i confirm that, but on my side it was happening in singleplayer
  21. Never had problems with NWS in tomcat on my side. Only one time when i accidently activated gear lever and took it back in gears down position
  22. I had the same problems with unguided bombs in computer target
  23. I had to abort my air refuel attempts because of laughing, when i heard him saying „may the force be with you“ after i missed the basket again :megalol:
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