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About Adakit

  • Birthday June 30

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS A10c, Huey, Mi-8, P-51d
  • Location
  1. My T.Flight Hotas just broke down... so I need a new Hotas :(
  2. 1st bet Fishbed will win 30:25 2nd bet Tiger will win 29:28
  3. I want to go to Las Vegas and crash every module I own in the lovely dirt of Nevada :p
  4. I hope I'm not too late, too! It may be released, but my download isn't finished yet :P
  5. I know of a german translation of Buck Danny I read as a child, or is this a special release that was never translated?
  6. I had a look on this list here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_von_Milit%C3%A4rs/M but I couldn't find him/her. The Signature seems to be something like "E. Macal ...", nobody I know.
  7. Adakit


    A collective order for printed manuals would be great. Is something like that already planned?
  8. Thank you for the reply. I'm looking forward to the update!
  9. Whether this was the official update or not, it would be great to watch this stream as a video for those who missed it. Thank you for your hard work!
  10. I guess they are avoiding multi-seat aircraft because we cannot multiplay the same aircraft at the moment. Belsimtek wants to implement this feature for the Huey and Mi-8. This just takes time to implement. Maybe after we can play aircraft together we will see a multi-seater from ED. I personally am still hoping for an A-6 Intruder. (Please, anyone?)
  11. I'd like to see an A-6 Intruder in the future. Must be a joy to launch this bird off a carrier together!
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