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Everything posted by NFI_841bird-29

  1. What proof do you have that you were shoot down by the Chinese with cheated and not because you were a newbie?!And we haven't heard of any of the cheating you're talking about, so you seem to be a master of it!:lol:
  2. UVAF=VUF+SG+SH+DW? 你怎么不把所有乌克兰人都算在UVAF内? 你们在2019年3月2日的SATAL2019报名贴是怎么写的,忘了么? 我截图提醒你一下 另外,在2019年11月9日比赛,你们前后两局都用了什么战机?是否一致 顺便,提醒一下至高无上生杀予夺一言九鼎的Moltar大人,这该怎么办理? Why don't you count all ukrainians in the UVAF?:megalol: How did you write the SATAL2019 registration sticker on March 2, 2019? and Is it consistent in hole SATAL season? Let me take a screenshot to remind you In addition, what aircrafts did your team use in the first and second rounds of the match on November 9, 2019, UVAF vs inSky By the way,remind,the sovereign Lord of all things,Lord Moltar, what is to be done?:music_whistling:
  3. 各位稍安勿躁吧 打汉子的时候确实很多*,确实影响沟通,尤其是不在TS的时候
  4. 俺知道这是个让人不愉快的话题,但现实是作弊经常发生,请教各位大虾给介绍一些防作弊方法,好像1.5.2正式版之后serverman不好使了。
  5. 我们服务器也有这个问题, 一出去就搜不到服务器了, master好像还连着,但是不重启就没法看到,真是蛋疼
  6. 除了打开10308端口还要把把DMZ开启
  7. 联队/中队名称:NFI 网站主页/论坛主页地址:http://www.nfifly.com/portal.php 服务器名(IP:端口): 服务器在线时间:固主 活动方向:综合战役,空优,对地 联飞通讯软件:TS地址:, 密码: QQ频道:138581229对外交流群
  8. 感谢U艇和小伙伴们的辛勤工作,俺点赞了
  9. inconceivable AIM120B These screenshots were ACMI at the 104th server yesterday, the player launched AIM120B, shot down the first plane immediately out of the 50 nm away, then the same way to shoot down the another plane.
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