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Everything posted by kaltokri

  1. +1 I would like to be able to spawn hidden groups by api, too.
  2. Zur Not hätte ich noch ein Exemplar (Version 1.01) bei mir als PDF rumliegen. LG kaltokri / Rolf
  3. Windows Defender delets the new version 37 if I try to extract it. All older version don't have this problem. Defender call it "Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml" maybe it helps. Virustotal says 0/62 (expected result )
  4. This is great! I searched for it since month and was not able to find a way to start it. Thank you very much! In my case I start it from a tool I created in Python. I needed to wrap it in a cmd: cmd.exe /K "start ms-holographicfirstrun:" Maybe this will help others, too.
  5. Thank you! I moved all Presets to the new folders and did it also for the Default. So I deleted the Options.lua in the Default folder and now it works!
  6. I'm not able to use the new presets. If I use Default, then DCS starts, but if I use another Preset I got the following error: Informationen über das Aufrufen von JIT-Debuggen anstelle dieses Dialogfelds finden Sie am Ende dieser Meldung. ************** Ausnahmetext ************** System.IO.IOException: Eine Datei kann nicht erstellt werden, wenn sie bereits vorhanden ist. bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) bei System.IO.File.InternalMove(String sourceFileName, String destFileName, Boolean checkHost) bei Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.CopyOrMoveFile(CopyOrMove operation, String sourceFileName, String destinationFileName, Boolean overwrite, UIOptionInternal showUI, UICancelOption onUserCancel) bei DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form1.PRESET_ON() bei DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form1.LAUNCHDCSMAIN() bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) bei System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) bei System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) So I can't use the app until I got an information how to solve this issue. I start the add with Admin Rights.
  7. I was confused about the Presets in the new version. It doesn't use the existing Options.lua.Preset01, ...02 etc. files anymore. Instead the files are placed in the Presets subfolder (e.g. Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Presets). This is a cleaner and better way. Thank you SkateZilla!
  8. The "old" version doen't support it and the new version is not released yet. Please do not ask how long it will take until the release, because it is postponed. SkateZilla is on it with high pressure and it takes as long as it takes. We are all waiting eagerly for the new version.
  9. Hi CaptJackG, sounds great. I've send you a pm.
  10. We have a waiting list for F/A-18C course series in German. If we reach 5 people we can start the next group (Number 12!). F-16 will take some time for creation. F-15E: No plans to create courses or trainings yet. Apache: Every Tuesday is a Helicopter Training. Just chat with the rotor head guys in our Discord.
  11. Hi BitMaster, we are a flight school and not a squad. It depends on the aircraft you want to learn.
  12. A little update: We are still around! The OFS recently had its 6th birthday . 5 groups of A-10CII training and 11 (!) groups of F/A-18C training. Rough estimate we have 40 students in training now. And that doesn't include the 1on1 training in WW2 through Knauf and the weekly F-14 & helicopter trainings. Preparations for an F-16C course series are already underway in the background. But this will still take some time. We have a hard time to find tutors for courses in EN. The material is already translated and prepared. I hope we find some volunteers soon. If you are willing to teach people the A-10CII or F/A-18C with prepared slides (theory) and practical lessons, then don't hesitate to contact me! We are also open to cooperation with virtual squadrons.
  13. Mal ein kleines Update: Uns gibt es immer noch! Die OFS hatte vor Kurzem den 6. Geburtstag. 5 Gruppen A-10CII Ausbildung und 11 (!) Gruppen F/A-18C Ausbildung. Grob geschätzt haben wir jetzt 40 Schüler in Ausbildung. Und da sind die 1on1 Trainings im WW2 Bereich durch Knauf und die wöchentlichen F-14 & Helikopter Trainings nicht mit eingerechnet. Die Vorbereitungen für eine F-16C Kursserie laufen im Hintergrund schon. Das wird aber noch etwas dauern.
  14. Really nice Setup, but not every one is able to build such stuff. Also I think your setup works, because you use momentary switches. So you don't have the actual state of the switch mapped to physical reality. I stepped away from non momentary switches, because it has its drawbacks. So your solution is a smart way and a good Trade-off to get as much benefits as possible without all the problems of a "real" phsical cockpit. But it also depends on the module someone wants to fly and if all needed keybinds are dilivered.
  15. Manche Leute berichten von einer leichte Performance-Verbesserung andere haben kleinere Probleme. Ist halt wie immer wenn was neu ist sehr unterschiedlich. Ich nutze weiterhin opencomposite, weil ich den Updater von SkateZilla und seine Profile nutze und keine Lust habe umständliche Workarounds zu bauen. Irgendwann werden sie das wohl in die Optionen des Spiels mit einbauen. Ein neue Einstellung für die VR-Umgebung und eine für Multi-Multithreading. Dann werde ich es nutzen.
  16. Create two batch files in your dcs-Installdir\bin with the content below. Make shortcuts at your desktop and activate "Run as administrator" (needed for mklink) Now you can switch easily. 1-enable-mt.bat cd /d <replace-with-your-install-path>\bin IF NOT EXIST DCS-st.exe COPY dcs.exe DCS-st.exe IF EXIST dcs.exe DEL dcs.exe mklink dcs.exe ..\bin-mt\dcs.exe pause 2-disable-mt.bat cd /d <replace-with-your-install-path>\bin IF NOT EXIST DCS-st.exe COPY dcs.exe DCS-st.exe IF EXIST dcs.exe DEL dcs.exe IF EXIST DCS-st.exe COPY DCS-st.exe DCS.exe pause
  17. That was the first thing I've tried. But DCS crashs if I start it. @EDIT: I tried it again and now it works. WTF. That's great! Thank you. mklink dcs.exe ..\bin-mt\dcs.exe
  18. Good news! Command line tool will be enoght. Everyone who is able to install and configure a server should be familiar with cmd, too. Also I think SkateZilla will add a button in his new tool for sure. Is there an ETA for the command line tool?
  19. Any idea how I can use the profiles of your tool, but force usage of OpenXR with the hotfix of today? --force_enable_VR --force_OpenXR
  20. Any chance you share the code? I have some similar requirements for my OpenFlightScholl project. I've got one training mission created for A-10CII, but I need it for F/A-18C, F-16 etc. too. Because we are limited in mission editor to place one plane to one parking area, I can not create a multi plane all-in-one training mission in the way I want it to do. In IL2 on each parking position a mission builder can choose which planes are available. I hope this wil come in dcs, too. Because of all the planes, which will become available in the next two years, it will be nearly impossible to create an online univeral training mission which includes all planes and helicopters. But a lot of beginners are search exactly this. @NineLine Is it planned to be changed in future versions? Until that enhancement is delivered by ED I try to compensate it by maintaining one training mission with A-10CII and find a way to build variants with some kind of "search and replace" method to generate the same mission for F/A-18C, F-16 etc. Other variants I need to create are different time and weaher conditions. But I found the tools from VEAF which can do it. I hope I can use then in near future, when I understand them. I hope we will get a way to change date, time and weather within the mission by some kind of triggers. I would make my (dcs) life so much easier. BTW: Now a conversion tool from BS2 to BS3 would be great, too.
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