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Everything posted by giullep

  1. no..i activated the fcr in the mission editor...dont work absolutely
  2. how can possiblke that it stuck..after i press from pinned to norm..i wait (the Bit?!) but nothing happens...
  3. i tried to change the skin to default skin..but nothing
  4. ok i saw it but nothing to help me, now i used the custom skin..but nothing fcr doesnt bit.trk
  5. Thx anything can help. Sorry, How can view the track?
  6. don start of the whole. Posted in the editor, tested dozens of times. I access the weapons page, I press on norm, the bit doesn't start, if I press on fcr nothing happens... since the fcr came out I've never been able to see it in operation. I did a repair but nothing. img 2126 press mma from pinned to norm: ok img 2127 it stays like this and nothing happens.. the bit should start (I also waited by compressing the time..): nothing track3.trk
  7. dont start of the whole. Posted in the editor, tested dozens of times. I access the weapons page, I press on norm, the bit doesn't start, if I press on fcr nothing happens... since the fcr came out I've never been able to see it in operation. I did a repair but nothing. img 2126 press mma from pinned to norm: ok img 2127 it stays like this and nothing happens.. the bit should start (I also waited by compressing the time..): nothing track3.trk
  8. secondo me è un bug (almeno per me), ho provato un repair ma niente...dovrebbe fare il bit una volta passato su norm ma non succede nulla... track3.trk
  9. Il mio problema è che quando passo a norm non succede nulla…se premo fcr idem..(il bit non parte..)..boh
  10. I will try..but it seems that when i push to norm nothing happens..thx
  11. In other mission i have wait for more and more time..nothing happens!! Nothing change..
  12. I know this..i saw wags video, but i tried to wait more and more but nothing: after i press to norm: nothing happens, i can only switch to maa, the other button are useless (FCR..) i made a repair but nothing... first 2 Photos are from Matt's video, thee last 2 mine: it seems that is corrupted, the buttons are ineffective and different from Matt's video
  13. scusate, ma una volta aggiunto l'Fcr nell'editor non riesco ad accenderlo...imposto maa (da pinned) su norm...ma il tasto fcr non me lo fa accendere...
  14. Hi guys, hi put an ah-64 with fcr in the edito, to try it. But after i press in maa to swith norm if i press fcr doesnt happen anything..i cant open the fcr page? what i mahe wrong?
  15. Yeah.. but i don’t understand what i do wrong…boh
  16. No.. i have configured it correctly, and in pilot seat it is good
  17. i tried but honestly FOR ME is unplayable..every time i switch from cpg to pilot i have problem...boring and frustrating...and for this, i dont like make this, but i will use another module
  18. I dont move largely my pedals…i only touch they…i will check anyway next time. Thx
  19. i be in hover before switch to front seat, then hover in cpg and when i returned in pilot seat and touch the pedals...go down........ track3.trk
  20. I will try to hover in pilot seat and then go to the cpg (hand over active), set george hovering, next fire some missiles, and then return to pilot, correct?
  21. but why if I, as CPG, order George to hover... I fire the missiles and other things and then I go back to the pilot, as soon as I touch the controls I lose control? I was still and stable, then when I switched to pilot I also trimmed but nothing
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