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Everything posted by K4nnix

  1. Hey, We need own Helmets on our Pilots ! Thinking about a customizeable PNG,JPG File that is linked to each Pilot/Account.. What do you think..
  2. I personally would love to see the ns430 in the yak.. Its the best aircraft in the game for real world training/learning, so why shouldnt you learn how to operate and fly with a gns430 since its pretty much standart in the real world on small aircraft..
  3. I took more screenshots of this, timeperiod was about 4 minutes, seems a bit too extreme for me maybe he just nailed the "sweetspot"
  4. Dont know if this is a known bug or so, saw this for the first time
  5. To give a quick info on the incident With that damage i flew home about 120km going supersonic, plane was kind of stable, wanted to roll to the sides all the time but i could be trimmed out.. At the carrier, i couldnt go below 250kts because i had NO LIFT at all and left/right roll was barely controllable so i steered the aircraft over the carrier glidepath and dropped it with ~230kts pretty hard on the deck, was falling like a rock.. -> Need to mention, i activated the Flaps, even tho im missing all of the Leading and Trailing Edge Flaps it effected the Aircraft handling by A LOT to the worse Comparing it to other damages that i had in other aircraft, it felt like I was "actually/physically" missing ONLY the outter Wings (that you can Fold up) it didnt felt like how it actually looked Maybe just a Bug thats showing wrong "visual-damagemodel" to actual "physics-damagemodel"
  6. Loving it ! If i look at Screenshots 2 years ago it almost looked like Flanker 2.0 lol
  7. The poor mig21 pilot doesnt even get the kill :megalol: Chillin on the rooftops :music_whistling:
  8. Heyo, I cannot find a workaround for this, you guys need to help me. How do I install Groundtextures or Mods in general on the latest DCS 1.5 version ? If I do it the way it used to be I'm getting the "your game is modified, cannot join server" when I try to go into Multiplayer, what happenend ? How to I install mods now ? cant find any topics about this and shure im not the only one having this kind of trouble..
  9. I really love flying in DCS world, its the best sim out there, by far ! But what i really am missing is some immersion for the player, flying the planes feels so sterile.. - Aircraft are flying too much "on rails", we need something like ezdok camera.. I know that there is/was a camerajitter built into the game but that wasnt really what i mean - How about some fogged glass in different altitude/weather or even better !! raindrops when flying in rain or clouds.. Even tho it might be somewhat unrealistic compared to reallife flying, we are still stitting infront of a 2D screen, and immersion is what makes a game fun..
  10. Just for the record: I use a little Trick for the iPad since it really is a struggle to get them on your device via iTunes.. I send the Files from my PC via E-mail to my own E-mail adress, yes sounds weird. But after that, i can open the E-mail on my iPad to view the PDF, then i just click "open in iBooks" and viola, the PDF is in your iBooks Library.. See it like a "pre flight preparation" before every mission.
  11. Worked for me ! Thanks very much !!!
  12. I am just wondering how Multiplayer will work in future on Normandy map since Map & Assets are sold seperately.. Lets say I want to join a normandy multiplayer server for ww2 fighting, and the server has the assets, do i need to own both to play on the server ?
  13. Mission 15 needs some rework imo..
  14. Hello guys, I've made a Pegasus 11 skin for myself to fly the campaign and i want to share it with you guys, maybe someone likes it.. - Grey Huey with alot of Wear, looks pretty ****ed up - Argo Emblems - Pegasus 1-1 on the Front, Pilot names below the windows - Pilots have Blue suits with grey helmets - Alot of small things here and there Just unzip, and drop the "Bazar" Folder right in your DCS folder thats it, replaces the default greek uh1 skin Protip: I flew the campaign also with starways desert textures for caucasus, very nice feeling ### Downloadlink: Pegasus11K4nnix.rar
  15. I think the same way.. I had no Problem flying mission 8, really ez flying just patience and focus, but this Mission 12 made me sick, i almost crashed into the ship several times cause of the weather, really hard imo..
  16. Heyo, bought the Argo campaign today and i have to say, gorgeous work ! I am in mission 6 now, and just wondering, on mission 5 my Maj told me to fly over the Alpha factory, and after that over the UAV something.. To be honest, i dont see these spots visually. Factory ? Every single small ass town on caucasus has like 5 factory buildings with chimeys, i cannot see any difference or anything special about "Factory Alpha". Looked at the map, 3rd person view, nothing. The UAV thingy on Mission 5, idk if it was a bug or not, but Maj said something like "We have the UAV Station north of us, you see the UAV's ?" = I didnt see an UAV station, nor do i saw any UAV flying.. I've read every Briefing, had the pdf's on my iPad while flying and couldnt make those things out, maybe should add some Pictures of it in the briefings or atleast introduce the spots somehow, i dont think i missed anything yet informationwise
  17. I was at the Tannkosh Festival 2013.. At the last day on the evening sunset they did a contest. 1 min who can do more loops ? the Bo105 or Matthias Dolderer in one of his Raceplanes ? It ended up both doing the exact amount of loops and since they had no idea how to determine a winner it was called a tie.. pretty impressive how the pilot controls the Bo105, he slid the Chopper thru the grass to the Parking position like 30ft next to me..
  18. Well, i acidentally killed a teammate, on the same flight i was deep in enemy zone and got engaged by a M2k, he launched at me, directly turned the tables and R73ed his ass.. seemed to be a friendly aswell <.<" got kicked for that, how long is the ban ? just got the message " autokicked due to blablabla" FeelsBad:(
  19. I am in the mission right now, I called in Pontiac / UH60 to pick up Schaeffer but the helo just wont land.. hes hovering above the farm not doing anything.. There is a Truck and a Car at the farm, the car is destroyed and burning, maybe thats because he isnt landing ?...
  20. Okay I found a way around. FYI, i took the missions from the campaign and put them seperatly into the mods/aircraft/a10c/campaign/EN/TheEnemyWithin, now i can select the missions manualy thru the Missions-Tab in DCS.
  21. Just installed 1.5.5 and wanted to continue my campaign but unfortunately my whole game is reset to default, even the Campaign is inactive.. Dont wanna spend a whole day to refly all missions.. Somebody has a Savegame for me ? I just finished Hammerfall Part 2 yesterday..
  22. Heyo, Its Friday evening and a new Patch just came out with some imo important fixes/additions.. but all of the sudden, all my settings are gone, most important all my controls are default and also my campaigns are also reset to inactive/0 missions flown.. Is there any way to fix this ?
  23. Heyo, I just wanted to share my experience because it may be something the Devs should have a look at.. I have installed Win10 64bit on my C: Drive (SSD), Dcs is installed on the same SSD-Drive.. Also I have a second Harddrive D: (HDD) with 1TB for storage, no Dcs related files are on that drive installed.. However, if i run DCS, my game is suttering pretty hardy, everytime i look around, feels like the game wants to load textures or models or some stuff and cant handle it properly.. In that state the game is unplayable for me but I just found out why that is.. My second Harddrive (which has no relation to DCS) jumps around at 90-100% Load all the time when playing DCS causing the stutter/freezes.. Yesterday I just plugged out the second Drive and see there, the game runs like never bevore, not a single stutter, just flawless.. I dont know why that is, but i have this only on DCS, no other game does that to me.. Is there any report/Log that i can record that you guys need ?
  24. Slightly OT: In the Su27 training it says that if you lock somebody with the EOS, and then turn on the radar to check if he is friend or foe, the enemy plane will not get an lock.. is that true ? if so, is this also a bug ?
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