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Lao Fei Mao

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About Lao Fei Mao

  • Birthday 11/15/1977

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  1. -----It's true. I found and got sick of it as a beginner. Then I never disengage the NWS during taking off or landing, all work well especially if your stick has a axis wheel brake like the VKB's.
  2. Or use the bigger VRAM video card, GTX1080TI, RTX2080TI.....
  3. The syria is the only maps consuming all my 11G VRAM, it might be the reason you are talking about.But I didn't feel obvious stutter. So the bigger VRAM, the smoother it is.
  4. MAC should be an expansion and an update of FC3.
  5. Did you check it in editor?
  6. 开加速器,速度一般也只400K。直连尝试了好几个早上,大多次低于10K,只有一个早上突然飙到5M。诡异的更新服务器.....当初还是不该从steam转过来,现在转回steam要重新买模组,巨亏,只能忍了,半年更新一次算了....
  7. 晚上回去试试,我也是用了autoexec.cfg限60,GTX1080TI显卡,波斯图经常50fps,还以为这地图比较吃显卡......召唤Uboats大神来回答!
  8. Thanks for sharing, best tutorial indeed.
  9. The shimmering can't be removed unless you have a high resolution VR, such as 4K/eye. You may try the Pimax 8KX VR.
  10. Four Dimension Creatures Intervene
  11. ------He's lied. I have both Sumsung 860evo and 970evo, there is no obious difference on loading time, maybe 970evo is 1~2seconds faster. The obious advantage for a M2 NVME is its tight size and installment without extra cable in your case.
  12. Your hope is everyone's hope, but I am not optimistic about all the goals ED've set. Improving core needs manpower, but make no money. New module needs manpower, and have income. So ED gotta balance between them.
  13. -----You'r right.After all ED is not a big company, with limited manpower. So I constantly bouht some modules to support them, though some I might never touch seriously。
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