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  1. It works great now Kh25 missile in Ka 50 . Thank you
  2. I had problems with the trim and reading the manual says: Cyclic Trim may not function correctly if the ‘Force Feedback’ checkbox in OPTIONS > MISC is not correctly set. and that solved it my trim problem
  3. make sure you don't have it activated Force feedback option.
  4. I must rectify, yesterday i made a mission and it was indestructible I do not know why. Just tried and everything's normal.
  5. I agree.I am very thankful for enjoy this wonderful mod But for example I don't think this is normal. shoot 8 Vikhr to a precious M2A3 IFV and stay intact. But apart from that thank you CH.
  6. I have placed in the editor one TOR Mk2 and and I cannot destroy it with anyone anti-radar missile not even with 4 released simultaneously , all are intercepted. Also I see attack T-90S with mavericks and LGBs is useless. I'd really appreciate some advice. Thanks
  7. Rapax

    Store target

    Great! I have just tested it and it works, I didn't know that. Thanks FlankerOne
  8. Rapax

    Store target

    Hi all could someone explain to me how this command works from pilot seat? TADS Store Target I can't understand how it works. Thank you.
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